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Something Shiny This Way Comes (Part I of II)

Posted on Mon Feb 4, 2019 @ 8:24pm by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Civilian Dorian Torel

1,989 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Yolanthe's quarters
Timeline: MD03 0300


Yolanthe's quarters were standard civilians quarters with a standard layout, a central living space for dining and lounging and, a bedroom to each side. There was a dirty glass in the replicator slot, and clothes scattered in odd corners.

Dorian sat quietly as he waited in the shadows, ignoring the clutter. She obviously hadn't been expecting company, but everyone gets sloppy from time to time. He had disabled most of the lights in the room, but directly under the one that would still function was a box and propped against that box was the dagger that he had lifted from her thigh during their dance. All he had to do now was wait.

A little after 3AM, the door whispered open, and Yolanthe's tall silhouette filled the door, illuminated by the feint lights in the corridor beyond, before she stepped inside and the room was plunged into near complete darkness again.

She didn't even notice Dorian, too busy loosening the buckles on her boots. "Computer lights." She kicked an ankle boot across the room, narrowly missing Dorian's face as it soared over the couch. Nothing happened. "Computer!" She straightened up, as she kicked the second one away to another corner and saw the box on the small dining table haloed by a single light.

In an instant, her skin had gone from lilac to yellow. Someone had been in her room. A wickedly curved dagger appeared in her hand, drawn from a sheath at the small of her back, and she swung it into a reverse grip with the smoothness of long practice. She looked around the room, but the near complete darkness beyond the single working light meant she couldn't see a thing. She approached the box cautiously, and flipped the lid off with her free hand.

Her skin flashed turquoise Shoes? "Computer? When were these delivered?" She reached in and lifted them out.

The boot she kicked off had landed nearby and but he waited to she how she reacted.

Yolanthe frowned at the computer's continued lack of response. She was going to definitely report this to security. Security? Hah. They couldn't 'secure' a round of drinks in bar.

The shoes were a pair of wickedly thin sharp heels, shining black with thin strips that criss crossed over and over from the toes, all the way up to the ankles, to where a small knotted bow his a practical buckle. She raised an eyebrow that was fluctuating between daffodil and azure. They'd be murder to walk in, but they'd easily put four inches on her already tall height, and she could quite easily put the heel through someone's hand. Or chest.

She put the shoes down on the table. The style was very much to her taste, and they reminded her of shoes and boots she had worn at home, the sandals her people would wear to make sure maximum amounts of flesh were on display. Who would be sending her shoes? Damn. She needed more light. There was a torch in her room, so she carefully moved towards it, until the door hissed open. And light from inside spilled into the main living area.

As the light spilled into the room he was still partially obscured. He could tell she hadn't seen if yet and he smiled as he rose and stepped into the light. "I thought you might want your dagger do you like the shoes?"

As he moved forward, her weight shifted, ready to attack, and then when he was close enough for her to see, she relaxed, her body turning a dirty gold. "You break into my house to give me nice shoes?"

See her reaction, both initial and upon recognition only added to his smile. "Not just that. I figured you would want you blade back from the other night." His grin turned devilish at the memory and fact that he had been able to slip it without her noticing.

Reaching past her he got dangerously close as he pick up one of the shoes. Holding it between them, "These are no ordinary pair of heels." Turning it over he showed her the subtle notch and drew out the blade discreetly hidden there.

"The blade is razor sharp and completely standard scans. And when you are done..." gliding the blade slowly back into place " slides right in; between the layers of the sole."

"Slides right in?" She raised an eyebrow, then looked to his gift. "So. Shoes with knives in?" She took the shoe and drew the blade back out, turning it over in her fingers which were starting to turn a delicate shade of blue. Another nasty blade, made of a thinner and stronger alloy than her own little accessory. It wasn't terribly big, but sharp enough to make a mess. Murder to walk in indeed. "Are they a matched pair?"

"Absolutely. Just in case you've kicked one off and the need arises to stick someone."

"Here, lets see how they look." Taking the pair he dropped to one knee taking her calve in his had and slipped it on. Resting her foot on his other leg as he as he slowly laced the straps slowly up. He repeated the process with her other leg, if not slower. His hand still on her calve, as her foot rested on his knee, how does that feel?"

"Taking liberties, aren't we?" She asked him. The extra height meant she towered over him. She pushed her now rose pink foot up the length of his thigh, turning her ankle so that the ball of her foot was flush to his hip, and the long point of the stiletto heel pressed into his crotch. She put a fraction more weight onto that foot, the tip of her heel digging in lightly. "I think they might need wearing in."

"I was thinking the same thing..." As he rose to his feet, he ran his hand up her leg, catching her leg behind her knee, lifting it with him. His other hand went to the small of her back as he pulled her to him. His eye never leaving hers.

In a sudden movement, her hand, and its knife, came up, slashing his shirt open from hem to neck. She held it under his chin, point pressing against his jugular "If this is just to get me to trust your boss more, you should know now its not going to work."

Looking down at his shirt he shook his head. "I'm here because I want to be not because someone sent me. If he wants your trust...he will earn it one way or another." Pulling her in tighter so she would have to either pull back or cut him.

"Good to hear it." Yolanthe purred. She took the knife away, and flicked it at the table top where it stuck in point first and quivered there for a moment. Then she ran her pink hand up his now partially exposed torso, fingernails dragging across his abdominals and over his chest until she had snaked her arm around his shoulders, "I wouldn't want to go where I'm not really wanted."

His hand moving up her back over her shoulder and cupped her face. "Not wanted? Why would you ever think that?"

He didn't let her answer as he he drew her lips to his. His fingers moving up her neck into her hair firmly.

She responded in kind, her own fingers tightening in his hair, holding him in place whilst she returned the kiss, tongue flicking at his, pulling him tight against her body which was turning deeper shades of fuchsia with every passing second.

Releasing her leg, his hand sliding up her thigh and waist, up her side where he deftly undid her her top, slipping it off her shoulders. He then pulled the fabric tight, pinning her arms, his hands just beneath her breasts as he hardened their kiss.

The sudden restriction made her hesitate, pink flashed to green, then yellow. She pulled back, breaking his grasp. Empty white eyes looked at him for an instant, then she was on him with renewed intensity, pressing him back into the table edge, pushing herself against him with a hunger, covering his mouth with needy, bruising kisses, hands roaming his backside, squeezing greedily.

Driven by her passion he reached down gripping her ass, lifting her up and pulling her legs around him. Spinning them around he knocked the now empty box off the table as laid her back. Pulling his shirt off completely before mounting the table himself. Moving between her legs he kissed his way up her abdomen scrapping his teeth over the curve of her breast, and again at her neck.

Yolanthe let out a breathy gasp as his teeth closed over the skin of her neck, and reflexively her legs tightened, holding him in place so she could reached for his belt, salmon pink fingers deftly flicking it open and then pulling at his fly until she could reach inside and rub her hand along the length of him.

Biting her earlobe as she took hold he gripped the fabric of her bra and pulled slowly. Tucking his head slightly he blew a stream of cool air over her as more of her skin became exposed.

She shivered as his breath cooled her skin, and she reluctantly let go of him so she could reach behind to unclasp her bra and slide it off her arms. She threw it aside blindly, and then pulled him close again, pressing her tongue into his mouth, using one hand to press his palm to her naked breasts, and the other to tease his nipple, tweaking the sensitive nub with a pinch.

Returning her pinch with one of her own, her nipple between his fingers. Braking away from her lips he kissed his way down the center of her chest. Moving to his right he brushed his lips over her soft skin teasingly. His tongue flicked and he sucked air hard over her now wet nipple, chilling it to a firm peaked and erect state before biting gently.

Yolanthe let out a noise that was soaked in need. Her fingers twisted in his hair, reveling in the sensation of his mouth on her body. It had been too long and she arched against his touch, wanting more as her skin turned a hot pink, and his tongue left her gasping.

Biting a little harder at her reaction but not too much as to push a good pain into a bad pain. Releasing her breast he continued his march south. Backing off the table as he working over her body and even though she still had her clothing on he moved down over the fabric until he was between her legs kissing against her inner thigh. He could feel the heat from her body as he brush over her, moving to her other inner thigh. Her leg over his shoulder, his lips placing another kiss while his free hand loosened the ties to her pants.

When he started to move down, and she realised what he was doing, her insides knotted in anticipation. She wasted no time in lifting her hips from the table edge, pushing the fabric of her work pants down under her bum for him to pull off. The wide legged trousers slid over the new shoes easily, leaving her naked but for the strappy sandals and her underwear, a lacy black thong that contrasted with the raspberry of her skin.

Standing there before her he tossed her trousers aside stepping closer to the edge of the table his hands running up her skin, slipping his fingers under her thong, pulling it to the side as he knelt.

To Be Continued...

Yolanthe Ibalin
Proprietor, The Box of Delights

Dorian Torel
Lasuma Enterprises


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