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Touching Base

Posted on Sat Feb 9, 2019 @ 4:05am by Lieutenant Alanna Wells & Civilian Jason Haines

1,942 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Arboretum
Timeline: MD06


When Alanna returned to the station after helping secure the Raddon facility, she went to her office to make sure all the files had been uploaded successfully. Because she didn't trust anyone involved with Raddon, she transferred the files to her primary backup, and then manually copied them to her secondary backup that was not on the main computer grid and therefore safe from being found or tampered with. She did have security protocols in place to protect all her files, but that one she was especially careful with. It wasn't that she had anything of great import on it, but it did hold all the files on the work she'd done over the years and a number of historical files and information for her personal research.

When that was done, she began a program to analyze and collate data from the research facility to see if she had the data she wanted.

She wanted to discuss it with lieutenant Haines, but it took her a day before she had the time to do so. checked the chronometer on the wall. Maybe Jason Haines had a few minutes? She checked the computer to find out where he was at the moment.

Jason was lying on the grass in the arboretum. He had needed some time to think away from the office. He had dealt with a lot of things in the past two days and his head was full and he needed some time for it all to settle.

Alanna sat down on the grass next to him. "Mind some company?" she asked.

He looked at her and smiled.

"As long as you've paid the cover charge", Jason said with a chuckle. "So, how can I be of service mi-lady."

"That depends on the cover charge," she teased.

"That is a dangerous response", Jason said still smiling. "Tonight's charge will just be a wink and a smile though."

"Oh, well, if that's all..." She grinned and gave him a slightly self-conscious wink. She was not in the habit of winking at people, especially handsome, charming men. "You should come here at night when the stars are out. It's not the same as the real thing, but it's a good facsimile."

"What if I am scared of the dark?" he asked devilishly. "After all, there could be dangerous tribbles in the tree-lines lurking unseen until the stars come out."

"Rabid tribbles can be dangerous, yes," she responded in kind, enjoying the banter. "Take someone with you who's good in dark places."

"Do you know of anyone who is good in dark places?" he asked with a big smile. "I hear the tribbles around here can get pretty big and have big pointy teeth. RAWR!"

She couldn't help laughing at his RAWR. "I might. I hear the Chief of Science likes exploring dark places." It was true enough. As an archaeologist she'd been in a lot of dark places. But the banter...flirting?... with Jason had a danger all its own that she couldn't resist.

"So, do you think you could introduce me to the Chief of Science?" Jason asked. "They sound like they could be fun to get to know. And if they can protect me from killer tribbles, that is just icing on the cake."

"Killer tribbles with big, sharp, pointy teeth." She grinned. "I think she'd like getting to know you, too." Her eyes met his for a long moment. "I could arrange something. What would you prefer?"

"Well, I guess I will need a training session", Jason said. "You know, sneaking through the arboretum at night, fighting the tribbles hand to hand, dealing with any injuries. I hear that tribble bites are very painful. But, I'll trust you to work that out with her. Do you think she would be ok with this?"

"I think I can talk her into it." She was trying very hard to act serious. "Tonight? I hear it will be very dark."

"I'll be here", Jason said with a big smile. "Now, as much as I have enjoyed it, I assume you came here for reasons other than to hit on stray intelligence officers?"

"I haven't hit anyone," she replied in mock surprise. "But I did want to get your impression of what happened on Pangaea today with the Raddon research facility."

Jason chuckled a little and said, "From a purely scientific view, it was interesting. I am not sure if you or T'gan noticed, but the temporal portal that Raddon was trying to establish, was influenced by other portal energy. I analyzed the fields over 24 hours up to the explosion. The arrival of our guests yesterday had an influence on the accident at the Raddon facility. I think our guests bounced back and forth enough between the portal caves before we got there, that a resonance wave started. So, it was almost like the portal that Raddon tried to open intersected with an echo of the energies from yesterday. I've never seen something like this before in all my studies in temporal and dimensional physics."

"I did notice that they were trying to access or duplicate the portal site. I haven't had the time to look deep enough, so I didn't notice the effect our visitors had. I'll have to look at that in some detail. T'gan is looking at the physics."

"And from a non-technical point of view, I think we should pull the plug on Raddon and get them off the planet", Jason said. "They are going to cause some major problems."

The expression in her eyes hardened. "I've already filed the paperwork. He and his people will be escorted back to the station. I oversee the science research on the planet, so I do have some authority. I also have enough evidence to back up the removal. Anything else is up to Commander Soran." Then she smiled. "I'm glad you feel the same about Raddon. I'm afraid I won't be on his guest list any time soon." She looked away for a moment, then back to Jason. "Keeping him from the planet may take more than just a ban."

"Well, I am working on collecting as much as I can on the Corporation, delicately", Jason said. "The number of 'tread lightly' warnings I have received is enough to fill a data padd. And don't get me going on their anti-alien routine."

She shook her head. "I haven't had the pleasure. I don't think I'm missing much." She raised an eyebrow. "Who do they consider alien?"

"Anyone not completely human", Jason said with the slightest hint of a growl. "Which is stupid as that is the majority of the galaxy."

Another reason she should avoid the Raddon Corporation. "Are they part of the Earth First movement?"

"I believe so", Jason replied with a sigh. "You know, my father and mother fought when they were in Starfleet so we could have better times. Now crap like this is happening. It's probably good that my father is MIA, he'd probably get so mad and just go in and blow up Raddon's headquarters."

"I'm glad I haven't seen much of this bias before coming here." She looked at the upper level of the arboretum for a long moment. "I understand the sentiment, though. I don't want to blow anything up, but I want to dig into their files and see what I can come up with. I'm sure they've got their fingers into all sorts of things."

"Yeah, I am sure they do as well", Jason said. "And them being in this area, when Raddon could be rubbing elbows with Admirals and politicians like he normally does is interesting. I am sure they have some inside information on all the goings on out here."

Alanna nodded. "Probably. I should check Draxx' shuttle and be sure there are no more surprises."

"I would think that security would have torn it apart by now", Jason remarked. "What else might be there?"

"Security did look it over, but Draxx gave it to me. I want to figure out how it works, and how he managed to get past Federation security. It has alien tech," she explained.

"Well, that changes everything", Jason said. "What sort of alien tech?"

"He didn't say. I've run several analysis and diagnostics, but I don't have everything figured out yet." She lay on the grass and looked up at a white, fluffy cloud drift across the holosky. "I could bring in teams of people to tear it apart, but I enjoy the chance to figure it out for myself. Well, me and my computer programs."

"We all need a hobby", Jason replied with a smile. "What are you going to do if it turns out to be something dangerous?"

She let out her breath slowly. "I don't know. Let security or intel know. Beyond that, it depends on how its dangerous." She looked over at Jason and smiled. "We're trying to figure out why a Romulan computer core is tied to Pangaea, how the portals work, and now how to keep the Raddon Corporation off the planet. I can't avoid things that are dangerous, even if I wanted to."

"Not to mention tribbles", Jason replied chuckling. "And no, I suppose avoiding danger is not possible unless you stayed at home in your bed all the time. Although, you would have to worry about bed sores."

She laughed at the mental image. Alanna was more likely to go stir crazy before she got bed sores. A day in bed was about her limit--and only if she had books to read. "Bed sores and rabid tribbles. Not something I want to deal with."

"You know, I just had a thought", Jason said. "The Romulan computer core, there doesn't happen to be any evidence of a Romulan ship crash is there?"

She stared at him blankly for a moment. "I don't remember."

A 'hmm' escaped Jason. "Well, something to investigate. Maybe there was a Romulan ship that had an unfortunate interaction with the planet. Romulan space isn't too far from here. Sorry, my brain sometimes goes on tangents."

"It's okay. I followed you. I'll see what I can find when I get back to my computer."

"It's ok", Jason said. "We both have enough on our plates to keep us busy for at least part of a life time I am sure. I can look up any scans that are already done. If I find anything new, I'll let you know, but I will expect awards for all my great discoveries."

"Awards or rewards?" she asked, grinning at him.

"I think 'and' would fit there a little better", Jason returned the word-play, with a devilish smile. "Then again, my mom always did say I could be a bit too greedy for my own good."

"You are incorrigible," she teased. "Rewards I can handle."

"I have been called many things in my short life", he replied. "incorrigible is not one of them. I think I like it."

He then sighed and said, "You know, I would love to stay the rest of the day here being incorrigible with you, but I need to stop hiding from the reports I need to file. Otherwise, I won't be able to come back and be incorrigible with you here tonight."

"Tempting." But she couldn't keep him from his responsibilities. "I shall have to incorrige you later, then."

"Well then", Jason replied with a smile. "I shall look forward to your 'incorrigement' the rest of the day."


Lt.(jg) Jason Haines
Chief Intelligence Officer
Deep Space 5

Lieutenant JG Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer
Deep Space Five


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