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Would You Be Willing to Go on an Undate with Me? - Part II of II

Posted on Thu Jan 17, 2019 @ 5:59am by Civilian Jason Haines & Civilian 'Arrival' Avis Larant Ms

1,006 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Deck 142 - Level 2
Timeline: MD 4 1700


"Pizza sounds very good", Jason answered as he looked where to Avis was pointing. "As long as there isn't gross stuff on it. I'm a simple man when it comes to my pizza. Only tomato sauce, cheese, galk slugs, and benar worms on mine."

"Seriously?" Avis instantly regretted her choice.

He laughed and then said, "I'm just joking, just pepperoni and sausage for me." He paused briefly and then continued, "My name is Jason and if you tell me your name, I'm buying."

"That's better," she grinned then added, "Who could turn down that offer? I'm Avis. Nice to meet you, Jason."

...Now the Conclusion

They changed direction then and headed back toward Lickspittle's. Avis glanced up at him as they walked.

"So an officer huh. My brother was in StarFleet. How do you like the military?" she couldn't help herself, she always seemed to ask questions.

Jason looked at her and smirked, "Well, if Starfleet was a true military, I am not sure I would like it so much, but given that it isn't, I like it. I don't know if it is something I will do my whole life, but I enjoy it now. So, what do you do when you aren't pulling the 'Sir you dropped your wallet' routine on curious suckers such as myself?"

Avis gave a fake painful wince then grinned, "Oh yeah, that was pretty transparent wasn't it? In my defense it did work though, we are talking and I'm about to eat pizza you're buying."

"Yeah, it was pretty transparent", Jason said. "but I get paid to be curious. So, what's your scam?"

"No seriously, I'm not some con artist trying to trick you or anything. But in the interest of openness here, I am looking to recruit you to help me in my job. I'm an investigative journalist for the news organization IIN - that stands for Interstellar Investigations Network - we are kind of the new guy on the block, edgier more willing to look into things that might be a bit controversial ...that sort of thing. I'm on assignment here on DS5 and a source has suggested I visit a place - bar or nightclub I presume - called the Dilithium Chamber. It has a humans only policy. Obviously that narrows down my possible recruits. So here I am scouting out for possibilities and along comes this handsome young officer - that's you by the way if you are still following all this - and I thought let's ask him."

"Ooh flattery", Jason said with a smile as they entered Lickspittle's. Even though he was paying attention to Avis and the surroundings, his mind was thinking of his discussion with Yolanthe yesterday about the anti-alien movement, Raddon, and his nightclub. He started making a mental list of things he would have to bring.

After they were directed to a booth, Jason asked, "So, what do I get out of this arrangement besides a date with a pretty lady?"

Avis sat down then and answered him, "It doesn't have to be a real date just a fake date so I'm not going in there all by myself. Safety in numbers sort of thing you know."

Suddenly it hit her. She blinked, "I mean unless you want it to be an actual date? I'd be happy with that."

"But if that's not enough for you then why don't you tell me what you might wish out of this? I will oblige if it isn't too outrageous. Afterall I would owe you."

"I am not adverse to a real date at a later time", Jason replied with a smile. "but where this started as business, let's keep things that way for the club. Like you, my job is information. I just use it a bit differently than you. My proposal is that we share information as needed while we are assigned to the station."

OK, that was fine. She had gotten what she wanted from him then. Honest date was probably too much to expect.

"No reporter worth his or her salt would turn down a chance for a source. I'd be happy to accept that offer - share and share alike is good for me. So....when can you accompany to this Dilithium Chamber, Jason?"

Avis was nothing if not a go getter.

"And no intelligence officer worth his or her salt would turn down a chance for a source either", Jason replied, taking a sip of his drink. "Would tomorrow night be acceptable? I've had an 'interesting' day to say the least and don't think I'd be able to play the part you need nor deal with anyone wishing to cause issues."

"Sure tomorrow evening is good for me. Would you like to come to my apartment and then we go from there? Or me pick you up at your place?" Avis was nothing if not flexible.

"You aren't going to collapse from exhaustion on me before we eat the pizza though I hope?" she grinned.

"Who lets exhaustion get in the way of pizza?", Jason asked with mock horror at her question. "That would be a travesty and one might need to call sickbay."

He chuckled.

"Can't have that then, can we?" Avis smiled.

"Excuse me but you never did answer my question though. You picking me up or am I going to your place?" she persisted.

"I will pick you up", Jason said with a smile. "I think that will work better, unless you would have it the other way around."

"That works well, besides I come from an old fashioned family - the gentleman picks up the lady," she pointed out cheerfully.

That business settled it was time to settle down to ordering and eating some pizza!

"Well, I will try to remember to be a gentleman then", he said with a laugh, ready for the food.

"I have the utmost confidence in you," she nodded.


Avis Larant
Investigative Journalist

Lt.(jg) Jason Haines
Chief Intelligence Officer


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