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Mission To Xi'Cadia (Part I of III)

Posted on Mon Mar 18, 2019 @ 10:05pm by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Civilian 'Arrival' Geral Lasuma & Commander Caleb Ryan & Civilian Melvyn Raddon

2,179 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Ferengi Ambassador ship
Timeline: MD 07 0900


After several days at top speed, the USS Nemesis dropped out of warp at the edge of the Typhon Expanse, just inside the limit of the Xi'Cadian system, to the coordinates specified by the Ferengi ambassador. Her own ship was waiting to escort them, and together they proceeded into orbit around the Xi'Cadian homeworld,where a brief, almost curt, message informed them that they would be meeting the Xi'Cadian Foreign Ministry team on board the Ferengi ship Avarice within an hour.

At the appointed time, the Federation delegation beamed across to the conference room on the Ferengi vessel.

Qinee stood in the transporter room and greeted the Federation delegates with a scraggle-toothed smile, dressed in her usual full length gown of gaudy colors and dripping with jewelry. She was shadowed by her young female Ferengi assistant. “Welcome aboard the Avarice,” she said.

“Ambassador, lovely to see you again,” Artemis Pierce said, his voice tinged with an Australian accent.

“Commodore, I swear you get more handsome every time I see you,” Qinee told Pierce with a wink.

Artemis chuckled. “Ambassador, may I introduce Serav, the Federation representative.” He gestured to the Vulcan standing beside him.

Raising his hand in the traditional Vulcan salute, "We come to serve."

Qinee gave a nod of her head, just a slight bow, in the Vulcan way, not offering her hand, knowing Vulcan’s detested physical contact. “Welcome, Serav.” Her dark, beady eyes took in the others of the group before she said, “The conference room is this way.”

As they exited the transporter room, the group was joined by a pair of Ferengi security officers in black that trailed behind them.

[Transporter Room - USS Nemesis]

Dorian had suggested to his employer, Melvyn Raddon that it would be best to allow the Commodore and his staff beam over first to the Ferengi ship. Currently, Dorian was joined by Melvyn as well as the Federation's envoy to the Obsidian Sector, Hilliard Braxton. Although Braxton had no authority over any of the Starfleet members present, he was participating as an interested observer who would provide guidance and advice where needed. For the time being he appeared to be providing more guidance on behalf of Raddon Corp than anybody else.

"This is ridiculous. We've wasted enough time. We can beam over at any minute," Lt. Si'Lar Trellis said in a frustrated tone. His frustration came from the delay in transporting onto the Ferengi vessel, as well as having to bear witness to Gabriel's paranoid actions. Additionally, he was frustrated of being assigned to the security detail of Envoy Braxton as a member of the Federation Council. This was a low-level diplomatic meeting; however, Trellis had still been detached to Envoy Braxton due to the sensitive nature of the meeting.

"The last time a Starfleet officer stepped foot on a Ferengi vessel, it resulted in a shoot-out and several of their own laying with phaser holes throughout their body," Dorian said as he stepped onto the pad. "I'd think you'd remember that better than anybody, Si'Lar," Dorian said in a biting tone to the security officer.

Lt. Trellis bit his tongue to avoid responding to the provocative statement. He knew his job was to look after Braxton, not to verbally spar with the disgraced security chief. "We're ready to beam over," Lt. Trellis said to the transporter operator.

Hilliard Braxton was enjoying listening to the back and forth between the two former colleagues. He had personally asked for Lt. Trellis to be his security escort mostly to stave off any accusations of Braxton having any kind of xenophobic bias. This particular mission was of the utmost importance due to the blatant seizure of vital dilithium production facilities. The last thing he needed was the distraction of someone claiming that he had bias against a non-Human government.

“Please step onto the platform,” the transporter operator said. She was a young female ensign, a waifish Bajoran-Cardassian hybrid. “Energizing,” Ensign Alenis Turathe said.

[Transporter Room - Avarice]

The Avarice transporter room was paneled in black with gold accents. The Ferengi behind the curved control panel expertly materialized the next group on board where another diplomatic officer awaited them.

“Welcome aboard the Avarice, Envoy, Mr. Raddon,” the Ferengi female said. She wore a more traditional tunic suit than Qinee ever wore, but it was still in bright colors, though nothing that would compare to Qinee’s typical attire.

My God, what a vulgarly tasteless design, Raymond thought to himself as he adjusted to the new surroundings. He shared a look with his father that seemed to say, Avarice was a perfectly apt name.

"Thank you for having us," Envoy Braxton said as he stepped off the transporter pad and made his way toward the female. He was flanked by Lt. Trellis, who continued to keep a watchful eye out for the individuals onboard. Although he thought Gabriel was too paranoid for his own good, he did have to admit that holding such a high-value hostage such as Braxton would net a significant bounty.

The quartet fell in behind the Ferengi female and made their way to the intended destination.

[Surrounding space]

As the Avarice and the Nemesis occupied the space within the outer boundaries of the Typhon Expanse they were soon joined by three Cardassian vessels. The lead vessel was the warship Runair, flanked by two smaller Hideki class vessels.

"Hail them and inform them that the Xi'Cadian delegation is prepared to come aboard," Gul Natomi Kyren said to the Operations soldier standing to her right. She nodded to the Commanding Gul of the Runair as she departed and made her way to the transporter room to join the Xi'Cadian diplomatic delegation.

The Ferengi captain of the Avarice answered the hail. “We are ready to receive the delegation,” she said. It was rather unusual to see a female Ferengi as daimon of a ship, but these were new and interesting times.

Gul Kyren met the Xi'Cadian delegate inside the transporter room. The main delegate, a female, had decided that she would not need to be escorted by traditional Xi'Cadian security detail. Gul Kyren appreciated the gesture of trust the diplomat had put in Cardassia's ability to provide sufficient security during these important talks.

"I see you do not share in my trust of the Ferengi," the diplomat said as she observed Gul Kyren being flanked by a Cardassian security officer.

"When dealing with the Ferengi, you never know whether to bribe them, shoot them, or both," Gul Kyren said with a slight smile as the trio stepped onto the padd and nodded to be beamed over.

[Transporter Room - Avarice]

The Cardassians and Xi’Cadians were met by another young female Ferengi. “Welcome aboard the Avarice,” she greeted. “I will show you to the conference room. “Food, drinks, and any other accommodations you desire will be provided, should you wish.”

"Thank you. I am Shina R'vaas, First Counselor to Governor-Supreme Hureth Arkul," the Xi'Cadian delegate said to the Ferengi. "This is Gul Kyren. She will be assisting me in today's talks," Counselor Shina said calmly.

[Avarice Conference Room]

The conference room wasn’t far from the transporter room. It was rather spacious, done in dark, exotic hardwoods. No expense had been spared on the state of the art conference table and chairs, a glowing holoprojector inset in the center of the table. Along the edge of the projector were small plates of delicacies and decanters of drinks from the homeworlds of all the participants. The walls were decorated with portraits of great merchants, from the picture of Grand Nagus Rom at the head of the room, to Rockefellers, Carnegies, and the founder of the Bank of Bolius. Oddly, there was also a 2D animation loop of a duck in red coat, tophat, spats, and spectacles diving and swimming around in a huge pile of gold coins and paper money.

“Please help yourselves to anything you like,” Qinee said. “Feel free to use the replicators,” she gestured to the replicators on each side of the long room, “and I also have a full kitchen staffed and stocked, ready to fulfill your wishes.” She spun one of the chairs around. “The seats all have massage settings,” including oomax, but she doubted they would need that, not having the lobes, “and a call button for if you need assistance with anything. I have retained the services of a few of the Rowa’ni from the Lotus Lounge to accommodate your needs during breaks or overnight, should you desire. Private rooms will be made available, should you wish.”

Serav, lacing his fingers together in front of him, spoke evenly and without expression, "I was under the impression this was to be a negotiation to restore relations with the Xi'Cadia. Not a..." he paused, "...pleasure cruise."

Qinee raised an eyebrow. “Need they be mutually exclusive?” she asked. “Besides, you cannot negotiate without breaks. You need a bit of relaxation and rejuvenation or tempers fray and everything you’ve accomplished becomes unraveled. I have been in enough negotiations to understand that.”

"You're assuming that anything will be accomplished at these talks," Counselor R'vaas said to Qinee as she entered he large conference room. "In fact, this wonderful spread and other refreshments might be the only positive outcome from this...gathering," the Xi'Cadian diplomat said mirthlessly.

“Ah, such negativity, First Counselor,” Qinee said. “Surely we can come to some equitable agreement in these talks that will be mutually beneficial.”

"First Counselor R'vaas of the Xi'Cadian Galactic Union," she said, introducing herself. "I am joined by Gul Kyren of the Cardassian Union," she said, introducing the Cardassian beside her. "The Governor-Supreme welcomes you all to Xi'Cadian space, and it is his hope that you all enjoy your brief stay within our borders. Now, shall we begin?"

“Yes, excellent,” Qinee said, gesturing to everyone to be seated. “Why don’t we begin with introductions.” The short Ferengi moved to the head of the table, her chair pulled out for her by one of her young female Ferengi assistants. Others waited beside the other chairs to help seat the other delegates.

“As you know, since I helped broker these talks, I am Ambassador Qinee of the Ferengi Alliance, and the Alliance’s representative to Deep Space Five.” She steepled her fingers in front of her and looked around the table. “I will be moderating these discussions.”

Serav, still standing behind his designated seat and glanced to the various attendees. "My name is Serav, here to represent the Federation in this matter."

“Commodore Artemis Pierce, Starfleet advisor to Consul Serav,” the tall Starfleet officer stated.

"Kielvet Arcet." The Denobulan raised her hand. "Senior Policy Advisor, UFP State Department. This is Maira, our research assistant.”

Maira just nodded a greeting.

Qinee looked to the other side of the table expectantly.

"I am First Counselor R'vaas, and this is Gul Kyren of the Cardassian Empire, she will be assisting me in today's talks," the Xi'Cadian said as she made herself comfortable at the table before her.

"It is a pleasure to be here," the female Cardassian said as she also took her seat and continued to carefully examine the diplomats around her. "Unfortunately, Ambassador Hydel Turvan was unable to appear due to schedule conflicts.”

"Oh?" Melvyn said as he took his seat. "That is quite unfortunate. I do hope that his new supervisor will let him come next time," Melvyn said sarcastically towards the Cardassian. The two shared a glare with one another until the tension was broken by the sound of another.

"I am Hilliard Braxton, Federation Envoy to the Obsidian Sector. I am here in a strictly economic advisory role. I have absolute confidence in the diligent capabilities of Consul Serav and his team," he said with that warming smile of his.

"I'm sure most of you are already familiar with me, but for those who are not, I am Melvyn Raddon, owner and Chief Executive Officer of the Raddon Corporation," he said as he made his way to his seat. "I do not believe that I need to emphasize just how vital your success is here today." He directed his gaze directly towards the Vulcan counselor.

"The lives and prosperity of countless souls depend on the full functionality of the Raddon Corp dilithium facilities throughout this territory," he said. "Hopefully this little...distraction can be addressed and quickly resolved."

“Excellent,” Qinee said. “Mr. Raddon makes some very good points. “Consul Serov, would you like to make your opening statement?”

To Be Continued...

Commodore Artemis PIerce
Commanding Officer
USS Nemesis

Ambassador Qinee
Ferengi Ambassador

Kielvet Arcet
Diplomatic advisor
[NPC by Soran]

Federation Diplomat
[NPC by Lasuma]

Melvyn Raddon
Chief Executive Officer
Raddon Corps

Dorian Gabriel
Security Consultant
Raddon Corps

Hilliard Braxton
Federation Envoy
Obsidian Sector


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