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The Plot Thickens

Posted on Wed Aug 1, 2018 @ 3:55am by Lieutenant Annora Tessaro

413 words; about a 2 minute read

What was supposed to be a war game with other Starfleet ships, and a show of force for the Cardassians, has turned into much more. While those of us on the Offense got off to a bit of a rocky start, we ended up gaining the upper hand. We had just achieved victory when everything fell apart. We were already reading elevated levels of gravimetric disturbances and hyperonic radiation from the Svikari by that point which gave us some cause for concern. We sent a warning to the ship which went unanswered.
A minute later the ship disappeared from sensors and reappeared amidst the Cardassian fleet. From there they proceeded to fire on the Cardassians and destroy their lead vessel. Supposedly this whole thing has been orchestrated by the Free Earth Movement. They are an organization I’m unfamiliar with, but will investigate upon returning to the station.
Before we could disable the Svikari, they activated their multivector mode giving us three targets instead of one. Despite this new development, we continued our attempt to disable the ship. Thankfully someone managed to disable their shields, giving us a big boost. Needing to gain physical control of the ship, I volunteered to lead the boarding team on the first section. While we beamed aboard with little trouble, we soon encountered heavy resistance from the crew. Some resistance was expected, but I was surprised the crew had their phasers set to kill.
With the assistance of a surprise inside man, we managed to gain the upper hand. Once that obstacle was cleared, I took a small team to the bridge. In the time it took us to gain bridge access, the bridge crew seemingly killed themselves with some sort of poison gas. There wasn’t enough gas left to kill us, although it did cause some respiratory distress.
I’m sure an investigation will reveal information in time, but at the present I’m having trouble wrapping my mind around what’s just happened. A handful of crewmembers changing alliances is not not entirely unheard of. For a large number of the same crew to turn coat is highly unusual. The bridge crew’s apparent suicide is another oddity. Their death does not appear to serve any purpose, except possibly to conceal information. I expect the Higher Ups in Starfleet to ultimately take charge of the investigation, but in the meantime I hope Commander Soran allows the security department to carry out our own investigation


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