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Data Dump

Posted on Wed Mar 27, 2019 @ 11:47pm by Civilian Jason Haines

995 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Intelligence Office
Timeline: MD 6, 0800


Jason came into Intelligence a little bleary eyed. Even though he had taken a remedy for sleep deprivation, he still felt like he hadn't slept a wink. His late night discussion with his superiors had given him a bunch of extra work to do. Chief Zavran looked up as he groaned. Her tail swished playfully.

“Long night Lieutenant?” she asked.

“Short but hard night”, Jason replied, going to the replicator and getting coffee.

“I have found that a dose of drosam prevents the hard part”, she replied. “Although, I am not sure how Caitian sleep remedies work on humans.”

“Right now, I am willing to try just about anything Chief”, Jason said. “but I think I will stick with coffee this morning and perhaps try your remedy when I have more time to experiment. Anything out of the ordinary going on aboard the station I should know about, especially with Raddon?”

She shook her head negatively and said, “Raddon has been rather quiet given yesterday’s events.”

“Probably calculating what their next steps are to be a pain in the butt”, Jason said. “Let me know if you hear anything.”

“Yes, sir”, she replied as Jason moved to the computer control center.

The control center was one of the main areas that needed to be guarded 24 x 7. It had systems that made it easier to work with the computer core compared to the command center and engineering. A guard was stationed here 24 x7. After his identity was confirmed Jason entered.

The control center wasn’t an exclusive center for intel. There were ops and engineering sections here as well. Intel had a special area that could be disconnected from the main system if needed. Jason gave a nod to one of the ops staff as he went into the intel room to meet with Waylen and Sarven.

Waylen looked at him and snickered a bit and said, “You look like you wrestled with a targ sir either that or stuck your finger in a power conduit.”

Jason smirked and said, “You know Ensign, you are in the wrong business. You should make inspirational holo-messages.”

The Bajoran laughed as Sarven came in. If she had any input to Jason’s appearance she did not comment.

“How are you today Ensign?” Jason asked.

“I seem to be in acceptable condition”, she replied. “I slept quite well. It does wonders. I do suggest you try it Lieutenant.”

Waylen smirked, not expecting such a response. Sarven conducted herself in a stereotypical Vulcan manner most of the time. She did have a slight streak of humor that she let out occasionally.

“If you two are done harassing your commanding officer”, Jason said with a smirk. “Tell me what you have found.”

“A lot and nothing at the same time”, Waylen replied.

“Indeed”, Sarven said. “There are a number of video logs of various researchers discussing how Pangea was a rich find for their work but didn’t get into too many specifics. Ones from our target in question, Supervisor King, were quite damaged and we couldn’t get any useful data from it.”

Jason nodded as he listened and took a sip of his coffee.

“All that work for this?” Jason asked.

“Well, there are a few hidden nuggets in it all”, Waylen said. “Raddon Corp has taken a number of shipments from a Nyberrite Alliance freighter, although they don’t list its name, after cross-referencing flight ops logs, we found its transponder tags and it seems to go by a number of names, depending on what space your in. In Federation space it is simply known as Workhorse. I can’t pronounce the actual Nyberrite name. The interesting part is that it makes a number of runs to Farius Prime.”

“Ah crap”, Jason said, thinking about the visit from the Raddon employees at the dock. “Just what we need, potential Orion Syndicate issues.”

“That could indeed be problematic”, Sarven quipped. “We weren’t able to find out anything about what they shipped.”

“The Commander is definitely not going to like this”, Jason replied. “Anything else?”

“There is some distinct mention of a planet Cherulan V and a classified project there”, Sarven answered. “It is a very remote planet and we have no current data on it. We did find one individual on the station that might be able to give us some clues.”

“Who is that? Jason asked.

“Yolanthe Ibalin”, Waylen chimed in. “The owner of the Box of Delights. There is some reference to a woman who fits her description to a tee.”

“Well, if that is her”, Jason said. “I bet she would be interested in helping reveal anything that might put Raddon in a hard spot.”

“Uhm sir”, Waylen started. “I don’t mean to sound like I am not into my job and all, but we are starting to unravel some stuff that could really anger old man Raddon. I mean there are only ten of us in Intel and to go down the path that we really should go down, I don’t think we have the resources. Well, if we do anything half-assed with Raddon Corp, we’ll have our assess handed to us. Pardon the colorful language.”

“I hear you Ensign and I am already on getting us some additional help”, Jason said. “And not just for dealing with Raddon.”

“Well”, Waylen said. “I hope you know what you are doing, or we are in for a world of hurt.”

Jason smiled.

“Of course, I know what I am doing”, Jason said. “What should have been done all along. I will brief the Commander on this. Great job and please keep this under wraps, dismissed.”

The two nodded and left the room, leaving Jason with his thoughts of how far Raddon’s tentacles reached out into the universe and whether or not he truly did know what he was doing.

Lieutenant JG Jason Haines
Chief Intelligence Officer
Deep Space 5


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