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The Warrant (Part I of II)

Posted on Wed Mar 27, 2019 @ 1:06am by Lieutenant Annora Tessaro & Captain Maritza Soran & Civilian Jason Haines & Civilian Melvyn Raddon

1,961 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: OPS/ Raddon Corp offices, Square Mile
Timeline: MD 05 1315


Annora was in the middle of training the new Strategic Response Teams when the call came in from Ensign Jarsdel about the incident on Pangaea. Giving her permission to arrest those on the surface from the Raddon Corporation, Annora moved to take care of a warrant and other related items. Handing off the training to Petty Officer Babienko, she tapped her comm-badge.

=^=" Lt Tessaro to Commander Soran, I need to talk with you regarding an urgent security matter."=^=

=^="Come straight up,"=^= Soran's clipped tones came across the comm.

=^= On My Way. Tessaro Out =^=

Not stopping to remove her gear, Annora headed straight to Ops.

Once Annora arrived in the spartan office, Soran looked up form her work, "What is the issue?" She asked her chief of security.

"There's been an explosion on the planet at the Research Facility run by the Raddon Corporation. Lieutenants Ta'Gas & Wells believe they were trying to remotely access the portal technology. Supervisor King attacked Ta'Gas and ran off. Security is tracking him as we speak. I've sent an extra team under Petty Officer Lecesse down to the planet to provide assistance. "

She paused to let everything sink in.

Soran looked alarmed. "Is Mr Ta'gas alright?"

"He'll likely have a headache for a while, but I understand he's expected to make a full recovery."

His involvement in the operation notwithstanding, they could charge King with assaulting a Starfleet Officer, and possibly resisting arrest.

"I'm here to request warrants. Both for those on the planet and for the Raddon Corporation in general. I highly doubt this was done without the blessing of corporate. The faster we move, the less chance of data being deleted."

"On what grounds?" Soran asked. "If the person who attacked Mr Ta'Gas is on the run?" But even as she asked, Soran was reaching for her padd, ready to authorize a search.

"The attacker has run off but it's only a matter of time before he's found. The planetary security teams and Marines not actively searching for him are alerted to keep an eye out for him. As for the specifics of the Warrant."

Annora paused to gather her thoughts, knowing that sometimes the wording was vital in regards to warrants "Those on the planet were engaged in an illegal operation in an unauthorized facility to manipulate the portals. By their own admission, the vital information was transferred to data nodes. Those nodes were then taken for examination. I have reason to suspect those data nodes, as well as those from previous experiments, are in the possession of the Raddon Corporation. Therefore I request a search warrant. Security will enforce it, but it would be beneficial to have others along who have a better idea of what to look for."

As Annora explained, Maritza looked more and more incredulous. They did what? On her colony? "Take who you need, as many as you need. He's put his foot too far over the line this time." She filled out the various parts of the form and signed it. "And when you're done, I want to talk with Raddon. Tell him its not a request."

"Understood Commander. Thank you. We'll hit them hard and fast, give them as little time as possible to destroy evidence. When we find Mr Raddon we'll bring him to you straight away."

Annora tapped her comm-badge. =^=Lt Tessaro to Lt Haines. I have a real mission for Intel to work with the SRU. Have a team meet us at what used to be the Ecstaticorps offices. The briefing will be given in person. =^=

"Understood, on my way", Jason replied, closing out the report he was reading and quickly looking up the offices that Annora referenced.

Leaving his office, he looked about and then said, "Waylen, Sarven, come with me."

The Bajoran and half-Vulcan were two top intel officers, specializing in systems, security, and encryption. They then left the Intel center to meet up with the security team.

With that settled, Annora turned to leave.
"If you'll excuse me Commander. I have a warrant to execute."

"Good luck, Ms Tessaro." Soran said. She wanted to stay calm, hopefully this would be a chance to get some real evidence on Raddon's activities

Leaving the office, she began issuing orders for several SRU teams to meet at the rendezvous point as well as a few other security teams.

[The Square Mile]

Ecstaticorps had pulled up chalks several months prior and thankfully their office space hadn't been reclaimed by another business. Located on the edge of the Square Mile, it provided a convenient location for the briefing away from the prying eyes of the general public. Once everyone was in place, Annora made some quick introductions before laying out the plan.

"The Raddon Corporation has been caught with their hand in the proverbial cookie jar. An illegal experiment on Pangaea went south, exposing their operation. Therefore we have permission to serve a search warrant on their HQ. Our primary objective is to search for, and confiscate, any data nodes that could posses information on their operation."

She handed a PADD to Jason. "Mr. Haines, here's the information we have so far. Should aid your team when helping to search the facility. As for the actual search, the plan is simple. We identify ourselves, and hope someone opens the door. If they refuse, or don't answer, we override the lockout and enter anyway. Upon entry, Teams One and Two will secure anyone found inside. Team Three will assist Intel in searching the premise. When Mr Raddon is located, Team 4 will escort him to the Commander's office for a meeting. They will remain there until given further orders. Regular security patrols are being rerouted to help with crowd control. Any questions?"

"I suggest you cut off communications to the premise as well as jam signals to them", Jason said. "That will prevent getting word out or transmitting the data to any backup facility."

"That sounds like a good idea. Can you make it happen in short order?"

Jason stepped away from the door area and tapped his communicator, "Lieutenant Haines to Operations."

"Acknowledge Lieutenant, how can we help you?" a voice said.

"I need a communications lock down on all comm. relays coming and going from Raddon Corporation along with a localized jam", Jason said. "Warrant id 211-a7, authorization Haines Gamma, 247 alpha."

"One moment sir", the voice said.

After about two minutes, the voice came back, "Authorization confirmed, communications block established."

"Thank you", Jason said and then nodded to Annora.

Once everything was in place, the group advanced on the Raddon Corporation. The first two teams stacked up next to the door, ready to enter as soon as it was open. Down the hall, security patrols could be seen moving into place to ward off any potential onlookers. Pressing the door-chime, Annora announced her presence.

"Security! We have a warrant!"

Once that was complete, she began quietly counting up. If there was no response in thirty seconds she would override the door lock and enter the offices.

Jason waved Waylen and Sarven back and he went to stand with them, out of the way. If somehow this went bad, he wanted to make security had the room to do their job and that his team didn't get hurt inadvertently. He waited patiently.

[Raddon Corp offices]

Program Manager for the Pangea project Curtis Maxwell had been up to his eyeballs in reports and updates related to the explosion on the planet. The first portion of his morning had been dedicated to search and rescue of employees that were inside of the facility during the explosion. The casualties were not too severe, but there were still several individuals who wren't going to be returning home after today.

He had barely had enough time to gather his wits when he received word of an altercation that had taken place between Starfleet and one of his subordinates. Information was not clear, but it appeared as if one of the Officers had become aggressive with him and the Supervisor fled the area after striking him. It did not surprise Curtis that a few 'fleeters had become drunk with power and caused a bad situation to become worse. However, he still had not seen nor heard from Supervisor King in order to get his side of the events.

He perked up as the computer system notified him of the presence of individuals at the front entrance. Curtis furrowed his brows in confusion. He was not expecting any re-supply from the Matthias nor any other visitors. As he brought up the visual monitor he was greeted by the image of squad of Starfleet Security personnel standing at the entrance.

=/\="This is Program Manager Curtis Maxwell, how can I help you?"=/\= He said to what appeared to the the leader of the armed group. While he was waiting for a response he activated the security alert on his console to notify the assigned Security Consultants of a potential issue happening at the research facility.

"Mr Maxwell. I'm Lt Tessaro with station security. We have a search warrant for the premises. We're entering with or without your permission, the choice is yours."

Curtis was walking down the corridor while still engaging the woman in conversation through the comm display unit in his hand. Evidently, Supervisor King had caused more problems than he had originally believed. He was met near the entrance by several Security Consultants.

"How should we handle this?" Sarah asked, her hand clinching. She and the other individuals figured that they could hold off the initial squad of officers until more help could arrive.

"No, we're going to do this diplomatically." Program Manager Maxwell said. "The last thing we need is to give these 'fleeters any reason to use more force and bravado than they already have." Maxwell said as he stepped to the door and pressed several buttons unsealing the door. The mechanism activated and released the seal that allowed the door to open to the waiting line of Security officers.

"I'm the head of Security for the complex, let me see the warrant." Sarah demanded, more-so asked of Lt. Tessaro. Program Manager Maxwell stood to the side and carefully observed the unnecessary demonstration of power put on by the 'fleeters.

While this method wasn't as exciting, it was preferred to just barging in. Annora handed over a copy of the search warrant.

"Here you go."

Jason had his team stay where they were. Although the Raddon staff was co-operating, all it took was one wrong move for someone on either side to cause issues.

Security Consultant Sarah Gian reviewed the warrant carefully before forcefully handing the padd back to Lieutenant Tessaro. "How long will this dog and pony show take? We have several projects here that are time-sensitive. We do not need outsiders incompetently fumbling around our equipment." She said defensively.

Jason watched and listened to the person respond and Jason said, "As me and my team will be reviewing a lot of the data you have while Lieutenant Tessaro inspects the premises, how long it takes depends on how long you bluster and obstruct us here at the door and how much you co-operate. After all, to be as thorough as my CO would like this to be, it could take us quite a while, if you get my drift. And then if I have to call in any other encryption specialists, that would delay things even more as they traveled here. So, how should we proceed?"

To Be Continued
Lt Annora Tessaro
Chief of Security

Lt.(jg) Jason Haines
Chief Intelligence Officer

Commander Maritza Soran

Raymond Raddon
Chief Operation Officer
Raddon Corporation


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