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And you are?

Posted on Tue Feb 10, 2015 @ 1:22am by Civilian 'Key Holder' Dorian Gabriel

968 words; about a 5 minute read

Location: Square Mile


[Promenade corner cafe]

Steiner had just left the breakfast meeting with the various merchants who operated businesses on the station and was taking a stroll around the promenade. It was fairly quiet at this time, most of the stores were just opening. He stopped to window-shop and as he looked into a display window he caught the reflection of a corner cafe behind him.

Sat at one of the tables was a stocky black human male. The male seemed to be watching Steiner closely. He moved to the next window and when he glanced up the man's head had turned slightly to follow him. Even though it was a reflection Steiner could feel the intensity of the man's gaze. Steiner was used to his uniform attracting looks, but this was a little more than usual.

He turned and wandered over to store on the other side of the walkway, sure enough the man at the cafe table continued to observe him. Steiner glanced in the new window then turned and walked slowly over to the man's table.

"Good morning" he said in a friendly way "Something I can help you with?"

Dorian had observed the man for a significant amount of time. Although he hadn't worn the uniform of Starfleet Security or Intelligence in years, he still had the same habits. Something about the individual seemed different than the other Security officers that served onboard.

He smiled as he looked up at the individual. "Hi, I'm new on board, I just got came a few days ago. I'm still trying to get a feel for things, I saw that you weren't wearing the same kinda uniform as some of the other officers." He replied.

"I'm a Deputy in the Federation Marshal Service" Steiner said, getting the feeling he was being played here, since most people, particularly humans would recognize an FMS unform when they saw it. "And you are?" he asked

~Marshal Service. . .? Since when did the Station request the Marshals to come onboard. Clearly he was here to track something or someone.~ Dorian thought to himself.

"Jonathan Riley," Dorian said with that same smile. He found a small source of pleasure referring to the name of the deceased Security Officer who died while trying to stop an assassins bullet meant for Captain Tahir.

"Pleasure to meet you Deputy." He said while extending his hand. "I didn't get your name. . .?"

"It's Steiner, Mister Riley, Chief Deputy Steiner" Steiner replied shaking hands with the man "And you're newly arrived on the Station you say, what do you do Mister Riley?"

~A Chief Deputy. . .all the way out here?~ Dorian thought as he shook the man's hand.

"Well, alittle bit of this, alittle bit of that. I'm a Jack of all Trades." Dorian smiled. "I thought you Marshals only came around when something BIG was going down? Is there something I should be concerned about?" He asked.

"I don't know Mister Riley" Steiner said, still smiling and keeping the tone friendly "Do you have something to be concerned about?"

"Well I'd certainly hate to be held hostage or blown up," Dorian said while laughing. "I've heard stories about how things have been around this station. In fact, I heard that someone tried to kill the Captain a few years ago, right over there." Dorian said pointing in the general direction where the assassination attempt took place.

"And then. . ." Dorian said, with added exaggeration. "There was that real unfortunate business with those Guardian Platforms. Makes me wonder if someone had sabotaged them or something." He stated. "If I was one of them security folks, I'd probably start at the Embassy level. Who knows what they're up to, probably spying on us." He said with a smile.

"It seems you've picked up quite some stories during your short time here Mister Riley" Steiner replied, making sure he got a good look at the man, so he could recognize him later "So how long are you staying on Deep Space 5?'

"Well, not for too much longer." Dorian replied. "I'm just here for a small job for a friend of mine. Soon as I get what I'm owed, I'll be on my merry way." He said with an knowing smile.

"How long do you think you'll be there?" He asked.

"Be where Mister Riley?"

"Well, how long do you think you'll be on the station? I figured you Marshals are only brought in when something big is happening." He said. He leaned in closer and spoke in a lower tone. "Here to catch some smugglers, huh? I hear this station is a hub of illegal activity, especially for those trying to get a good deal on phaser rifles." he said, sitting upright again.

"Really? Steiner said, sounding surprised "A hub of illegal activity huh? Well thank you for telling me Mister Riley, that is certainly something I should look into. Where did you hear this?"

Dorian leaned back as he reached for his glass to finish the remnants of it. "I hate to cut and run, Marshal Steiner, but I got a meeting to attend. It was a pleasure to chit-chat with you!" Dorian said as he began to stand from his seat.

"Indeed, Mister Riley" Steiner nodded, still smiling as he watched the man walk away. As soon as "Riley" had left Steiner stuck two fingers in the glass the man had drunk from, spread them against the sides, picked it up and inverted it. Then tapped his commbadge with his other hand

=^= Steiner to Tevlet, beam me back to the Precinct, I've a little job for you =^=

Well Mister Riley, let's see who you really are... Steiner thought as the transporter beam formed around him.

Dorian Gabriel
Former Chief of Security
Current Regular Joe

CD Wolfgang Steiner
DS5 Precinct


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