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A Proposal

Posted on Sat Jul 6, 2019 @ 2:14pm by Civilian Jason Haines & Charghwl'IH of the House of Soval

2,508 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Klingon Embassy - DS5
Timeline: MD 12 - 1300

Jason entered the Klingon embassy, carrying himself with confidence as he didn't want to appear to show any weakness to the Klingons. He carried a bottle of bloodwine, circa 2276 that he had gotten from Connoisseurs. It cost him a fair amount, but he figured bringing a gift would at least be a courtesy that might be remembered even if the ambassador said no to his proposal.

A Klingon guard stopped him and said, "State your business."

"I am Lieutenant Jason Haines", he replied. "I have an appointment with the ambassador."

The Klingon looked at him with derision, pressed a button and said something Klingon. After a discussion with the Klingon who had answered, the guard said, "Wait here. An escort will be out shortly."

Jason nodded in response.

Charg had only just returned from the negotiations with the Imersa. While successful he had yet to get over the arrogance of the people. To top it off the Bajoran negotiator that had accompanied him had insisted on informing Moritza himself; which omly peaked his curiosity.

Tossing his cloak to the aid that had just entered. Bring me food...some qul DIr and...

The aid interupted. "My Lord, there is a Federation officer requesting to see you. Lt. Haines."

He stared at the aid with a frustrated growl. "Very well. Get enought food for two. pIpyus pach (pipius claw), wamwI' Ha'DIbah (hunters meat),Qagh, Hurgh, ro’qegh’Iwchab (Rokeg blood pie), the qul DIr...and a fresh baggett." He had always liked Terran French breads.

Taking a seat he began rearrenging his desk to make room while he wait for his guest.

The guard didn't waste any time getting Jason to the Ambassador. Jason didn't know what he expected of the area but somehow he expected different. When they made their way in, the guard saluted.

"My Lord, Lieutenant Haines", he said.

Nodding to the guard Charg rose and motioned for his guest to enter. "Come in Lieutenant."

Seeing the bottle in his hands, the corner of his mouth curled slightly. "So are you trying to bribe me with a gift or get me intoxicated hoping to get some information from the new Ambassador?"

"Neither", Jason replied simply, placing the bottle before the Ambassador. "My father raised me with the simple rule that if someone gives you their time, you show appreciation, as time is one of the most valuable things someone can give you. Since you have honored me with your time, I wished to show appreciation."

Bowing his head slightly, "I am Honored. And let it never be said the Charghwl'IH was not a proper host. Sit."

Stepping to the a cabinet next to his desk he retrieved two Klingon goblets and placed one before his guest. After clapping his hand together sharply he opened the bottle and poured the wine as food was brought in an places before them.

Taking a seat, Jason said, "Thank you Ambassador."

He hoped his stomach could handle the Klingon food as he had decided against any sort of medicine to prevent nausea. If it had been found out he had done it, it would be seen as a sign of weakness. He'd rather be sick than set back relations because of that.

Placing the bottle aside and lighting the candle for the qul Dir. "So what can I do for you Lieutenant?" Seeing a bit of hesitation on his face he smiled. "Are you familiar with Klingon food?"

"I have not had to opportunity to eat with Klingons,sir", Jason replied. "I look forward to it though. One way or the other, I am sure it will create a memorable moment or two. As far as why I am here, on Pangaea there is an issue that I think maybe needs a Klingon touch and in return, I think I can save three of the Klingon families here some travel."

As was typical there where no utensils except those need to serve, cut, or were others needed for a unique dish. Taking the two pronged skewer he stabbed and lifted a piece of flesh from the bowl of alcohol. "Well there is not standing om ceremony when it comes to Klingon food so dig in.

He poured his guest a tankard of bloodwine. "I'm intrigued. What is it you propose?"

Holding the skin over the flame it burst into flame and Charg popped it into his mouth as he awaited the officers reply

Jason followed suit with the food. A moment after he had popped it in his mouth his eyes started to water a bit and he just muttered, "Spicy."

After taking a sip of the bloodwine, which only enhanced the sensation he forced himself to focus on the real discussion and said, "Well, as you know there is something on the planet that tried to force its way into the science labs and gouged the doors pretty good. After doing some investigation, I believe this creature looks a bit like this".

He slid the ambassador a padd.

Charg looked ad the padd as the Lieutenant interesting creature. If his guesstimate was correct it would be a glorious hunt.

"Now, given that none of our sensors or tridcorders can detect it", Jason continued, taking more of the meat, not wanting to give the Ambassador the impression he couldn't handle. "That means, more traditional manners of hunting must be taken. That said, there are few amongst Starfleet who participate in real hunts anymore. Unless I am mistaken, you have three teenage Klingons on the station that are of age to take their first right of adulthood. I am thinking, this might be an opportunity for them, except their have to be some non-traditional restrictions to the hunt. I believe the restrictions will only add to the challenge and glory they should receive if they are successful."

He popped the meat into his mouth, this time eating it without taking a drink.

Setting the padd aside he had filled his plate and was washing down some pIpyus pach (pipius claw) as he finished. Tearing off a chunk of bread he was dipping it the the qagh as he spoke. "This creatue, if your estimate is accurate may be too much for the inexperienced, and I only say that because you know so little about this creature. We nothing of it...other than it doesn't appear on your sensors. It could be sentient for all you know. Has there been anything discovered about this creature?"

Jason replied, "There is more information about the area and what we believe is some historical clues to the creature, but nothing definitive. Our theory, based on soil samples in the area being so dissimilar that it might not be of this dimension and perhaps even time. We also believe there is a possibility for it being sentient so, we would like the hunt to be non-lethal if at all possible. I know that this may be a daunting task for them, but the challenge would be distinct for sure. Also, from what I understand at least one proctor so to speak is sent with the individuals as witness and to recover bodies if necessary. Lest you think we are unwilling to put skin in the game, I am willing to go as a proctor."

He followed suit and took some of the pipius claw.

"While a nonlethal hunt defeats the purpose of the ritual, it does add an addition difficulty. Especially not knowing the creatures physiology. I will speak to the initiates."

"I would be honored if you would as I know the request is a bit unusual", Jason said. "And if they take it and are successful, I will buy all the bloodwine for them to celebrate with."

A wide grin spread over his face at the offer. "Excellent!! And you will accompany me on the hunt...even if not used for the rite, one of these creatures need to be taken so you know what we are dealing with."

"Ambassador, you truly honor me and my family to allow me to learn to truly hunt at your side", Jason replied. "I hope one day I can repay that honor."

"Well this was your idea. It is only fitting that the one organizing the event participate. And by keeping you with me their is less of a chance of you getting killed." With that he let out a good laugh and pour the Lieutenant another glass.

"What is life without the chance of death", Jason said, raising his glass to the Ambassador.

Their metal tankards banged together sloshing bloodwine. "Spoken like a true warrior! But for now let us eat, drink, and talk of battle."

Jason smiled, took a drink, and said, "I think you will be the one doing most of the talking Ambassador. My life has been relatively battle free to date."

"Really? I had engaged the Jem'Hadar even before completing my training in the KDF. Then during my first, after graduating from Starfleet Academy I fought and kill a huge flying tiger like, though about three the size, beast that had attack me and my awayteam partner. Its skin covers the floor in my chambers back home. Now that would be a proper hunt...knowing that you could be the one being hunted."

"The closest thing that I have had to a battle to date is that I thought I knew better than my father when we were scuba diving and I managed to swim into a group of jellyfish. The jellyfish let me know in no uncertain terms, via their stingers, that I was not welcome there", Jason said. "I am lucky to be alive."

"Jellyfish? Well Earth does have some very aggressive species I'm sure you acquitted yourself with honor. Though being here on the outskirts you will eventually cut your teeth in a real battle. Not so long ago, Lord Da`nal, the head of the House mine is pledged to once defended this station from a Romulan attack with only a handfull of smaller ships at his command. And with the Cardassians here and up to their old tricks...there is something stirring in the weeds."

"Given everything I have read before and since coming here makes me agree entirely", Jason said. "And now, the weeds have to be beaten so what ever is stirring comes out."

The Ambassador washed down his last bite as tossed a bone to the table. "Yes, but the first thing to emerge may not be what you seek."

Quite true", Jason said. "But one has to start somewhere. And without action we don't have a chance to find what we are looking for."

Lifting his glass he stared across the flame with a grin. "Ahhh but to strike too early would be to to show your hand. So, like a hunter....we must wait for the proper prey."

"Your words have much wisdom", Jason said lifting his glass in return. "I ask you to consider this. Sometimes showing your prey the hand you want them to think you have can be just as productive as waiting."

Nodding his head with a broad grin. "Don't confuse hunting with poker..." Taking a healthy draw on his glass, "do you play?"

"I've been known to lose a hand or two in my time", Jason said with a smile. "What about you Ambassador?"

His glass stopped before returning to the table and he laughed heartedly. "Well...I know now that you bluff."

"When it is strategic to do so", Jason replied. "If you bluff too much, two things happen. First, it loses its impact and people expect it. Second it makes people doubt you, as they begin to wonder just how far does your bluffing go."

"Very true. And to answer your question I have not had a proper game of poker since my time on the USS Eclipse and then again on the Merlin but that was some time ago...though I did manage to acquired quite the collection of alcohol from my shipmates."

"Well, we will have to change that sir", Jason said. "A good poker game is a good mental battle with a touch of chance thrown in as well as a good time with comrades."

"Agreed. Just let me know when you are putting a game together. But back to your original request.," pausing as he filled his plate again by grabbing a variety of dishes and tearing of another chunk of bread, "I will speak to my people tomorrow and I will contact you."

"I am honored sir", Jason said finishing his meal. He wasn't sure how long he was going to keep it or the bloodwine down after he left. "I am sure a man such as yourself has many things to tend to. You have given me much of your time and I don't wish to overstay my welcome."

"Nonsense! Good food, good drink, and the company of a fellow hunter is never waste. Besides running this place is hardly difficult." Glance at the array of food and drink he grinned. "Perhaps something...milder?"

"I would bring shame to my father if I let a little spicy food and bloodwine set me back", Jason replied. "So, if any of your men can play poker, we could play and hear the stories of victory."

His grin remained. "Unfortunately, my brethern find poker a less than glorious pursuit, but they would be honored to regale you with the stories of their exploits and the exploits of their ancestors."

Activating the comm his aid entered. "Gather the staff and bring more food! Our new friend here wishes to hear the stories and songs of the glory of our staff! Better yet! Contact the warriors on my ship and have the hall prepared for a feast for our guest!"

Bowing his head he departed with a wry grin to make the announcement and arrangements.

Rising from his chair he moved to a locker and tossed him a d'k tahg. "You might need this."

Jason caught the knife and checked the weight in his hand. Looking at the Ambassador, his left brow lifted slightly.

"I take it Klingon poker has some variant rules?" Jason asked.

Laughing Charg picked up his glass and drained it before speaking. "No...but a good feast always has an injury or two. Come! If you are going to hunt with my warriors you will need to prove to them you can endure."

'Way to go Haines', Jason thought wondering how badly he was going to get beat up while proving himself. He only hoped that his young age would allow him to continue. His longest recorded time of drinking and not passing out was five hours. They hadn't been drinking blood wine however, nor were there any tests of 'endurance'.

He finished his drink and said, "Here's to me only bending and not breaking. Please, lead the way Ambassador."

Lt(jg) Jason Haines
Chief of Intelligence
Deep Space 5

Charghwl'IH of the House Soval
Klingon Ambassador


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