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...with every dawn...

Posted on Mon Oct 15, 2018 @ 3:43pm by Civilian 'Arrival' Arlen Grey

162 words; about a 1 minute read

Well, I got here tonight. Place is huge, bigger even than Id many people. Verelan, you owe me...I accepted this only because you told me you needed me and yeah I was happy on Earth.

Not sure how I want to handle this when i meet the CO, usually Id be reporting in as Fleet but now, I think Ive forgotten how to just say hello.

Louise, Ive done what you wanted me to do, my darling,.,here I am for good or bad, I miss you every day and every night and I wake hoping to hear your tell me you love me one more see your gentle eyes..maybe this is how I start again who the hell knows.

I love you.

I miss you.

But I have to live, dont I.

One day at a time, one tear at as breath at a time..all I have left.

- Arlen.


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