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The Warrant (Part II of II)

Posted on Wed Mar 27, 2019 @ 9:44pm by Captain Maritza Soran & Lieutenant Annora Tessaro & Civilian Jason Haines & Civilian Melvyn Raddon

2,974 words; about a 15 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Raddoncorp offices, DS5
Timeline: MD05 1315

Previously in The Warrant

Security Consultant Sarah Gian reviewed the warrant carefully before forcefully handing the padd back to Lieutenant Tessaro. "How long will this dog and pony show take? We have several projects here that are time-sensitive. We do not need outsiders incompetently fumbling around our equipment." She said defensively.

Jason watched and listened to the person respond and Jason said, "As me and my team will be reviewing a lot of the data you have while Lieutenant Tessaro inspects the premises, how long it takes depends on how long you bluster and obstruct us here at the door and how much you co-operate. After all, to be as thorough as my CO would like this to be, it could take us quite a while, if you get my drift. And then if I have to call in any other encryption specialists, that would delay things even more as they traveled here. So, how should we proceed?"

Previously in The Warrant

"Now wait just one damn minute!" This time Program Manager Maxwell became more animated. "We have rights here and we won't be bullied by armed thugs with a warrant!" He said. "Our data is segregated to prevent cross-contamination and for security purposes. Whatever Supervisor King was working on in the Annex would not be connected with 85% of our other project and ou----" He was cut-off by the Security Consultant.

"What he's getting to is that we won't allow you 'fleeters to go on some fishing expedition." Gian said coldly. "We'll give you and your Spooks access to the data nodes we have regarding the explosion and anything else that was in the Annex, but that's it." She said while looking directly at Lt. Tessaro. Sarah Gian hated when Starfleet tried to flex its authorities on civilians. For too long it operated under the belief that they weren't accountable to a civilian government and its constituents.

Fortunately, the Svikiri had caught Starfleet's attention.

Annora smiled at the Raddon personnel.
"Personally I don't like fishing, but others on my team do. Fortunately for you, they left their rods and reels in their quarters. We'll collect data pertaining to the explosion down on the planet and be on our way."

She motioned towards Jason.

"Your show Mr Haines."

"Ensign Waylen, Ensign Sarven", Jason said. "Let's work quickly and get out of everyone's way as quickly as possible."

He looked to Gian and said, "To make sure, that the information that is supposed to only be connected to 15% of your other project has stayed in that pool, I will need an access matrix of authorized staff and nodes able to access the data."

Security Consultant Gian looked towards the Program Manager and nodded. "Give him access to the matrix beginning with stardate 429006.1 through present." She said. "Anything else? Blood, pound of flesh, our first born?" She asked sarcastically.

Jason almost said, 'A chicken sandwich, but thought better of it.'

With things going better than expected, Annora modified the plan.

"Mr. Lawson, assist the Intel team as needed. The rest of you standby."

As the two groups entered, Annora turned her attention back to Gian.
"That should be sufficient. One question though, where is your boss? I'm under orders to escort him to Ops."

Jason indicated for his staff to start the work and followed them in. It wouldn't take too long. They would transfer the data to a secure system to deal with it.

"Well sweetie," Gian said spitefully. "Unless that search warrant has magically turned into an arrest warrant in the past 30 seconds, it seems to me that your shit outta luck." She said.

"But I'm feeling generous today, I'll tell you his lawyer's name and contact info so you can schedule an appointment with him, how's that work out for ya?" She said sarcastically to Lt. Tessaro.

Jason caught a little of the comment as he was following the Radon staff. He wondered how the Commander would react. He turned his mind back to his part of the operation started helping Waylen and Sarven configure the interfaces they would need to get the data they needed.

This was one aspect that would have been easier had entry been refused. Once inside they could have swept each room in the office complex to ensure Mr Raddon, or anyone else, was not present. It would have been done under the guise of security with the secondary effect of verifying who was in the offices. However, with the door being opened voluntarily, it would be harder to a full sweep.

"Miss Erutan, get the lawyer's contact information while I check in with Ops."

The Boslic pulled out a Data Padd as stepped toward Gian.
"Aye ma'am."

Stepping away from the entrance, Annora update the Commander on the situation.

=^= Lt Tessaro to Commander Soran. Lt Haines and his team have been granted access to the data nodes. However, Mr Raddon is not in public view, and without an arrest warrant his staff won't reveal his location. They have offered to put us in contact with his lawyer. How should we proceed?=^=

=^="Then I suggest you remind the staff that this is a Starfleet facility, not a civilian one, and if the CO of a Starfleet facility wants to talk to someone, she is in her rights to demand their presence at any time and I don't need a warrant."=^= Soran said sharply, not in the mood to be mucked about. =^="Let them know if I don't see a Raddon in my office in thirty minutes I will have every facility on the planet and the station shuttered."=^=

Allowing herself a smirk, Annora replied to the Commander.
=^= Understood ma'am. Will do. =^=

Having been given permission to ramp things up, Annora returned to the Raddon Corporation. En Route, she quickly contacted Security Control to put out an APB on Mr Raddon. On the off chance he showed his face anywhere in public, security was authorized to 'bring him in for questioning.'

By the time she reached her destination, the smirk had been replaced with her game face.
"You're putting words in my mouth. I said nothing about arresting Mr Raddon, he's simply wanted for questioning. Should he wish to bring along his lawyer, so be it. I remind you that you're on a station owned and operated by Starfleet. Continue to stonewall my staff as well as station leadership, and you might just find your operating license revoked. Now, I'll ask you again. Where is Mr Raddon."

Gian figured this was the route the fleeters wanted to go down. She smirked abit as she took a deep breathe and put on her regular business-like expression.

"Hmm. . .that sounds to me like a threat, Lieutenant Tessaro." She said, feigning concern. "I do believe that I feel as if my liberty is at stake, and therefore I'm going to need the assistance of my legal counsel before I answer any more of your questions." She said as she turned to Mr. Maxwell. "What about you? You feeling like your rights are being infringed by the armed 'fleeter here?" She asked.

"Absolutely, I am exercising my right to legal counsel before I answer another word. You and your jack-booted thugs can arrest me and my entire staff if that suits your agenda!" He said in an agitated tone.

Both Maxwell and Gian knew that there would come a point when Starfleet would try to flex their muscle and threaten their business operating license in one way or another. It's just unfortunate that it came at the cost of several lives due to the explosion.

"Your move, buttercup." Gian said sarcastically to the security officer.

Chosing to mostly ignore the last comment, Annora began issuing orders.
"Two and Three, you're with me. While the data nodes were our primary focus, the warrant does authorize searching for other evidence related to the explosion on the planet. We also need to verify the presence or absence of Mr Raddon."

As the two teams moved further into the complex, Annora turned to the issue of Maxwell and Gian.

Clefrass, you and Novello keep an eye on our friends here. They try anything, arrest them for obstruction of justice. Erutan, contact Mr Raddon's lawyer. Tell him his client has 15 minutes to report to the Commander's office or face an arrest warrant."

Jason and his team had done the downloads they needed relatively quickly. Waylen and Sarven were obviously used to working together. Jason had caught the tail end of things and could see the standoff. He indicated to Waylen and Sarven to continue."

"Lieutenant Tessaro, I am sorry to interrupt, we have the data we need and are heading back. Looks to be pretty complicated", Jason lied. "It might take us a while to get it all analyzed and this all sorted out. I just wanted to make sure everyone was aware that it could delay proceedings and closure of the situation. I will keep you advised.

He looked at the Raddon staff with a smile, "Thank you for your co-operation."

He turned and started to walk away.

If nothing else, they had the desired data. Annora hoped this would at least give the Raddon Corporation pause next time they contemplated something illegal.

"Thank you Lieutenant. I think all involved will prefer a thorough analysis than an incomplete rush job."

Once Lawson saw the others moving inward, he motioned for his team to start securing the employees. This would make everyone else's job easier as they wouldn't have to deal with people moving about the room.

"I need everyone to move toward the middle of the room. The faster you comply, the faster we can get out of your hair."

While no one expected to find further evidence of wrongdoing, the "Plain View" rule gave them hope of finding something. Things like computer monitor displays, and gear laying around was all fair game. Team One was scanning the room for specific items needed to create a tachyon dispersion field. During all this, Annora's commbadge chirped with an update from the Security Office.

=^= Melvyn Raddon is noted as leaving the station several days ago. As far as we know, he has not returned. Mr Gabriel is presumed to still be on the station.=^=

=^= Roger that Crewman. Place a note in his file for security to escort him to the Commander upon returning to the station. =^=

Approaching the executive offices, Annora pressed the door chime.

"Starfleet Security, open up."

The commotion had made its way towards Raymond's office shortly after Starfleet and their armed thugs first entered their property. The fracas had given Raymond enough time to consult with his attorney about what action he should take next. With his father and Dorian both off the station, he was going to have to make decisions for the entire company and the employees. It was obvious that Starfleet was not going to leave without a fight.

As the doors slid open, Lt. Tessaro was greeted by the image of Raymond sitting comfortable behind his desk with a drink in his hand. To his left stood an tall female in her late 30's. Her appearance, while youthful and attractive, was guarded as she cast her eyes with laser-like focus on the military officer who had just appeared.

"Lieutenant Tessaro, my name is Alexandria Patterson, I am represent Mr. Raddon." She said as she crossed the distance of the room and approached the officer and handed her a padd. "I've consulted with my client and he has elected to exercise his constitutional right to remain silent and will not be answering any further questions from your or from your superiors." She said.

"And since you've yet to present sufficient probable cause of him committing any sort of crime, he is not under arrest and therefore will not be going anywhere with you." She added sharply. "If your Commander wishes to speak with him concerning the tragic accident on Pangaea, she can contact me and schedule an appointment." She said, as if the Commander of the entire installation was a line-item on her "to-do" list.

As she crossed her arms she continued to look directly into the Security officer's eyes. "If you failed to understand anything that I told you, you will find it all within the letter I've just handed to you." She said.

Just several feet away, Raymond continued to sit comfortably in his chair watching the show play itself out. It was the most fun he had experienced all week. He was definitely going to watch the holo-footage of this over and over.

Annora handed the data padd off to a subordinate without looking at the contents. It was likely a form letter with the pertinent details filled in at the last minute.

"I am well aware of Starfleet and Federation policies regarding the matter. One must know the rules in-order to enforce them."

There was also the matter of most those laws having been in place even before Annora first donned a uniform, but she didn't mention that fact.

"As for your client, by establishing a business on the station he has placed himself under additional rules and regulations than if he was say in Mars City. If he wishes to continue doing business, he is to meet with the Commander. I also have the authorization to hold suspects for twenty-four hours before pressing charges or releasing them. If I have to so, then I will. As he is currently unavailable, perhaps his son would like to talk to the Commander in his place."

Attorney Patterson opened her mouth to respond when Raymond stood from his seat and spoke to the two women. "Fine, tell your Commander that I will meet with her tomorrow morning at 1000 hrs." He said as he walked around his desk. "There's no point in drawing this fiasco out any longer." He said to his attorney.

It was likely as good as they were going to get, but she still had to pass the information along.
"I will inform The Commander. Excuse me a moment. Mr Hollens, keep an eye on them."

Stepping away, she contacted Commander Soran.

=^=..."Ma'am, Mr Raddon Senior is currently off station but we will redirect him upon his return. His son has agreed to meet with you tomorrow at 1000 hrs. We've collected all the evidence here we're going to, and Intel has sent the data nodes back for analysis. Those on the planet's surface have been placed under arrest, and should be returning to the station shortly.=^=

Soran raised an eyebrow. This wasn't a time for delay. She didn't want them to get a chance to manufacture a story and co-ordinate their alibis. =^="Ms Tessaro, please remind Mr Raddon who is the commander of this station, and that my decision to close their facilities in..."=^= Maritza checked the clock, =^="...twelve minutes unless he comes to my office hasn't changed. People are dead, and if he continues to act like a law unto himself, he will be corrected. Firmly."=^=

=^= Aye ma'am, I'll remind him the clock is ticking. =^=

Hopefully the threat to close the business would convince the man to move up his timeline. Nodding to Lawson to release the employees, Annora returned to the executive office.

"If you don't want to have any further disruption of business, you need to meet with Commander Soran ASAP. You're welcome to bring your lawyer and what you choose to reveal or hide from the Commander is up to you. If you refuse, and the place is shut down it will have long lasting consequences. You will be given a short time to wrap up operations, after which the doors will be sealed. Only a Command level officer can unlock them. If you somehow override the lockout, that will be considered criminal trespassing. Any cargo coming through customs will be rejected and sent back to the sender. A sudden increase in personal shipments will be given extra scrutiny to ensure you're not trying to circumvent things. The way I see it, even a 24 hour shutdown will have a major impact on the bottom line. So, do we have a deal; or shall I wait for the clock to run out?"

Attorney Patterson's eyebrows raised as she took a step towards the officer. "This is undeniable harassment! You have no autho---" She began to harangued the security officer, but was stopped by the direct voice from behind her.

"Wait, Alexandria. . ." Raymond said as he touched her elbow to indicate that he would handle the situation. "It is time to put an end to this farce, and I'll do so by speaking to the Trill Commander." Raymond said, noting the obvious disdain in his voice when he said the word Trill while describing the Starfleet Officer.

"You know what to do in my absence." He said as he turned to Lt. Tessaro and straightened the cuff of his sleeves. "Besides, why should I deny the woman the gift of my presence and attention." He laughed as he said, maintaining eye-contact with Tessaro. "I believe your boss is awaiting us?" He said provocatively.

Ignoring the end of his comment, Annora motioned for some escorts. The fact that neither one were human were not lost on her. "Prodax, Chaslo, ensure he makes it to the Commander's office safely. I will be along shortly."

As things were wrapping up, Lawson and the two teams under him headed towards the exit.
"You may now resume work, thank you for your cooperation."

Leaving the room, Annora contacted the Commander. This time it was with good news.
=^=...We're on our way with Raymond Raddon.=^=


Lt Annora Tessaro
Chief of Security

Lt.(jg) Jason Haines
Chief Intelligence Officer

Commander Maritza Soran


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