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Stragtegic Training

Posted on Sat Feb 9, 2019 @ 12:05am by Lieutenant Annora Tessaro

1,282 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Holodeck 24
Timeline: Day 5: Morning


Threat Level: Alpha-Foxtrot-Six. Security teams to Deck 60.

As the alert repeated, the two teams walked with a sense of urgency to their gear lockers. First was the black tactical vest designed to provide stab/slash protection as well as light to moderate resistance to energy weapons, depending on their settings. Next came an exquipment belt to hold most everything else. Standard loadout was a stun baton, hand phaser, tricorder, two stun grenades, extra power cells and some flexi cuffs. The last piece of equipment was a phaser rifle, both for intimidation and additional firepower should the need arise.

As the security teams moved towards the turbolift at a fast walk, Annora followed close behind. While she was acting primarily as an observer, she was outfitted the same as the others. The safety protocols on the holodeck had been purposely dialed back. The program was designed to avoid serious injuries while still maintaining some of the realism of combat. Also, she would provide direct support if need be but it would count against the final score.

The turbolift stopped near the cargo bay on deck 61, revealing a chaotic scene of Starfleet and Civilians alike. Many were sporting makeshift bandages on their head and limbs. The sounds of people wailing in pain permeated through the air. A few Starfleet personnel in torn and bloodied uniforms nervously paced the deck, phasers in hand. Several personnel in teal, likely from the science labs on the other side of the deck.

Assessing the situation, Ervien quickly took charge.

“Saxibe, take your team and sweep the area. Make sure it’s secure. Team 1, let’s try and get some answers.”

As the teams spread out, Petty Officer Ervien tapped his combadge.

=/\= Ervien to Sickbay, Medical emergency Deck 61. =/\=

His call for assistance was met with silence, so he tried again with the same result. Similar calls to Ops or Security Control also went unanswered. A Lorillian in the tattered remains of a diplomatic uniform approached the group.

“It’s not use sir. Comms were one of the first things to go after the...”

She trailed off mid sentence. It didn’t take a telepath to tell she was traumatized by whatever had triggered the alarm, and disrupted comms.

“It’s all right Ensign. I’m with the Strategic Response Unit. Take a deep breath and tell me what happened best you can...”

By the time team two returned, team one had pieced together enough details to get an idea of what had occured. Having formulated a plan, Ervien briefed the teams.

“We’re looking at multiple hostiles on deck 60 armed with a variety of disrupters. Who they are, and what they want is unknown. They are reported to be dressed in black and have hidden their faces. Witnesses reported explosions as well. Those able to evacuate did, but many others are believed to still be present. A few tried to go back for more wounded but it appears the turbolift shafts are out of commission above this deck. We’ll proceed through jefferies tubes epsilon and zeta. As comms are disrupted, use your judgement when leaving the tube. I’ve sent one of the scientists down to security control to bring up to speed.”


Standing underneath the entrance to Deck 60, Winckworth studied the data on her tricorder.
“There’s a bit of radiation which is making an accurate reading difficult. From what I can tell, there’s no one right above us.”

Below her, Lund tightened the grip on his rifle.
“Let’s do it. The sooner we get up there, the better.”

Opening the access hatch, Winckworth lobbed a grenade through the opening. After a short delay she pulled herself onto the deck and into a crouched position. Lund was right behind her, as were Saxibe and Hollens. There was evidence of blast damage on the walls, but no signs of life. Cautiously moving forward, they soon encountered the bodies of 3 Klingon guards from the embassy. A quick exam showed extensive disrupter burns, supporting the witness statements. Pressing forward, they moved towards the embassies themselves. Normally they were off limits, but those restrictions were lifted in times of crisis.

At the embassies, Team Two found themselves in a standoff with twelve men dressed in all black. Six disruptors were pointed at the security team, while the other half were pointed at the Bajoran ambassador and diplomatic staff who were bound and kneeling on the floor.

“Stop! You take any aggressive actions and the ambassadors die as well as yourselves.”

Saxibe secured his rifle before extending his empty hands palms up and taking two slow steps forward.
“Understood. Now tell us what you want and we can try to work things out.”

The man scoffed at the suggestion.
“Negotiate, with Alien scum like you? Not likely. Maybe that sympathizing human behind you.”

Following Saxibe’s example, Winckworth cautiously moved forward with empty hands.
“My name’s Winckworth. I’m with Starfleet Security. I’m here to talk.”

On the other side of the deck, Ervien and his team followed a similar strategy. Upon reaching an intersection, they paused to consider their options.After a brief discussion, the decision was made to split up the team and search each direction. Everien and Westlin headed towards the Main Summit Chamber while Vasc and Pelkman investigated the Conference Rooms. Approaching the Summit Chamber, they noticed the front door was ajar.

Pausing at the entrance, Westlin frowned at the readouts on his tricorder.
“I’m reading high levels of Trilithium residue, could indicate the presence of a bomb. Suggest we steer clear.”

“Agreed, let’s link up with the others. Maybe they’ve had better luck.”

Dropping an indicator marker, Everien and Westlin linked up with the rest of Team 2 just outside of the Conference Rooms. They then proceeded to methodically search each room for survivors, explosives, and any potential hostiles. When that was completed, they met up with Team 2 who were still dealing with the terrorists. Finally when the situation was dealt with and the hostiles were neutralized the simulation ended.

Annora followed another team as they ran through the same scenario from before. They stuck together more than the first two teams, which had benefits and drawbacks. The later of which was about to be demonstrated.

Approaching the Council Chamber, Lesnik took notice of the open door. Signaling her team to stack up against the wall. Lobbing a grenade through the opening, the team rushed forward. No sooner had they crossed the threshold when a blast knocked them off their feet. Following them at a safe distance, Annora avoided the blast.

Walking over to where the four lay amidst the rubble, Annora simply stood at where the doorway had been.
“Congratulations, you’re all dead. Now we wait here until the scenario ends”

Only a few minutes later the scene dissolved back into the security offices. Approaching the slightly confused teams, Annora addressed them.

“Lesnik’s team blew themselves up so Conte’s team found themselves outnumbered in a firefight. The program is designed to reset once casualties rise above 50%.”

Before she could say more, Annora’s combadge chirped with a message from Ensign Jarsdel about the incident on the surface of Pangea. Stepping aside, she took the message.

=/\= Understood Ensign, you’re in charge of planetary security. Take whatever measures you feel necessary. You are authorized to arrest those on the planet as you see fit. Once you have their names, forward them to Chief. I’ll work on the legal side of things. =/\=

Placing Petty Officer Babienko in charge of the training, Annora left the holodeck.


Lt Annora Tessaro
Chief Security Officer


Various Security NPCs


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