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Fire and Ice (Part III of III)

Posted on Fri Jan 18, 2019 @ 9:45pm by Captain Maritza Soran & Civilian 'Arrival' Geral Lasuma

1,649 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Geral Lasuma's yacht.
Timeline: MD 04 2030

Previously on Fire and Ice

Maritza nibbled at her own food. "I was going to say its kind of hard to see a man who has a snowball fight as a criminal Kingpin."

He didn't hesitate, even as he thought about some of his less than reputable activities still going on. Shrugging with a smile, "One could say the same thing about the Commanding officer of a Starbase."

She blushed and looked down with a demure smile of her own. "I had a moment of weakness. Its been a long few days. Ill try to retain the dignity of my office at all times from now on."

Lifting her chin, he looked straight into her eyes. "Don't you dare..."

And Now the Conclusion

She went still, like a deer caught in headlights. Whole squadrons of butterflies took flight in her stomach, and the ability to speak , or even think, flew out of the nearest window. "I..I suppose I could make an exception." She managed, trying to keep her voice even. "For here."

Their eyes still locked as he had leaned in a bit, "Good", he said softly. He hovered near her for a long second gauging her reaction to his nearness.

He could feel her nervous swallow against his fingers and heat flush her cheeks. She hadn't had anyone look at her like that very often, and it had been a long time since the last time. She barely knew the man. She shouldn't be carrying on like this. She was supposed to be aloof, not making exceptions. However much she wanted to. She had to force herself to look away.

Before she put her, I'm the boss, shields up he closed the distance slowly and kissed her lightly. Pulling back a bit, looking at her.

"Mr Lasuma," she stuttered, falling back into formal address from sheer surprise and confusion. "I.." she began. She was going to say, "I'm the commander!" but she wasn't, not here. And she'd just promised that she wasn't going to be that here.

And it had been really really nice

Shaking his head slightly with a soft smile. "Now promised.

"I'm sorry. Its just.... Its been a long time... and I'm not used to..." she floundered a bit more. How did you say anything when there was so much noise in her head right now, a swirl of thoughts and feelings.

Staring straight at her he blinked. "Nothing to be sorry about. If anyone should be apologizing it should be me. If I read things wrong...the last thing I wanted to do was to push you. Here I wanted to give you a chance to relax and I only give you something else to stress about."

No!" she blurted out. "No. You are not giving me anything to stress about. You're not blowing up embassies, or punching journalists. And this is lovely. I just didn't ... I wasn't expecting... I don't get to ...relax... much. I haven't really had much practice."

Lifting a finger with a smile he turned and stoked the fire, adding a few pieces to the blaze. Returning to her side he leaned against the chair and lifted an arm, motioning for her to lean up against him. "Come here...and relax."

She shifted across, leaning into him awkwardly until she found the best position. It seemed alien at first, but she found herself softening after a minute. "I think the last time I was this close to someone I was insulting a klingon."

Lowering his arm around her shoulder holding her. "You insulting a klingon...somehow that doesn't surprise me."

"I had had a particularly bad week," She replied. "I had lost my ship, seen a number of my crew...butchered." For a moment she was thousands of light years away, in the midst of the Kzinti War. "I was testy."

He had seen similar atrocities during the occupation but she didn't need to know that. He had managed to set those things aside, hopefully he could help her to do the same. Giving her a reassuring squeeze and kissed the top of her head. "Well hopefully you never have to go through anything like that again."

Maritza stared at the fire, thinking of the people who'd died when Pangaea had emerged, and the Svikiri had gone rogue, and the strange parasite that she had brought here, and had killed at least three people. She may not go through that again. Now she could lose so many many more. And at least Kzinti were openly aggressive. They were.. simple, straightforward in their violence. You didn't have to be perpetually on your guard waiting for the knife in the dark like she did with Raddon, or the Cardassians, or the mercifully quiet currently Romulans.

She sunk back against him, relaxing a little more, despite herself. "I hope so."

He stroked her arm softly as the fire cracked and popped...

She was warm, and comfortable, for the first time in... too long. "But round here, you never can tell," She blinked her eyes, and tried to stifle a sudden yawn. "It was invaded two years ago. The station I mean. Did you know that?" She put her hand to her mouth to cover another one that was determined not to be denied.

Her yawn triggered one of his own as he replied. "I did know. Not to forget the Romulan incursion about...what 10 or so years ago now."

"Before my time." She let her head fall fully against his side, watching the flames dance dreamily. "Deep Space Five. Home of excitement." The sleepiness was heavy in her voice.

"Never a dull moment..." He stared into the hypnotic flames as he held her a smile on his face as he heard her voice soften. He continued th stroke her arm progressively lighter as they bathed in the warm from the fireplace. His breathing was deep and regular not wanting their evening to end.

She didn't speak for a while, soothed by the gentle touches. "Your home is cosy." she said softly.

His eyes closed and he leaned his cheek against he hair as he whispered a reply. "You make it more so."

There wasn't any reply. just a soft steady breathing, deep and relaxed and at peace.

The minutes passed in silence and Geral's blinks became slower and slower. His eyes opened as the silence was suddenly shattered by a call from her commbadge as he realized what had happened, the once roaring fire was now nothing but cold ash, =^= Operations to Commander Soran. =^=

Maritza jerked awake like she'd be scalded, and was for a moment totally disorientated. Her hand went automatically to her chest, but the badge wasn't there, she had stuffed it into her coat pocket, and it only bleeped again. "what? Did I fall asleep?" Long strands of blonde hair had worked clear from her normally pristine braids. and she patted at her hips, but there were no pockets in her leggings. "What time is it?"

Geral was getting to his feet, "Computer, what is the station time?"

"Station time is zero eight zero seven hours."

No sooner had the computer finished than her badge sounded again. =^= Commander Soran, Please respond.=^=

Maritza realised it was in her coat pocket, and stumbled over, trying not to yawn. "This is Soran. Go ahead."

Looking around the control center as some continued to ponder the CO's tardiness. =^= Is everything ok Commander? =^=

Geral wrinkled his chin slightly, noticing that the person on the other end didn't bring up her location or ask a more revealing question.

"Yes, I''m just-" She glanced at Geral, then away, suddenly her heart was purring along at a zillion beats a minute. She'd fallen asleep, she hadn't meant to do that. Except he'd been so warm, and solid, and reassuring and - She stomped hard on that train of thought. "Just running a bit late. I'll be there shortly."

Grinning slightly at her maneuvering. "Duty calls I guess."

"It does." She looked at her fingers, not really sure what to say. Finally, she pulled herself together "Could I trouble you for a transport to my quarters? I've lost enough time."

With a mocked expression of puzzlement he replied. "Did you say no beaming within the station, Hmmmm?" Chuckling slightly he let her off the hook. "Since it was a request from you, I suppose...for a price."

She opened her mouth, then closed it with a vexed snap. He was hoisting her by her own petard. And she suspected he was enjoying it. "And what would that be?" she asked, wondering what he might ask of her, and finding herself hoping for...something.

Moving closer to he looked her in the eyes silently for a long moment. Reaching down he took her hand in both of his and kissed it firmly yet gently before lowering it slowly. "Have a good day."

She smiled, not quite managing to suppress a very girlish burst of happiness. "Well, I'm off to a good start, now. Thank you."

Geral bowed his head slightly, never breaking eye contact with her, "The pleasure was mine.  Next time how about you show me a favorite location of yours?"

"Yes, definitely. Though I'm not sure it could compete." Maritzas mind was already making wild suggestions. It was still a short list.

Calling out to his yachts computer, "Computer, transport my guest to Commander Soran's quarters within DS5." And she was gone in a shimmer of light.

A few moments later, having freshened up, Geral was heading out to meet with a few potential clients when two security officers approached him as he was securing his yacht.

"Geral Lasuma?"

"Yes, can I help you?"

"You are under arrest.  Please come with us."


Commander Maritza Soran

Geral Lasuma
Owner of Lasuma Enterprises


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