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So that's who you are!

Posted on Tue Feb 10, 2015 @ 1:24am by

755 words; about a 4 minute read

Location: FMS Precinct


[FMS Precinct]

"Sonofabitch!" Steiner swore. He looked at the image displayed on the screen. "You're sure?" he was looking at a Starfleet record, the facial photo was clearly of the man who had called himsefl Jonathan Riley. A negro human male. Except this individual was Dorian Gabrial the former Starfleet Chief of Security, Deep Space 5.

"Ninety Eight point seven seven percent sure Chief" Tevlet nodded and pointed to the side of the screen which displayed the DNA profile he had lifted from the glass Steiner had brought from the cafe, next to it was the one from the Station's database. "Print's match too" Tevet commented and the screen displayed Gabrial's Starfleet Identification record.

"Brazen sonabitch" Steiner muttered again and sat down in a chair besides the Deputy Technician's work station. He look over at the glass which sat on a scanner pad. It was bathed in a soft blue light and he could clearly see the fingerprints that Gabrial had left on it. Both those and the traces of skin cell DNA had been easily sufficient for Tevlet to run through the forensic scanner and get a positive identification.

"Ummm Chief, I should also tell you" Tevlet began "according the to computer Gabrial isn't one of your species..."

"Huh?" Steiner was puzzled

"He's not human" The Andorian said "I'm no medical specialist but the computer says he'd not an Earth-Human, well not completely..."

"What is he then?"

"I don't know and the computer can't determine, we'd need a specialist medical or science program" Tevlet explained

"Hmmmm" Steiner stored that piece of information away.

"There's one more thing" Tevlet said "I checked on the name he gave you. There have been two Jonathan Riley's on the station in the last five years. This is the first one"

The display changed to a picture of a human male, Jonathan William Riley, caucasian, probably fifty or sixty years old by the look of it, wearing civilian clothing. His identification recorded he was an engineer on a civilian merchant transport ship and was fifty seven years old. He had visited the station, once for three days, more than four years ago.

"This is the second one" The display brought up another Stafleet personnel file "Jonathan Riley, deceased!" Tevelt said quietly "He was a former Security Officer, he was killed on the Promenade trying to prevent an assassination attempt on a former station commander"

"Goddammit" Steiner was not pleased. Gabrial had tried playing him and had used the identity of a dead hero to do it. "Where does this sonofabitch live?"

Tevelt pulled up the station deck plan and directory. "Civilian housing level, right .... here" He pointed to an apartment unit. "We going to pay him a visit?"

Steiner noted the location but shook his head. "Not just yet, but we'll be keeping an eye on him. Good work Tevlet"

He concluded and went back into the main area where he bumped into Aksdal. The big Norwegian was pale, sweating and looked awful
"Awww damn Sven-Erik, did you get sick?" He asked

"Yeah, I think I got hit by a shuttle full of whatever this virus is!" Aksdal rumbled, wiping his nose with a handful of tissue "Worse flu I've ever had"

"Well no point in hanging around here in that condition and I don't want you giving it to me!" Steiner said, not unkindly "Get yourself off to the sickbay and then bed"

The Senior Deputy was about to protest but Steiner shook his head "No buts, sickbay and off duty!"

Aksdal nodded reluctantly, blew his nose again and shuffled off. Steiner watched him go then went over to his own office.

He accessed his computer, pulled up the public record on Gabrial and read through it. There wasn't much there. There was a link to make a request to Starfleet Personnel for a copy of the man's service record. In his experience Starfleet would normally cooperate with such requests but they would want to know why and so far Gabrial hadn't really done anything wrong. While providing false information to a Marshal was a minor offense, it had to be committed during an official contact and two guys chatting in a cafe didn't really count.

He sat back in his chair and thought over his encounter with Gabrial. What had the former "Fleeter and alledged murderer, been playing at? Assuming the name of a dead officer? Was it some kind of sick game, or was he trying to pass on information....

CD Wolfgang Steiner
DS5 Precinct


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