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Mazes and Mousetraps

Posted on Fri Feb 8, 2019 @ 5:30am by Captain Maritza Soran & Lieutenant Alanna Wells & First Lieutenant Gordon Blue & Civilian T'gan
Edited on on Fri Feb 8, 2019 @ 9:07am

841 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Science
Timeline: BACKPOST


After the alert on the planet, Alanna had retooled the security measures set in place to protect the portal sites and the area around them. Now, she needed to discuss the changes with the Marine CO and with T'gan, who was leading the research team to study the portal sites.

T'gan rang the chime.

"Come in," Alanna said. "Hello, T'gan. Please, have a seat."

The Vulcan bowed. "Thank you."

Blue had his utilities on, the fact things were escalating around the Parameter made him less than happy. "His crews were just finishing the few Security Measures Blue brought out from stores and placing them in strategic places.

Rang the chime of Alanna's and waited for entrance.

"Come in," Alanna said.

She nodded when Blue walked in. "Hello. Please, have a seat."

"Yes ma'am, he had removed his lid and it was tucked in hs belt line. "Thank you." He took the offered seat.

When everyone was seated, Alanna began. "With the increased activity on Pangaea and the activity of the Romulan core, I felt it necessary to add a what we already have in place for the portal system. Since I don't want this to get out, there are no PADDs with information. If you require the details, let me know and I'll get you a printed file."

She paused for that to sink in. "What I'm proposing is that, in addition to the Federation shields, the ones I had installed, and the augments from the tech on the shuttle we acquired from Draxx, I've added a few special protocols. I'm sure you're all familiar with mazes and mousetraps, yes? What I propose is that we have a buffer set up so that any unauthorized and unexpected visitors find themselves 100 clicks away in a cavern system specially designed to appear to be one of the portal caverns. Only the tunnels are a maze that leads to a cavern that has no exit. Transporter and comm signals will only work in the central cavern, and there is no egress from the maze without going through what amounts to a mousetrap. No one will be injured, but we'll be happy to transport them to the brig for an overnight stay for entering restricted territory. What do you think?"

"I like the idea of them going in circles and such. He said with a sly Grin. "This would be in addition to the Security measures in place?" Blue asked. "We have set up 'Auto Sentires' at all key points with Tricorder locking target systems; if you are not authorized the potential of the stun setting will put down me... or a raging Klingon with ease. Then an alarm to our command console for collection."

Alanna nodded. "It will be in addition to the security measures you have in place. I definitely want an alarm if somebody enters the maze so that we can get them out unharmed. What else do you have in mind or have already set up?" she asked Blue.

2nd lieutenant Sh'zera raised a hand, her antenna twitching in confusion. "Sir, whilst I'm all in favour of letting idiots get tricked and screwed over, there is the issue of transporting being unreliable. How do we get people into our decoy cave if we can't transport them?"

"Good point. I'll see if we can set up buffers for limited use," Alanna said. "Perhaps if we are on the planet itself it will be more reliable. If not, we'll have to figure out something else."

"Does it have to be a decoy?" Sh'zera asked. "Why not just some old fashioned booby traps. Drop falls or pit traps?"

"Because we can't guarantee that the person or persons who break in are actually trying to break in. There's always a chance that the equipment will fail and someone will happen to get in by accident," Alanna said. "I don't want someone getting hurt. Sent to a penal colony, yes. Hurt or killed, no."

"To be honest, I'm more concerned by someone being able to breach our security in the first place." The Andorian's antenna twitched with a little motion that indicated annoyance. " We are marines. Not DS5 Security."

"I am aware of that," Alanna said. "Nothing against Starfleet security, but I would prefer a Marine detachment here. I'll see what can be worked out that will be acceptable to both of us."

"I am biased. I would prefer to have my Marines deployed here as they are the most reliable form of keeping order in a given situation." He gave a sly grin. "We are trained to keep and hold a given bit or real estate so no worries there."

Alanna nodded. "Then we're in agreement." She smiled at the Marine. "We'll let you get back to what you were doing. Thank you, lieutenant."

She and T'gan stood and bowed. "Thank you."


Lieutenant JG Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer

Temporal Physics

First Lieutenant Gordon Blue
Marine CO

Second lieutenant Sh'zera
Marine XO
NPC by Soran


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