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Working lunch

Posted on Tue Feb 10, 2015 @ 1:32am by

641 words; about a 3 minute read

Location: FMS Precinct


[FMS Precinct]

Steiner moved the encounter with Gabrial to a mental backburner, it was an analysis process he had refined over the years. He'd realized that getting too focused on a problem sometimes didn't help solve it, letting go of it for a while often brought new ideas and solutions.

He activated his desktop terminal and began reviewing reports. He'd had a trace placed on the XXXX so he could keep track of the smuggler's movements. If they followed the usual pattern the ship should be back in vercinity of DS5 in a couple of weeks and Steiner wanted to be ready when it arrived.

Around 11.30 Tu-Selok came in to see him. "Sir, I have prepared a report on our reopening of the Precinct, and a supplies order for some of the items we are missing" She held out a PaDD.

"Quit with the Sir" Steiner replied "Chief or Steiner is fine!" And instead of dumping that on me" he gestured at the PaDD "Why don't you sit down and tell me where we're at?"

Tu-Selok nodded and sat "Yes si.... Chief!" She ran through her report quickly and succintly, covering the major points.

"Good work" Steiner smiled when she'd finshed "So, why did you become a Marshal?"

"Well, Chief, I believe the Marshal's Service protects the Federation by-"

"Whoa!" Steiner held up his hand to stop her "Don't give me something out of official policy or a recuirtment poster, or our mission statement! Why did young Tu-Selok choose to go into law enforcement, instead of, say, the Vulcan Science acadamy?"

Tu-Selok paused, her head tipped slightly to one side, and looked at him. She's wondering if I'm seriously interested or checking up on her... or is she thinking what to tell me Steiner mused

"I'm serious, why did you want to be a copper?" He asked again

"My father is a Federation Judge, a senior judge. So was my grandmother and one of my uncles. Other members of my family are lawyers and legal advisers in the Vulcan city justice committees, inmcluding my two older brothers. It is a family...tradition"

Steiner nodded "Okay, why did you break the mold?'

"Break the mold?" Tu-Selok asked puzzled

"Change the pattern, decide not to be a lawyer"

"I did not break the mold at first. I studied law for five years and was in the process of taking my post-graduate studies when I chose to move into criminal investigation and apprehension"

"And how did that go down with the family?" Steiner asked neutrally

"It was the subject of much.... discussion" Tu-Selok replied quietly

I'll bet it was Steiner thought to himself. Knowing Vulcan society he was pretty sure that becoming a Marshal was probably not approved of by her family of lawyers. "So why FMS instead of the V'Kor?" He asked. The Vulcan police had a very good reputation for being precise investigators.

"The V'Kor is a small organisation and there are very few crimes on Vulcan, even fewer serious ones. I believe the FMS offered greater opportunity for me"

"That's true" Steiner agreed "You'll get to see the worst things the galaxy has to offer, plus a few of the better ones. So again, why be a copper?"

"I wish to be of service to the Federation, I have a great respect for the law, I wish to uphold it." Tu-Selok replied, lifting her chin " I wish to do that in an active and positive way."

"Instead of pouring over legal texts and squabbling over the fine print with a bunch of lawyers?"

"Yes" Tu-Selok said firmly

Steiner nodded, "Good, c'mon I'll buy you lunch! A Delightful lunch in fact!"

"Delightful, Chief?"

"You'll see" Steiner said with a smile and led the way out of his office

To be continued....

CD. Wolfgang Steiner

D. Tu-Selok [NPC]

DS5 Precinct


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