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Cardassian Influence (Part III of III)

Posted on Sun Jul 7, 2019 @ 9:17pm by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Charghwl'IH of the House of Soval & Miral Annhwi & Civilian Hydel Turvan

1,746 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: VIP Dining Hall - Cardassian Embassy
Timeline: MD 10 1930

Previously, in Cardassian Influence

"The facts, Madam Ambassador, are that there are movements and motions stirring within the Federation that must be met with a united front." Pro-consul Lim began. "Faced with such politics gaining ground, we should stand together."

With a wave of his hand Charg said "Human's are already the primary race within the Federation, but not a controlling one. The Federation, unlike the Romulan, Klingon Empires, or even the Cardassian, is racial diverse in it's ruling council. It will take a lot more than a few acts by some small group to ally the Empire with Cardassia, against the Federation or anyone else for that matter."

"The Romulan Empire is no one's pawn. Not the Federation's and not yours," Miral said coldly to the other woman.

And Now The Conclusion...

Charg look to the Romulan, his eyes narrowing slightly and there was the a subtle nodding of respect as the younger woman stood her ground. He remain silent leaning back in his chair as he returned his gaze to their host.

Hydel continued to sip his glass as he listened to the Romulan and Klingons puff out their chests and defend their so-called independence to one another.

"Isn't is just amazing what just happened?" Hydel said "Just at the mere mention of of sucking on the Federation teat, you both forcefully explain just how much you stand on your own." He said as he took another drink.

"Madam Ambassador, well I hear your words, your lack of action says otherwise." He said in a slow tone. "Just when does your government plan on. . .asking for their core back?" Hydel said teasingly. "Maybe if you ask nicely. . ."

Raising his hand to cut her off he rose for his chair as he began to circle the table. "I find it interesting that first you invite us here, then use a flimsy excuse to propose a partnership against our host, and then you bate my honored colleague. All while blatantly avoiding every question we pose to you. And here I had thought the Cardassian had...grown, or at least learned from being defeated again and again and again. However it seems you are no different than the Guls I met before the war; deceptive, overconfident, and arrogant." His circle ended after passing the Romulan and stopping at the end of the table.

"Now, if you would like to prove me wrong, I suggest you get to the real reason you asked us here or I think this meeting is over."

As if reading his mind, Gul Meran slowly rose to his feet while locking eyes with the Klingon Ambassador. "I would suggest you find your seat, Ambassador." He said with intent reverberating throughout his voice. "Unless you are not feeling well, which of course I can have Security escort you to the Medical facilities." The Gul said, hoping the rapacious creature would choose the latter.

"Denat. . .please, we're all friends here." Hydel said boisterously. "I'm certain that Charghwl'IH's is just as eager as the rest of us to hear Madam Ambassador's response." Hydel said. Quite frankly, he was enjoying the grand performance the Klingon was putting on. If he could, he'd gladly shackle the beast and charge shoppers on the promenade for the show. Or maybe just shackle him.

Miral stood. "This charade is over." She turned to the Klingon, the only other person in the room with whom she would have any dealings. "If you are done here, I would appreciate a moment of your time."

As he said, over confident, acting as if they actually held a position of strength. Bowing his head to the Romulan Ambassador, "Lead the way Ambassador."

Miral knew how to make an exit. She turned and regally sailed out of the room. She wouldn't call this a singular waste of time. She now knew she could not trust the Cardassians and she would have to watch her back. The Klingon Ambassador, however, could make a valuable ally.

Not having to even bother motion to his aid the pair follow the Romulan out of the Cardassian Embassy.

Zariyah Lim watched them leave and waited for the doors to firmly shut, before saying in a tone as dry as Vulcan. "That went well."

“Didn’t it?” Hydel said with an ever so slight smirk. “As I suspected, that Core is of significance to the empire, especially with reports that it has some connection to the planet’s portal capabilities.” Hydel said with excitement in his voice.

“This dinner provided us with more intelligence than a 100 Obsidian Order agents could obtain in the same amount of time.” He continued.

“The Klingon also played an important role, he just isn’t aware of it yet.” He said as he took his seat again.

The Pro-consul's eyebrows rose skeptically "I don't know how you say the core is significant when the Klingon didn't give her the chance to even react. And I don't see how acting like an arse and alienating two potential allies to the point of pushing them closer to each other and away from us is a success?"

Hydel could not help but laugh at the seriousness in her tone. "That Klingon is a feral animal desperately looking for something to growl at." He responded. "He is a politician trying to appear as if he's still a warrior. He's been neutered by his own government and now he comes to State Dinners snarling at others while wearing his finest linen." Hydel said dismissively. Hydel himself understood what it was like to go from being a front-line Soldier to the more sterile and muted role of being a foreign emissary. However, he was intelligent enough to make the role mold to him as opposed to pretending that he was a Soldier still fighting a war.

"He's desperate to prove himself, he'll prove to be a useful idiot." Hydel added.

"As for our Romulan guest, she is most certainly concerned about that Core of theirs. Otherwise, she would not have hesitated to silence the Klingon spectacle." Hydel said as he reached for his glass. "The remaining questions are: What connection does that Core have with the planet and how it can be of benefit to our future plans." He said, casting a direct glance towards the Pro-Consul.

". . .or do you have a better plan in mind?" He asked rhetorically.

She stared at him, wondering if she'd been at the same dinner. Maybe the problem was not an overabundance of arrogance and ambition, even for a Cardassian, but one more... health related.

"Our future plans?" she asked, not sure she liked the inclusion into whatever madness was apparently infecting him. She wasn't going to offer a 'better plan'. So he could neither steal it, nor blame her.

"Yes, dammit" Hydel said, slamming his hand down on the table. "You are here to seek out the advancement of the Cardassian people by whatever means available. It is about time you recognized that reality, Pro-consul" He said, the previous jovial tone leaving his voice.

"I am looking towards the future, the future that lies well beyond however long these current Ambassadors are stationed here." Hydel said.

"If that means hurting the feelings of some half-breed and his Romulan playmate, then so be it." He concluded.

Lim looked at him coolly. "Oh, I am here to advance the Cardassian people." I'm just not sure you are. "I fail to see how this performance managed to achieve anything but a step backward, isolating us when we should be reaching out."

The Ambassador suddenly rose to his feet, anger simmering just below the surface of hsi calm exterior. "If you'll excuse me, Pro-consul, but I have important matters to tend to elsewhere." He said, clearly wishing to leave before he said what he truly felt about the woman.

"If you have any further questions, you may get in contact with my assistant." He said, indicating that he'd rather she talk to anyone else other than him.

"I think you've answered my question most eloquently." she smiled. Whatever he'd said, the reality was this had been a screw up. She just couldn't figure out what he had been trying to achieve.

Turvan waited until Gul Vashur rose as well before he began to depart from the dining room and head towards his quarters with Gul Denat at his side.

Once out side Chargwl'IHs aid spoke. "My Lord..."

Glance to the Klingon at his side. "Yes."

"...isn't it possible that this is what they wanted to happen?"

Charg stopped to consider the possibility, his eyes narrowing, as he glanced back at the Cardassian area as he wondered what they were up to.

Miral stopped and turned, waiting for the Klingon. She had more questions than answers after meeting the Cardassians, foremost was wondering what they were up to.

A low growl rumbled in his throat. "Anything is possible with Cardassians," after glancing to and nodding at the Romulan he placed a hand on his aids shoulder. "Come, we are delaying those who with to speak with us."

Miral bowed. "I appreciate this." She glanced back the way they'd come. "What game are they playing?" she asked bluntly.

"At this point your guess is as good as mine, but definitely something that needs to be looked into."

Miral turned back to the Klingon. "Agreed. They want something, and they do not consider how it will benefit anyone but themselves."

He nodded. "They have no honor and think they are clever. One would think a people would learn after dacades of wars, all of which they lost, they they might wanna try doing things differently."

Looking to the crowds and various beings moving about. "Perhaps this is better discussed elsewhere."

The Romulan inclined her head. "Somewhere private. Where do you suggest?"

Spreading his hands. "You wished to speak to me, I am at your disposal."

"Then perhaps my rooms would be best? I do not want my questions to become fodder for local gossip."


Zariyah Lim
Pro-consul, Cardassian Embassy.
[NPC by Soran]

Miral Annhwi
Romulan Ambassador
[NPC by Wells]

Hydel Turvan
Ambassador, Cardassian Embassy
[NPC by Thom]

Denat Meran
Gul, Cardassian Embassy
[NPC by Thom]

Kalena Vashur
Gul, Cardassian Embassy

Charghwl'IH of the House of Soval
Klingon Ambassador
[NPC by Lasuma]


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