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New Stomping Grounds

Posted on Tue Dec 18, 2018 @ 3:00am by Civilian Jason Haines
Edited on on Tue Dec 18, 2018 @ 2:44pm

783 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: USS Geneva / DS-5
Timeline: MD3-0700


3 Weeks Ago, USS Geneva, 2200 Hours

Jason had just crawled into his bed after a long shift and a night of poker with his friends. He was starting to drift off when the comm unit activated.

“Ensign Haines, please report to the captain’s ready room”, the voice on the other end.

Tapping his comm-badge, he replied, “Acknowledged.”

It took Jason ten minutes to get to the captain’s office. He paused a moment before pressing the door chime. He wondered if he had done anything wrong. He didn’t recall any interactions where there should be a complaint. He shook his head and pressed the chime.

“Enter”, came the Captain’s voice as the door opened.

Captain Phralan was a no-nonsense Andorian. As far as he and his friends knew, the Captain didn’t have a sense of humor. He was a fair and honest commanding officer though. So, if he had to pick between the two, Jason would take the fair and honest.

“Please have a seat Ensign”, the Captain said, extending his hand to one of the chairs near his desk.

Once Jason had sat down, the Captain continued, “The reason I called you here is that you have a new assignment.”

Jason looked a bit surprised, he had only been on the Geneva for a year.

“Do you have a problem with that Lieutenant?”, the Captain asked.

“No, sir. I just find it a bit odd seeming I’ve only been on-board for a year”, Jason replied.

Phralan nodded, his blue antennae twitching a little, “Normally I would agree, but I was asked for someone for a special assignment and given your recent success dealing with the mimetic gel incident that you would be the perfect candidate.”

“Thank you, sir”, Jason said with a nod.

“Don’t thank me yet Ensign”, the Captain replied. “Do you know anything about DS5?”

“No, sir”, Jason answered.

“Well, you are going to get very familiar with it”, Phralan said with a grin, sliding a PADD to him. “As that is where your new assignment is.”

Jason read the PADD and once he was done, he scowled briefly and then said, “Some of this seems rather duplicitous, aren’t we on the same team?”

“Yes, but it is irrelevant”, the Captain answered. “Should I tell Admiral Jensen that you can’t handle this?”

“No, sir”, Jason said as the name Admiral Jensen caused his brain to start ‘tingling’. There was something about the name that he wished he could bring forth. He knew it was important. Something his father had said once. He had to push the thought to the back of his mind as the Captain continued.

“Very good”, Phralan replied. “Go pack your bags, you leave in two hours.”

“Yes, sir”, Jason answered, knowing the meeting was done.

“And you are out of uniform”, the Captain sliding a black pip to him. “You will need this where you are going. Congratulations Lieutenant.”

Jason smiled and said, “Thank you sir, it has been a pleasure to serve under you.”

“Thank you, Lieutenant”, Phralan replied with a nodding.

MD 3 – 0700

“Woah”, Jason exclaimed as the runabout he was in approached the station. The technical specifications didn’t do it justice.

“Quite the sight, huh sir?”, the pilot asked.

“That’s an understatement”, Jason replied with a smile.

“I’ve made transport runs to here for the past six months”, the pilot said as the runabout was locked on to by a tractor beam to bring into the docking levels. “It still amazes me.”

There was a light thud as the runabout docked.

“You might want to keep a padd with a map of the station on you for at least three or four months”, the pilot quipped with a smile. “I hear if you don’t, you can get lost in the wrong places.”

Jason stuck out his hand and replied, “I will and thanks for the ride.”

“You bet sir”, the pilot answered as Jason left the runabout.

Jason was simply blown away by the internal size of the station once he got inside. He was trying to get his bearings when he came upon a view screen for the FNN and the latest story about the station’s XO.

"And there you have it. When asked a reasonable question, Commander Ryan has no qualms, no hesitation. He attacks. As the humans say... I think he doth protest too much."

"When we come back, the situation in Xi'cadia develops."

“What did I get into?”, Jason asked himself as he hurried off to report in.

Lieutenant (jg) Jason Haines
Chief Intelligence Officer
Deep Space 5


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