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Something Shiny This Way Comes (Part II of II)

Posted on Wed Feb 6, 2019 @ 9:10am by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Civilian Dorian Torel
Edited on on Sat Nov 2, 2019 @ 11:26am

2,124 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Yolanthe's quarters
Timeline: MD03 0300

Previously, On Something Shiny This Way Comes...
Standing there before her, Torel tossed her trousers aside stepping closer to the edge of the table his hands running up Yolanthe's skin, slipping his fingers under her thong, pulling it to the side as he knelt.

And now the continuation

A few moments later, Yolanthe screamed, with a mix of surprise and pleasure that bounced off the walls. The men of her home world had never done anything like that! For her moment her body blushed pale peach at making such a debauched noise, and then the sensations her was giving her reasserted themselves, and her body flushed strawberry, her hair vermilion. She knew she was being selfish, but it felt too good to stop. All she could do was squirm and whimper as he held her on the edge, grabbing at the table top, pushing her hips at him, head thrown back.

She realised that he wasn't going to stop, realised that she was okay with that, and gave up the last shred of control. And that was all it took. In an instant she let out a lust soaked moan, her skin turned the colour of human blood, her hair to mahogany and she was coming around his fingers, her body clutching at him, hips arching up, the heels of her shoes dragging down his naked back as she rode the wave, rising up to wrap her arms around his head again, holding him close until the aftershocks passed.

When she finally released him he looked up, ring to his feet. "You don't think we're done do you?"

Her chest was rising and falling with little panting breaths. She pushed herself to a standing position, towering over him in stilettos. She gave an arch smile, and pushed at his chest firmly, forcing him to take one step back, and then another and another, until he was up against her sofa again. Then she gave him one last push so he dropped into the cushions. She straddled his hips and draped her arms around his neck, kneeling over him, her breasts grazing against his chest. "You are wearing entirely too many clothes." She replied. reaching down to the sole of one of the new shoes and drew out the blade. "I can help with that."

He raised a single brow at her method as a copy grin curled the edges of his mouth; but made no move stop her. With one toe he pushed off one shoe then the other. His hands tracing up her thighs, to her waist, and up her sides. Reaching back giving her ass a slap as he gripped it.

"I'd be careful with that," She put the blade to the seam of his pants, and pulled. The fabric parted like smoke under the edge of the blade. "Wouldn't want to jog my hand." She slipped off his lap, sinking to her knees between his thighs, knife drawing down until she had cut through one side of his pants. She flicked the knife so it sailed up in an arc from one hand to another, and cut the cloth on the other side. She threw the knife aside, a firm deliberate throw that left it an inch deep in the wall and quivering.

Then she put her hands on his waist band, and pulled. With the side seams gone, she'd effectively skinned him. In one sharp tug, they were completely gone, tossed over her shoulder an into another corner. She rested a hand on each of his knees and ran them up towards his hips.

Under his pants he had black boxers and the soft silk fabric did nothing to hide from her how much he was enjoying himself. She leant forward and kissed him, tasting herself on his tongue. Dark pink, her fingers bunched the fabric and then she ripped it apart.

She broke the kiss and looked down. Her body turned a brighter shade of red again. She hadn't been expecting that. Where she came from, men were never allowed such things. It was too much of a risk. The taboo of it made her breathless.

The silver ring that pierced him glinted at her, taunting her. She looked up at him from under ruby red eyelashes, pulling back for a moment. "Are you okay with this? You'll tell me if you don't want this?"

Looking at her honestly surprised at her question. "I haven't stopped you yet have I?"

"Always good to check." she pointed out, and dropped her head…

Sometime later, they lay together on the floor of Yolanthe’s quarters, naked and sated, Yolanthe’s body was a dark garnet, her hair almost black. Dorian lifted himself up enough to look at her. Again he took in her shading and was amazed at her ability. "I should pick your pocket more often."

"Ha!" she snorted, "What makes you think you'll get a second chance?"

Looking down at her in the darkness smiling, "Just a hunch." Remaining on the floor he lay next to her, his head propped up. "Did you really think Geral had sent me here?"

She looked over the length of his body. The dark ruby faded back to merely scarlet. "You wouldn't be the first man sent to me."

His eyes didn't waver as he spoke to reassure her. "Well I may work for him but I don't seduce people for him nor would he use his people like that. Have you met Sha'rae, his personal assistant, yet? He rescued her from a situation where she was basically treated as a party favor."

"That’s horrendous." Yolanthe shivered a bit. It was a fate she'd had her own narrow escape from. "Were you part of that rescue?"

"I was actually. Back then Sha'rae's employer would present her as a gift so she could feed back information that he could use to destroy his competitors. Geral caught her, offered her a way out, and used her against the littie bastard. Once he had taken over all his business interests, Geral took care of the other girls in similar situation and I made sure he stayed out of business permanently.

"She earned her way into her current post, but I think she had a little trouble the other day."

"Oh?" Yolanthe shifted closer to him, seeking his body heat now the sweat was cooling on her skin, "What happened?"

"She was delivering an invitation to the Lotus Lounge and had a bit of a flashback I think."

Yolanthe suppressed a little shudder. She remembered both her encounter with the sultry, and poisonous, lady of that house, and her boy's own blissed out, utterly wrecked response to a night spent under their attentions. "They do seem to have a little trouble with boundries." She thought of the others she had encouraged to walk into the vipers nest on level 3. Her skin started taking on shades of peach. Lasuma might not be willing to pimp out his employees, but it seemed she was, even if it was to save her business.

"Speaking of invitations, are you going to be at the meeting?" He asked hopefully.

"Meeting?" She asked, eyes narrowing, wondering if this was the other , metaphorical, shoe about to drop? "What meeting?"

He looked at her surprise. Of course he knew of her...dislike...for him boss but surely an invite had been sent to her as well. "A series of invitations were sent out to various merchants about a supply proposal. There was also some discussion about combining that meeting with a proposal for the colony. I bet Sha'rae just hasn't delivered it yet is all."

She thought of the pile of correspondence and things to do that Edward had given her when she'd come in. She remembered him saying that Lasuma's assistant had been in earlier that morning. The pale orange got a little darker. "I think she did. I just haven't read it."

She rolled gracefully up onto her feet, unhindered by the stilettos and crossed to the replicator. She came back with a steaming bowl of water, a towel, and a wash cloth. She knelt down next to him and dipped the cloth into the hot water. "You think I should go." It wasn't a question.

He watched her intently as she moved about, taking in every curve and movement. Even knowing her feelings toward Geral and her fiery nature, which he found irresistible, he nodded, "I do. He threw your staff that reception didn't he. Besides, what's the harm in listening? And if he can put some latinum in your much the better."

The bokkai took the cloth and started to wipe the sweat and occasional crumb from her carpet from his shoulders. "Ancestors know I need it." she muttered to herself. Louder she said. "Then I'll go." She still didn't know what Lasuma was after, but would it really hurt to listen? She dipped the cloth again. "I might even wear the shoes."

That raised an eyebrow as he sat up, taking her hand in his. "I half expected more of a fight, but I'm glad to hear you'll be or no shoes"

"And why's that?" She laced her fingers into his, and continued to wash away the remains of their love making from his body with the other.

"Well considering the rocky start you two had, not to mention the fact that you put a blade to my throat earlier", he said smiling. "Besides with you there it gives me a chance to see you again...if only officially."

"So this is a secret rendezvous?" The peach turned to an azure blue. Yolanthe picked up the towel a d began to dry him off. "I could keep you here and no one would know where you've gone?"

Her attentions reminded him of an old fashioned Japanese bath that he had received when he had visited Earth some years ago with Geral. It was an interesting side to see given their fiesty beginnings. To her question a wry smirk spread over his face. "Hmmm....sounds like a tempting offer. Do you plan on tying me up to keep me from escaping?"

The blue became pink, very quickly. "Thats..." Her head tilted slightly as she looked over his body again, "worth considering. Though given how easily you lifted my punch dagger, you're probably far too slippery to keep."

He grinned knowingly, recalling the situations he had gotten out of...though a lot had to do more with his Angosian make up than skill alone. "Well that would only give you the opportunity to go on the hunt to recapture me."

"You'ld like that," She returned the dish to the replicator, taking a moment to clean herself before recycling it. "Having me chase you around the station. Cornering you in dark places so I can have my wicked way with you?"

He sat there watching her the light from the recycling casting a momentary light on her. Standing he moved to stand behind her kissing the base of her neck. "Oh I'm sure the fun would go either way...regardless of who was being chased."

She let out a soft sound, close to a purr as his lips brushed the sensitive skin of her neck. The fuchsia became closer to salmon. "You think you could catch me?" she sounded skeptical.

"I have my ways, besides I got in here didn't I?"

She turned to face him. "Yes you did. Quite uninvited. And do you think you could do it without cheating?"

Rubbing is chin with mocked puzzlement. " it cheating if I've already hacked the door? I think it might. In that case it would be up to you; since you would have to invite me over or tell the computer to grant me access. Would you want me to be able to get in?"

She tried not to smirk and failed. "if your recent performance is typical, then always."

"And here I thought you were interested in my sparkling personality."

She laughed, and flicked his piercing with a fingernail. "Its not your personality doing the sparkling right now."

"Just all part of the package", he countered with a grin. " hungry?"

"Is that a euphemism?" she asked with mock suspicion.

He chuckled. "Nooo, an honest question? Care for an early breakfast?" Raising a hand to brush a stray strand of hair out of her face. "That is unless you'd prefer round two?"

Yolanthe gave him wicked look, and hooked her fingernail into his piercing. "I think I could stand to work up an appetite."


Yolanthe Ibalin
Propriator, The Box of Delights

Dorian Torel
Lasuma Enterprises


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