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Posted on Wed Jan 16, 2019 @ 11:47pm by Commander Caleb Ryan & Lieutenant Annora Tessaro
Edited on on Mon Jan 21, 2019 @ 12:00pm

1,520 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Things Past
Location: Promenade
Timeline: MD09 1500

Ash stretched and rubbed his wrists as he and Annora walked out of the turbolift and onto the bustle of the Promenade. “Ah, take in the scent of freedom!” he commented. “Long haul freighter body odor and…” He tilted his head. “Rowa’ni,” he said with a grin as a small group of the attractive alien females walked past, the scent sending pleasure rippling through Ash and Annora. They were silent, but Ash worked with two of the aliens on the Nemesis and knew the look of telepathically chatting teenagers.

Ash turned to Tessaro. “I will admit I could go for something a bit stiffer than coffee, but you are on duty, so where do you recommend for a good coffee place?” he asked.

She still wasn't sure what to make of all the information she'd received a few minutes ago, but at the least it explained Ash's actions while retaking the ship. Plus, having a somewhat independent crew looking into further terror activities was comforting.

"I'm not sure I'd call that scent freedom, but to each their own. As for coffee, the Javawocky Cafe is my recommendation. It's a bit off the beaten path, but still has good service and drinks. Also less crowded than, say, Galactica Coffee House."

“Sounds excellent,” Ash said. “Lead the way.” He followed through the crowd. “Should I continue calling you Lieutenant, or Tessaro, or can I call you Annora?” he asked cheekily. “I mean, you now know all my darkest secrets.”

She slowed down briefly to get her bearings before heading off to the right. "I'm sure you have other deep, dark secrets you didn't tell me. Even without that, you hold the higher rank. Annora is fine."

Moving past several shops and restaurants, Annora continued to the end of the corridor. The sign identifying the coffee shop had a picture of a dragon-like creature holding a large coffee cup in on hand.

Waving a greeting to the proprietor, Annora lead Ash to a table near a window overlooking the corridor.

“Oh, let’s not let rank interfere with anything,” Ash said, pulling the chair out for Annora. “Besides, I’m just Ensign Nick Bolero as far as you know,” he reminded her. He was still undercover. “And I still haven’t thanked you properly for pulling me out of there.”

"Right. Well, either way, my comment stands. Places like coffee shops and chow halls usually leave rank at the door."

Taking the offered seat, she nodded in greeting to the waiter who came over. "I'll have the usual, thanks."

Turning her attention to Ash, she gave a few suggestions. "They have a lot of your standard drinks, but if you like sweeter coffee, their Brillig brew is popular. There's also several drinks named after various Starfleet captains."

“That sounds intriguing,” Ash said with a chuckle as the server came over to take their orders. Ash perused the menu board. “I think I will have the raspberry dark chocolate mocha,” he ordered. He looked over at Annora. “I know we said coffee, but would you like to share a dessert?” He gave her a smile that no doubt had many a woman melt in his presence.

She shook her head, but smiled anyway.

"You keep upping the ante, but I'll agree to some dessert. Anything specific catch your eye?"

“That tiramisu looks delicious. And it’s coffee,” Ash said cheekily. “And what can I say. I’m a gambler. I like to push my luck.” He grinned at Annora.

She shook her head. "I try not to push my luck, but in this line of work you have to at certain times. It's a bit easier now that I'm not in a combat situation."

“Ah, but you never know what you might miss by not trying something,” Ash told Annora with that handsome smile of his. “Combat was never much my thing,” he admitted. “I prefer more...subtle approaches. Do you miss it?”

Considering he seemed to work primarily in the undercover section of Starfleet security, Ash's response was what she expected from the man "Perhaps, but I've had plenty of excitement in my time in uniform."

Annora paused as their orders were brought over. "Do I miss combat? Not completely, it's nice not being shot at on a regular basis. At the same time, there's something to be said for the adrenaline rush." She chuckled. "Also a lot less paperwork then my current position."

Ash chuckled as well. “Don’t I know it,” he said. “Until recently, I was riding a desk, too,” he admitted. “But there are other ways to get that adrenaline rush.” He gave her a knowing look over his cup as he sipped his coffee, nudging the plate of tiramisu so it was more centered between them, a fork for each of them.

She took a bite of the tiramisu, as she pondered a response. "I try to get away from the desk when I can. For at least an hour during my shift I try to make it out to the Promenade and get a feel for things. I'm sure you could come up with several ways to get the adrenaline flowing, but I thought you were heading off station shortly?"

Ash smiled. “I’m sure I could play hooky for at least a night,” he assured Annora. “No telling when they will come for me,” he admitted. “I was once the special guest of a Romulan warlord for a month before my ride remembered to pick me up.” Though he smiled, there was a haunted note that crept into Ash’s eyes.

She was sure there was a story behind the Romulan mission, but knew better than to ask for specifics. Some ghosts were best left unspoken of. "If you think you can get away with it, feel free to stop by after work. Assuming we don't get wrapped up in another crisis, I should be free."

Annora briefly wondered what she had just agreed to, but was confident she could handle herself.

Ash’s smile brightened. “Excellent!” he said. “That Lotus Lounge of yours looks interesting,” he noted. “Ever been there?” he asked her. “Or we could do something more traditional. I see you have a Gino’s here. Dinner and dancing, perhaps?” He forked a piece of the tiramisu and held it out to Annora with a smile.

Grabbing the fork at the bottom of the handle, Annora responded to the question, "Don't push your luck. Both are nice options. However, I haven't done much dancing since I joined Starfleet."

“So the Lotus Lounge?” Ash asked with an unrepentant smile. “But dinner at Gino’s would be nice.” He released the fork for her. “Since you know the station better, you could suggest...after dinner activities.”

Taking her time eating the tiramisu, Annora pondered his question. "We can eat at Gino's but no dancing. On a station this size, there are plenty of opportunities for after dinner activities. We can check the schedule for The Borealis Amphitheater, see what show they're putting on tonight. The Hidden Chariot is a popular among those who like escape rooms. If you prefer a leisurely stroll, I recommend the Wildwood Plaza. Of course there's always the holodecks."

“Any of those sound wonderful,” Ash said. “Whatever you like.” He took his own bite of the delicious dessert. I hope you don’t think me too forward, Lieutenant,” Ash said with a smile. “I just know my time is limited in getting to know you.” He flashed that knee-melting smile again.

After a long deliberate drink of coffee, the security chief set down her mug. "I expected a man like you to be more decisive. You seem to be leaving everything up to me. Are you being a gentleman or are you a bit intimidated by me?" She flashed her own mischievous smile at Ash.

Ash grinned. “Being a gentleman,” he said. “After all, I could choose something only to find you completely bored because you prefer Ferengi slug racing,” he pointed out. “But fine. Dinner, and then the amphitheater, followed by gelato and a stroll through the Wildwood before I walk you home and kiss you good-night. Then I make you breakfast in the morning,” he said cheekily.

"Don't get ahead of yourself soldier. At this point all I agreed to was dinner, and maybe an activity afterwards. I'll check the schedule at the The Borealis when I get a chance, if that doesn't seem interesting we can go to Wildwood Plaza."

She picked her mug back up. "Although I'm sure somewhere on this station we could find Ferengi slug racing."

Ash laughed. “Dinner, theatre, and a walk are excellent,” he said confidently. “You have me entirely intrigued, Lieutenant.”

"Sounds like a plan. I'll meet you outside Gino's at 1800 hours." That would give her plenty of time to take care of any end of shift items that came up, get changed, and make her way to the restaurant.


Lt. Cdr. Ash Danrisa
Intelligence Officer
USS Nemesis
NPC Caleb Ryan

Lt Annora Tessaro
Chief Security Officer


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