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Meet the Press (Part I of II)

Posted on Tue Apr 2, 2019 @ 10:37pm by Captain Maritza Soran & Civilian 'Arrival' Avis Larant Ms

1,586 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Commander Soran's Office
Timeline: MD04 1300


When Claude had brought her the request, Maritza's first response had been, "Hell no."

Claude had said, "I think it would be fun. Plus with all the things going on, maybe a little...transparency.. might be a good thing?"

And she had given him a look, and sent him off to the QM to chase up the updated dilithium supply status. But the idea has percolated, twisted around with the frustration of what to do with Caleb Ryan. And she had agreed.

Which was why her yeoman was leading a young woman across ops to her office, where he had already set a chair out in the otherwise bare office, devoid of features and personality, just the desk and her own chair.

Claude came up the stairs, and the glass doors opened. "Miss Larant, Commander."

Maritza stood and held out her hand to the young reporter. "Pleased to meet you."

Avis had definitely been surprised when she had been granted this interview. She was new afterall, a basic unknown, plus she did not work for the well established FNS but the upstart newer Interstellar Investigations Network. But here she was getting an opportunity to talk with one of the station's big shots. No way she could pass that up.

Avis flashed her very best public relations smile as she shook hands with the woman, "Thank you, Commander. It was very gracious of you to grant me this interview. I trust you do not mind this being recorded?"

She fished out of her pocket a small communicator which could do just that. It was of course considered polite to always make the prospective interviewee aware of such a thing. Admittedly she had not always followed that protocol though.

"Not at all." The commanders tone was very formal, agreeing out of politeness than any real enthusiasm. "Where would you like to start?"

"Thank you," Avis nodded, pleased at their excellent good start, granted it was early.

"Well, while this is hardly the pressing issue given the excitement over Pangaea, I think I will get this out of the way first. One of your ranking officers was filmed hitting a member of the press. As a newcomer, I take it this is not a regular occurrence on the station and what steps have you taken to see that it does not happen again?"

Soran tried not to look like she was chewing wasps, "You're right. Its not a regular occurrence, and I would point out that Mr Riviera was deliberately provoking Commander Ryan by implying he was complicit in the murder of his wife. I am speaking with JAG at the moment to determine a course of action that recognizes the seriousness of the crime, the responsibilities of his rank , and the fact that he was provoked. I should also point out that Mr Riviera has refused to make a statement to security, despite an invitation. Whilst the decision to press charges rests with JAG, his lack of co-operation indicates to me that Mr Riviera acknowledges his own part in this unfortunate event."

Soran hoped that the young journalist would leave it there.

"That does seem to indicate Mr. Riviera is less than enthusiastic, I agree. However just maybe he is being pressured by someone - his employers or even the authorities - into this reluctance? I'm sorry, that's not a fair question as you can hardly be expected to know that answer.............I suppose," Avis pointed out. Though the commander was certainly ONE of those authorities.

She paused then just in case she had hit a nerve but if not it was time to move on to the events occurring on Pangaea. Far more people would be interested in that than whether some local news media hack got punched.

"If Mr Reyes is experiencing...pressure," Soran said icily, "It isn't coming from this office."

"Ahh, that is certainly reassuring then, Commander," Avis responded, hard to tell really if she was being sincere or sarcastic.

Time to move the interview along though, Avis now abruptly shifted topics, "Perhaps you can tell me about the latest events on this fantastic new planet, Pangaea? What exciting new discoveries are being made down there?"

Some of the news certainly was not good though one could still argue it was exciting but she wanted to hear how much those in charge were willing to be open about all the goings on.

"Its early days," Maritza began cautiously. She was torn between protecting the new planet and wanting to see it thrive with a new generation of explorers. "The first research base is now officially open. Its mission is to investigate the quantum stability of the planet, ensure its safe for further settlement, as well as examine the artifacts and locations left behind my its former owners."

"When you say open, can you clarify? Open as you are allowing visitors down there? Would the press be allowed access if, say, I wanted to take a first hand look? Would videos be allowed?" she pressed.

"We've started taking applications for research projects from federation citizens, and those sponsored by other governments. The first groups are there now, though at this early stage most of it is on ensuring that the resources of the planet are stable, and nothing is likely to slip across dimensions. In another few months, once we are reasonably sure of its stability on a quantum level, we'll expand again for new projects, and a larger population." She wanted to make sure that got out here after meeting with Lasuma and the others. Maritza would keep her word for more commercial opportunities as well as scientific ones.

"That is good news, everything going smoothly then. Excellent, so there have not been any setbacks or incidents then?" Avis continued.

"Would I be able to apply now then? I mean of course once things are you said..stable on a quantum level," honestly she couldn't wait to get down there and was already considering how she might possibly sneak down there if she had to. That would take more research though into the level and competency of the security around here.

"Well, for now you'd need to be doing some sort of scientific research. But " She caught herself, she needed the colony to work. "I'm sure if you asked Dr. Wells, she would give you a tour. Wider population expansion may be someway down the road. But it is on the road."

Avis wasn't a scientist so that wasn't going to work but suddenly the other woman came up with an appealing idea.

"Oh? Dr. Wells, you say? Sounds like someone I should talk to then. I'm wondering, could you give her your blessing or approval or whatever might improve my chances of her agreeing to this tour?"

"I will ask her to render the appropriate assistance." Soran agreed. "But the choice of what she shows you us entirely hers. She has responsibility for that project and knows better than I what is most interesting, scientifically."

"Of course, I understand completely. I would still appreciate whatever you can do for me, thank you," Avis nodded.

"Moving on then, how would you characterize current Federation-Cardassian relations, well at least in this sector know locally?"

Soran carefully hid her surprise. There was a question she hadn't expected. Had that slug Turvan stuck his oar in? "Cardassian-Federation relations on DS5 have been... strained for several years," She finally admitted. "My predecessor, Captain T'Vaurek also struggled to find common ground with the representatives of Cardassia. They have taken an unnecessarily belligerent approach to Command here, something that I know Captain T'vaurek had hoped to see improve once Tharek Getal was recalled, but his successor, Legate Turvan has proved just as bad."

"Cardassians are not easy for anyone to deal with. I had a very unpleasant interview with one once I must admit," Avis revealed.

"Though from their point of view might the relationship be tainted by the destruction of their vessel by ours not that long ago? Granted you and I know it was a renegade crew."

"The Svikiri incident was an abhorent attack by a lunatic fringe who managed to inveigle themselves into a disturbingly secure area of Starfleet. And whilst I sympathise with the Cardassians loss, I will not hand over federation citizens to another government without due process, and actual proof being properly demonstrated and queried in a court of law."

"Yes, I completely understand and I believe the Federation is acting in good faith to show that it was not their fault but the you say...lunatics. You are right to refuse, agreed. Do you believe this fringe has been rounded up or is dead in their entirety or is this an ongoing issue?" Avis now asked.

Maritza pressed her lips together, knowing she had to choose her words carefully. "The key mutineers decided to die on the Svikiri, rather than face justice. But to do what they did, they must have had significant assistance, and there have been other unfortunate incidents here, and we continue to pursue leads to find those individuals who only want to use violence to express their frustration."

"Yes mass suicide, I will say one thing for them. Misguided they may have been but they had discipline and faith in their cause," Avis conceded that much.

"Are any of these you are pursuing on this station?"

To Be Continued

Commander Martiza Soran

Avis Larant
Investigative Journalist


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