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May I Take A Peek? - Part II

Posted on Sat Jan 19, 2019 @ 4:03am by Lieutenant Alanna Wells & Civilian Jason Haines

1,647 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: DS5 - Promendade
Timeline: MD3 - 1700



She chuckled at the comment. "Okay, I won't ask." She finished closing up her office. "There's a lot of competition for field assignments in my field. I was assistant to some really good people, but I wanted to do more. Starfleet gave me the opportunity to explore." She walked to the door and waited for him to join her.

... The Continuing Story

Jason followed her and she could sense he was a little relieved. "So, what is your area of study in the sciences? I'll hazard a guess and say, aquatic-biology given that you can scuba dive. It is sort of a lost art."

"It is, but sadly, no. But I have been able to scuba dive in my work. My focus is history, archaeology, and anthropology. That's one of the reasons I'm so excited to work with the portal complex."

"Interesting", Jason said. "My guess was quite off. Anyways, from the reports I read on the way here it is an envious assignment amongst scientists, most just wish the planet was a bit more towards the core worlds."

"I was fortunate." She walked down the corridor towards the turbolift. "Between the portal complex, the Romulan core, and the new research facility, there's a lot to do." She stopped at the turbolift. "What brings you to DS5?"

"I wish I could say it was as enriching as why you are here", Jason said, following while trying to make sure he didn't get lost. "Starfleet Intelligence is concerned with all the activities and all the parties that are trying to get their fingers into the portal 'pie'. So, they sent little ol'e me to try to watch everything. I feel like writing them back and telling them that unless they want to send me about fifty more crew, they'll be lucky if I can keep my eye on my belly button."

She grew serious. "Yes, there is a definite need for you here. Commander Soran or Commander Ryan can give you a lot of information. So, can Lieutenant Tessaro. I can tell you about the science on Pangaea, but not so much about what's going on here on the station."

Jason nodded and replied, "I knew starbases of this size were large, but one can't appreciate the magnitude until one comes on board. And given the size of the base and everything going on down on the planet, it is going to be quite the trick to keep one's finger on the pulse of things. If cloning were legal, I might make a few extra copies of myself."

"Only an AI could keep track of everything. There's far too much going on around here." The turbolift stopped and Alanna stepped out. "You can get lost in the promenade, if you're not paying attention."

Jason smiled and muttered, "An AI huh? Hmm." He had an idea, but it would have to wait for later. He turned his focus back to Alanna and the promenade.

"Wow", he said. "This is intense and impressive. I haven't seen an area this busy since going out on leave in San Francisco when I was at Academy."

"You can get a map on your PADD," Alanna said. "It helps. What would you like to see?"

"No", Jason said, seeming like he had just grew younger. "Let's just go in and get lost. We can use the map when we want to get out. It doesn't really count as exploring if one is using a map. One is just following when using a map."

Alanna grinned and slipped her PADD into her pocket. "You're right. Let's just see what we find." She closed her eyes for a moment and pointed. "That way."

"That way it is", Jason said, stepping into the stream of foot traffic with her. "So, I told you what I did for fun, what about you? What does Lieutenant Alanna Wells, stellar archaeologist do for fun?"

"Like you, I like to hike and swim. And go camping." She dodged two shoppers who were more interested in their conversation than watching where they were going. "And when I need to blow off some steam, I throw pots."

Jason's eyes were darting about, and he said, "So, is throwing pots some local martial art or do you mean literally throwing pots. And who is the poor soul you throw them at?"

Alanna couldn't help laughing at the idea of using people for targets. "Sorry. I should clarify. I use a pottery wheel and clay. Although there are times when I get so frustrated with the end result, I do throw it at the wall."

He nodded and then asked, "Are you hungry?"

She hadn't thought about food, although it had been several hours since lunch. "Now that you mention it, yes."

"Do they have anything out here that resembles earth style Italian food?" he asked. "My stomach just grumbled and I thought of a lasagna that my dad used to make when he and I lived in Montana."

"Yes, there is definitely a place for lasagna." That was one place she'd found early on. A small, hole-in-the-wall place that had the most amazing Italian food.

"That is great", Jason said. "Are you up for it? After all, you might hate Italian food."

Alanna shook her head. "No. I love Italian food. It will be nice having someone to eat with, too." She pulled out her PADD and navigated to a small establishment on a side passage. The sign read "Mama Leona's."

"Awesome!", Jason replied with a smile. He looked at the sign and then extended his hand to her hand as the door opened for them. "After you mi-lady."

"Thank you, kind sir," she said, acknowledging his hand with hers as she entered.

Once they were seated and had ordered drinks, Jason asked, "So, where are you from?"

"I'm from a small colony in the Catalan system. I spent a good deal of my childhood outdoors. What about you? Did you grow up in Montana?"

"Mostly", he answered. "Dad was finishing up his time in Starfleet teaching a couple of security classes at the Academy, with a few off-world missions he had to go on. My mom's family had a place in Ireland. When I was ten, she and I were in a hover-car accident and she died."

He paused and it was easy to see pain on his face.

"My dad retired from Starfleet and we went to live at his family's home in Montana. I haven't been back there since before Academy. I am going to have to sometime as I guess it’s mine now. Not sure if I want it. My uncle has never wanted it. He hates Montana, he'd rather be at the beach all the time, which I can't say that I blame him."

He shrugged a bit and took a sip of his drink.

Alanna put a hand over his for a moment in sympathy and then pulled it back. "I'm sorry. Montana's a beautiful place. But then, I prefer woods and mountains to beaches."

Jason said, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to darken the mood."

They were interrupted for their order, which Jason ordered lasagna and a side salad. Once they had ordered Jason continued, "Yes, Montana is beautiful and has a lot of great places to hike. Although, the beaches of Nalia Prime do give it a run for its money."

"I've never seen Nalia Prime," Alanna admitted. "But then, there are far too many worlds to be able to see them all. A good problem to have. One of the advantages of working in Starfleet is you have a chance to see more worlds." She considered for a moment. "You could as a merchant, too, but I prefer the science you get with Starfleet."

"Starfleet does give a lot of opportunities”, Jason remarked. "What are your plans for after Starfleet".

"That's going to be a while." At least she hoped it would. "But I might teach. Or I might settle down somewhere." She shrugged, not wanting to go into too much detail about her hopes. "A lot will depend on what happens over the next decades. What about you?"

"I'm not really sure to be honest", Jason answered. "My family has been in Starfleet since the Archer days. My great, great, great grandfather was an engineer on the NX-Columbia. My parents were in Starfleet but didn't push me that way. Dad would talk about his time in Starfleet, but neither would talk about my mom's time. I think she didn't want me too to go that route, but she never said so. "

Alanna nodded in understanding. "Well, you have plenty of time to figure it out." She paused for a moment and then her eyes met his. "I'm glad you're here. I could definitely use a non-science perspective on the Pangaea project." She also thought she would enjoy working with him, if their conversation so far was any indication.

"Well, I can't say it will be totally non-science", Jason answered. "My mom was a doctor and she made sure that my science grades stayed high. After she died, my dad made sure that they stayed that way. Although he did have to get me a tutor. He wasn't dumb in anyway, but his pursuits were more in the physical arena. "

"Even better." She studied him for a moment, but before she could say anything, the waiter arrived with their food.

Conversation lagged while the two focused on their meals. Alanna always enjoyed the food here, which was why she tried to limit herself to only once a week.

Jason ate slowly, his eyes darting back and forth, but more often than not, they stayed on Alanna's face.

(To be continued...)

Lieutenant JG Jason Haines
Chief Intelligence Officer
Deep Space Five

Lieutenant JG Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer
Deep Space Five


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