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Cardassian Influence (Part II of III)

Posted on Sat Jul 6, 2019 @ 7:44am by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Charghwl'IH of the House of Soval & Miral Annhwi & Civilian Hydel Turvan

1,619 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: VIP Dining Hall - Cardassian Embassy
Timeline: MD 10 1930

Previously, in Cardassian Influence
"What sort of opportunities can you offer the Romulan Star Empire?" Miral was curious to see what sort of help he thought her people needed.

"The aftermath of the Dominion War gave Cardassia a chance to re-invent itself. We were forced to develop innovative solutions in order to secure our borders and to protect the welfare of our citizens both within our home system and other territories." He continued. "I'm confident there is much the Star Empire could gain from a cooperative relationship with us." He said.

And Now The Continuation...

Miral wondered why he felt the need to tout what he believed were the great accomplishments of the Cardassian Empire in the past two decades. She was not going to disabuse him by informing him that the Romulan Star Empire was well aware of what his people were up to. It was he who was unaware that other races were also making military and scientific advances of their own. But then, the Romulans did not feel the need to announce their superiority. They knew they were superior. But she did find if interesting to hear what he thought of his people's military presence. They managed to get the upper hand at Xi'Cadia, but there were other planets and other dilithium resources.

Gul Vashur quirked a brow in response to the Ambassador's praise of her leadership. She found it odd that he would take the opportunity to lavish so much appreciation on a subordinate. In the short time that she had known the Ambassador he had never portrayed himself as one openly celebrate the accomplishments of others.

"Tell me, Ambassador, how has your government chosen to respond to Starfleet's rather aggressive stake in the the planet of Pangaea. I would assume that the Romulan Empire was just as interested in exploring the planet as any other worthy government." Hydel said as he continued to enjoy his meal before him.

"Who says we aren't?" Miral asked. What she was or was not doing regarding Pangaea was none of the Ambassador's business. She was not displeased with the current scientific activities, however.

LIm carefully chewed her food. The research colony had been a decent win. They had as much almost as much space as Starfleet

Even though late, Charghwl'IH and his escort strode confidently into the Cardassian embassy and were shown to a dinning hall.

Upon entering the hall a staff member introduce thee Klingon. "Ambassador and Head of the House of Soval Charghwl'IH, of the Klingon Empire."

Charg's eyes moved to the Cardassian slightly they had obviously done their home work, but was the listing of titles an attempt to disarm him in some way? At any rate he bowed his head slightly to the Cardassian before turning his attention to the others.

Removing his cloak and handing to his escort he stepped closer to the Romulan Ambassador and their host. "My apologies for my late arrival. I was needed off station and only recently returned."

"I am glad you could join us," Miral said, nodding to the Klingon Ambassador. "I am Miral Annhwi, the new Ambassador for the Romulan Star Empire."

There was something familiar about this woman, he knew they had not served together but there was something... "The honor is mine. Tell me do you have any ties to the tr'Illialhlae family?"

She thought for a moment. "I've met members of the family, but I would not call that having ties. I've traveled a great deal over the past few years and met a good number of people."

Nodding once at her answer her. "I matter."

Miral raised an eyebrow, curious about his connection to the tr'Illialhlae family.

He turned to the Cardassians, speaking as he moved. "I hope I have not interrupted anything of importance."

Ambassador Turvan watched the pointless prattle between the Klingon and Romulan ambassadors as they attempted to feel each other out. Having done his fair share of battle against both species he was fairly familiar with their respective tones of mistrust.

Charg continued to what he assumed was his part of the table and sat, his escort taking a position behind him. Looking down the table to their host; "I assume, as there are no other delegations present, there is a specific agenda you have to present...or are the others late as well?"

Zariyah shook her head. "All our guests are present now."

Glancing at the Romulan Ambassador as he reached for the goblet before him, thinking to himself. ~Klingon and Romulan, alone, hosted by Cardassians...~

Miral raised an eyebrow. "And what is the purpose of this dinner?"

"This an opportunity for all of us to come together and fellowship with one another!" Ambassador Turvan said excitedly as the staff began to bring out the pre-determined meal. "It's so infrequent that we have a chance to gather without being under the ever-watchful gaze of the Federation." The Cardassian said as he took a sip from his glass.

"i believe it is especially important considering our mutual dependency on each other." He added.

The Romulans were not dependent on the Cardassians or Klingons, although the Klingons were useful. "In what way do you see us dependent on each other? As I am new to this part of the Federation, I admit to some...curiosity."

His suspicions only grew at the..jovial...nature of his reply, but his Romulan counterpart got in the first word. "As am I, our governments may collaborate from time to time but we are hardly dependent on one another."

"Weren't they?" Ambassador Turvan asked as he took a sip. "Was it not the Klingons that carried on the bulk of the war prior to the Federation figuring out how to counter-act the Breen's draining weapon?" He asked, already knowing the answer. "...and was it not the Romulans who taught you how to create a cloaking device, a device that has become the bedrock of your fleet's arsenal?" The Cardassian continued.

"We all have so much to gain from cooperating with one another, much more than simply serving as the Federation's allies of. . .convenience." He said as he took a sip and watched the other participants' reactions.

"Cooperation does not infer dependence," Miral replied, allowing a cool smile to cross her face. "And have we not also benefited from the Federation's assistance? What do the Cardassians hope to gain by our aligning with you?"

Turvan was fortunate that the Romulan Ambassador replied before he had; and the Cardassian's statement only furthered his suspicions. "Your facts are off and you are beginning to sound like a Ferengi about to try and sell us something. What do you want? Or more likely what is you want us to think you want," he added with a glance to his Romulan counterpart.

That was the question Miral wanted to know. Why the dinner? Why the show of camaraderie? And why were the Cardassians not united on this? There was a great deal going on she was not yet privy to.

"The facts, Madam Ambassador, are that there are movements and motions stirring within the Federation that must be met with a united front." Pro-consul Lim began. "We Cardassians bore the brunt of it with an unprovoked, and racially motivated, attack upon our vessels just a few weeks ago. At best, these people want a stronger, more agressive Federation where non members are kept in their place, at worst, they seek to put humans in charge of everything. Faced with such politics gaining ground, we should stand together. To paraphrase a wise man, 'First they came for the Cardassians, and I said nothing, becuase I was not a Cardassian...'" She trailed off, sure a woman versed in other cultures enough to be an ambassador would follow the logic. Stand together now, or fall later. Alone.

Charghwl'IH's curled slightly as he shook his head, He was sure there were other motivation behind their ploy here. Probably something to do with their involvement in Xi'cadia had something to do with this and he decided to push them. "Unlike you Pro-Consul, Klingons do not run to others in fear over the actions a dedicated few." Taking a drink he placed the glass on the table. "While the loss of your ships was...unfortunate the Federation took losses as well. Your use of the actions of this extremist group as a justification for proposing that our governments suddenly unite against the Federation laughable.

"Every race has had or has elements that believe in protecting the purity of their race....including the Humans. This isn't the first time this type of group has surfaced either. I believe there was a group that became active even before the founding of the Federation. But even then they were stopped and put down by their own."

With a wave of his hand he continued. "Human's are already the primary race within the Federation, but not a controlling one. The Federation, unlike the Romulan, Klingon Empires, or even the Cardassian, is racial diverse in it's ruling council. It will take a lot more than a few acts by some small group to allie the Empire with Cardassia, against the Federation or anyone else for that matter."

"The Romulan Empire is no one's pawn. Not the Federation's and not yours," Miral said coldly to the other woman.

To Be Continued

Zariyah Lim
Pro-consul, Cardassian Embassy.
[NPC by Soran]

Miral Annhwi
Romulan Ambassador
[NPC by Wells]

Hydel Turvan
Ambassador, Cardassian Embassy
[NPC by Thom]

Denat Meran
Gul, Cardassian Embassy
[NPC by Thom]

Kalena Vashur
Gul, Cardassian Embassy

Charghwl'IH of the House of Soval
Klingon Ambassador
[NPC by Lasuma]


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