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Would You Be Willing to Go on an Undate with Me? Part I of II

Posted on Thu Jan 17, 2019 @ 5:58am by Civilian Jason Haines & Civilian 'Arrival' Avis Larant Ms

736 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Deck 142 - Level 2
Timeline: MD 4 1700


Avis had just polished off a slice of pepperoni pizza (thin crust because that's how God intended it to be, anything else was heresy) and now was doing her version of stalking. Eying various individuals making their way thru the promenade she would hastily make her analysis as to whether that person would be the subject of her little scheme. This wasn't easy but someone once said nothing worth it was easy.

Some were eliminated instantly. Nonhumans. Not that she was biased but the bartender at the Box of Delights said where she was going they did not allow nonhumans to even enter. A strange rather xenophobic rule she was surprised they could get away with even but she didn't make the rules. Then some men - for if it was going to be a date, however fake, she would much prefer a male, she was into men afterall - were simply not fitting the part. Too old, too young, boys really, or simply not looking very physically impressive. A dumpy short guy would hardly be intimidating in case there was trouble. One excellent looking candidate, uniformed too, was unfortunately accompanied by a woman and a little girl.

That's when she spotted this handsome even distinguished looking also uniformed young man striding past the Lickspittles Pizza place and he seemed ....well perfect for what she had in mind. Her sharp eyes noted no wedding ring either although to be fair, many people either never wore them or didn't even think them necessary to show they were taken off the market. Nevermind, Avis decided this was her best (OK, only) choice thus far and decided to go for it.

Entering out into the vast hallway she was about twenty feet behind him as she produced a slip of computer paper in one hand then rapidly closed the distance. God, this was such a cheesy old trick but funnily enough it had worked for her in the past. When she was within easy hearing distance, she called out.

"Excuse me! Sir? Excuse me but did you drop this?"

Jason was hungry. It had been a long day on the planet and now it was time for the first order of business - survival, or so one famous Captain was fond of saying. The food choices that were available were crazy. He wasn't really sure what he wanted yet, but once more the quest for food was interrupted from someone calling out to him.

Jason turned around and saw the somewhat short blond woman extending a piece of paper to him. He stepped up to her and briefly glanced at the paper. He rarely saw paper since his mother had died. She didn't like to use the computer for more than data collection and manipulation.

"No, I can't say that I did", Jason replied with his typical smile. "I'd help you find the owner, but my stomach swears it is going to kill me if I don't eat something soon. Know of any good places to eat around here?"

Well, he better not say it was his or Avis would certainly wonder about the man. Still, his next line was perfect! He was making this easier than she had hoped thus far. Oh and great smile too. One that merited a beaming return of her own.

"I just saw it on the floor and figured I'd try," she had to pretend the paper was at least somewhat important but didn't wish to dwell on it.

"I'm quite new to the station to be honest but, do you like pizza by any chance?" she asked then pointed to the Lickspittle marquee a short distance behind them.

"Pizza sounds very good", Jason answered as he looked where to Avis was pointing. "As long as there isn't gross stuff on it. I'm a simple man when it comes to my pizza. Only tomato sauce, cheese, galk slugs, and benar worms on mine."

"Seriously?" Avis instantly regretted her choice.

He laughed and then said, "I'm just joking, just pepperoni and sausage for me." He paused briefly and then continued, "My name is Jason and if you tell me your name, I'm buying."

"That's better," she grinned then added, "Who could turn down that offer? I'm Avis. Nice to meet you, Jason."

To Be Continued...


Lt.(jg) Jason Haines
Chief Intelligence Officer
Deep Space 5

Avis Larant
Investigative Journalist
DS 5


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