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Miranda, Part 9

Posted on Sun Mar 17, 2019 @ 6:02am by Commander Caleb Ryan

429 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Theta Tau Nebula/Planet Miranda
Timeline: MD05 1600

Theta Tau Nebula/Planet Miranda
MD05 1600

Ash spent the next few days just observing Rilasa and Jera work. It was a bit odd seeing three Moia’s wandering around the small homestead, the false Cardassians shadowing and observing the real one. And they were quite good at their jobs. Ash often found himself unable to tell which was the real Moia. But it wasn’t Ash that they had to fool. Ash only knew Moia on these short visits to her interminable exile. Rilasa and Jera would need to fool her most intimate associates. Rilasa and Jera asked Moia pointed questions, personal questions, things only she would know. They had done their research, pinpointing her relationships with former associates.

For his part, it seemed as if Ash was merely idle, but he was keeping tabs on Moia’s truthfulness, both from standard physiological tells, but also using his minor empathic abilities. It wasn’t fool proof. Ash wasn’t a strong psionic, though he had been getting stronger since his torture at the hands of Thal Bos and his bond with Selina. Cardassians were naturally somewhat resistant and difficult to read, and Moia had been a former Obsidian Order operative. But she didn’t know his abilities, and when she brought him to her bed, allowed that much skin contact, even he could somewhat get through her defenses. She seemed to be cooperating, giving truthful answers.

On the third evening of their stay, Ash was sipping some iced tea and enjoying the setting sun over the lake when the three Moias approached him. Again, he couldn’t tell which was which. A few idle fantasies of what he would do with triplets floated through his brain when one of them spoke.

“Ash, we need to observe you and Moia tonight.”

Ash choked, sputtering tea all over the front of his shirt. “What?” he coughed.

“Moia has intimate partners we may have to reconnect with,” another Moia said. “We need to know her style and habits with a sexual partner. Moia has already agreed.” She glanced at the third Moia, who was smirking at Ash’s discomfort.

“So you want”

“Watch. Practice.”

Ash stared at the three Moia’s. “Pinch me. I think I’m dreaming.”

Two of the Moia’s rolled their eyes. “If you’re not up for it, Danrisa…”

Ash grinned. “Oh, you know me. I’m always up…”


Ltcdr. Ash Danrisa
Intelligence Officer
USS Nemesis

Myru Jera
Intelligence Asset
USS Nemesis

Rilasa Graeca
Intelligence Asset
USS Nemesis

Moia Ilmater
Intelligence Asset
USS Nemesis


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