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Under the Cloak of Darkness

Posted on Thu Dec 13, 2018 @ 3:36am by Civilian Melvyn Raddon & Civilian 'Arrival' Geral Lasuma

1,239 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Lasuma's
Timeline: MD 3 - 0600


Raymond approached the entrance of the doors and waited for them to part as he entered the establishment. He took several moments to observe the inside of the facility of Lasuma's. It was an antique, clothing, tailors, and other random assortments of items. Raymond smirked, it was wise of owner to maintain the appearance of being a simple "shopkeeper". It would draw less suspicion from others.

For the moment, he was not concerned about what competition this business might pose, if any, instead Raymond was seeking out a particular set of talents Geral possessed. He continued to walk around the store until he was finally greeted.

One of the general staff observed the man circling the various areas of the shops and approached. "Good morning sir. Is there anything I can help you with?"

Raymond turned towards the direction of the voice and observed the individual. "Yes, I'm here to Mr. Lasuma. I wish to discuss urgent business with him. I'm from the Raddon Corporation, I'm sure he'll be very interested in what I have to speak with him about." Raymond said quickly, not wishing to waste time with unnecessary pleasantries.

"Unfortunately he hasn't arrived yet. If you care to take a seat I will let him know you are here. Would you like a coffee or is there anything else I can get you?"

"Coffee would be fine." Raymond said as he walked over and took a seat.

Some time later Geral looked at the monitor his 'guests' coffee nearly gone. Smirking he took the refill of his own and nodded to his employee. "Send him in...and we are not to be disturbed."

"Yes sir."

Walking out of the office and through the shop he went to the man's promenade table. "Sir. Mr. Lasuma has arrived and is waiting for you in the back. If you will follow me."

"Is he now?" Raymond said sarcastically as he placed his cup down and slowly stood. "By all means, I would hate to keep him waiting any longer." He said as he began to follow the employee.

Ignoing the jam he showed the man to the back where Geral was waiting.

Raymond waited until the door closed before he turned towards Geral and stared at him for several moments. He was aggravated by the gamesmanship; however, he was in need of particular set of skills that he was aware that Geral could provide.

"You know who I am and you know what I represent, so I'll save you the burden of small-talk." Raymond said as he decided to be blunt. "We are facing a crisis on the the planet of Xi'Cadia as a result of a coup that has toppled their government. Ordinarily, we would not be involved; however, the crisis spilled over to our business when the Military seized our dilithium production facilities throughout the planet." He said.

"Thus. . .we are in need of a person of your caliber and experience to provide. . .transportation services for certain. . .essential items" Raymond said.

Geral wasn't exactly surprised by the young mans arrogance. His father was a powerful man and he was obviously used to the privileges that had come with that...not that he had earned it for himself. He of course knew of the situation and was even profiting from it. The new government had left his trade agreements in place and like all people new to higher power, where enjoying the perks that came with it.

Despite his rudeness Geral remained curtious. "Have a seat son."

Sipping his own coffee, "So the new government didn't want anything to do with your father's company or the Federation and it's hitting you in the pocketbook. What are these 'essential items' and why should I risk my relations with the Xi'Cadians?" Adding, as he gestured to his cup, "would you like one?"


Raymond was going to let the crack pass, for the moment. He took a seat and waved off the offer of a beverage.

"It is hitting us in the pocketbook, because this was an illegal usurpation of authority." Raymond replied. "The Xi'Cadian had no authority to seize control of our production facilities or our assets." He said as he leaned closer. "Your relations are dangling on a thin line." He said. "The Cardassians are biding their time. AS soon as they have fully entrenched themselves, they'll be sure to do away with anyone that doesn't fit their. . .desired demographic." Raymond said to the Bajoran as he leaned back in his chair.

"As far as the items, it would be best if you were not completely aware. Plausible deniability." He added. "What's important is that these items will consist mostly of components necessary for our people on the ground to utilize and maintain industrial replicators and other necessary tools to last them until we can get this entire mess sorted out with the Federation Council." He said.

Gerald smiled to himself as his expression remained unchanged. "My relations with the Xi'Cadian are more solid than you want to admit. It doesn't matter what side they are on, if there is a want or a need they know I can fill it and do so impartially. Besides if my relations were as shaky as you make them out to be you wouldn't be here."

He raised a hand to cut off any prideful rebuttal as he sat forward. "However, I would be remiss in not granting your request. Especially since our request, though the two aren't even close in scale, was carried out.

Who does this shipment need to go to and when does it need to get there?"

"Our Senior Vice President of Xi'Cadia Global Distributions, Sarah Tampear," Raymond replied. "She was our most senior employee on the planet when this. . .madness. . .broke out." He added. "I've recently learned that the Federation plans on sending a diplomatic delegation in four days to try to negotiate with Xi'Cadia." Raymond said, sliding a padd to him that had deemed classified. "We believe that this farce of a negotiation will cause enough of a distraction to allow you to get our supplies and materials delivered without any problems." Raymond said confidently.

Getting to to the planet among our regular shipments would be the problem. Getting it from the port to the recipient is the difficulty. Anyone with ties to the Federation that weren't expelled will be closely watched. Though i think I have a contact that will look the other way. There are also less official means of getting to the surface but that would involve a third party. Who is facilitating the negotiations?"

“The Ferengi Ambassador. Undoubtedly, she has some angle that she is playing.” Raymond responded. “Once the equipment has made it to the surface, our operatives will be able to obtain and disburse the equipment as necessary.” Raymond said.

"Okay, I think my next transport could have a malfunction while on approach to the spaceport and have to make an emergency landing. Your people could then get their equipment and disappear before any assistance arrives. Not knowing what this equipment is, would that, arrangement, work for you?"

Raymond smiled as he extended his hand to the Bajoran. "Yes, that will work, perfectly." He said.


Raymond Raddon
COO, Raddon Corp

Geral Lasuma
Owner, Lasuma Enterprises


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