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Merchants Marshals & Security -II

Posted on Tue Feb 10, 2015 @ 1:20am by Captain Isha t'Vaurek & Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Civilian Wayne Bradshaw III & Civilian Melvyn Raddon

3,228 words; about a 16 minute read

Location: Square Mile


Captain Dante Hanks scoffed audibly at the mentioning of Bradshaw's paramilitary force. "Is this what we have to look forward to?" The Captain said pointedly. "We can't have a competent Security Department, so we have to be protected by a mercenary outfit?" He said while looking down the table to Bradshaw. "If that's the case, then what's the point of this meeting? I might as well just send some of my boys down here to handle station security since just about any yahoo with a phaser can do it!" he tossed out.

"I am pleased that we are all taking security as seriously as I am. I am sure that if we all work together we can succeed. I will be working 150% for the safety and security of the station." David said with a confident tone. He did not want this meeting to turn into a slinging match. It was also good to get to know who was who.

"Gentlemen," Tah interupted. "Ensign. Over the last two years we have made do with a racist, a drunk, and an idiot. Mr Bradshaw has generously patched the gaps but Captain Hanks is also correct to be suspicious of the lack of rights and accountability such an arrangement involves." The Andorian nodded to Raddon's associate as she spoke. "As you have just heard from Mr Bradshaw, he is prepared to stage an illegal paramilitary occupation of this station just to maintain order. I speak for my members when I say we require a properly accountable force implemented immediately, before our customer base loses any faith in being secure upon the promenade."

"We can, and we will, improve public safety on the promenade, you have my assurance on that" Steiner stated "We would like your help, but we'll do it without you if needed. But that help will not include unlicensed civilian security or any kind of paramilitary personnel. I will personally arrest and charge anyone who tries to take the law into their own hands. Do not test me on this..."

"Now, that does not mean we would reject the assistance of suitably trained and licensed civilian constables, as Ms Tah suggested. Perhaps the Promenade Merchants Association would like to consider funding such a proposition? Between the Marshals Service and Starfleet we can provide training and operational management to a team like this"

Mr. Raddon laughed aloud in response to the Marshal. "Perhaps you should make it past your first 6 months probation period before issuing such pedestrian commandments." He offered. "I have shoes that have made it longer on this station than your Security Leaders." He said as his voice took a more serious demeanor.

"The Nausicaan, the racist who murdered the Romulan, and even the drunk Trill that was too incompetent to solve the murder that took place in the Box of Delights, and now we have an ENSIGN in charge of our safety with a Marshal as his trusty sidekick?" Mr. Raddon said incredulously.

"You'll have to forgive me, young man, if I am not readily confident to entrust the well-being of my business to a pair of rookies." He said defiantly.

Steiner didn't rise to the rookie jibe, he'd got a twenty two year career in, so far, and learned it was better to be underestimated than to brag and come up short.

"Ensign, Marshal Steiner please rest assured that the force I have deployed at the moment is trained in security at least in the basic duties. Every member is either former marine or security officers. When they decided to leave the fleet they would approach my company about a possible job and I am more then happy to supply them with one. These are NOT an untrained unit but rather at the very least a decently trained force. Though I will be the first to admit that they might be a little heavy handed at times hence why I forbid them from carrying any kind of weapon. however by the same token I can not ask them to chop off their arms or legs simply because those are weapons as well." Said Wayne calmly he did not want this to get into a pissing contest and wanted to show that he was willing to work with the security department.

Squink leaned slightly towards Edward, "This should be good," he said under his breath.

Edward leaned back. "The Marshal should have brought a tape measure. It would have gone quicker."

Squink chuckled toothily.

"Between you and me there needs to be a bribe," Squink brushed his hand over his first lobe as he said it, "we just need to work out which one needs to get or pay it."

"As I stated previously Mister Raddon, " Steiner replied quietly "I will not tolerate anyone's private goon squad trying to take the law into their own hands. Should I find any such groups operating I will arrest and charge the individuals concerned. And,tack on conspiracy charges to anyone involved in organizing them.

Likewise I would be most inclined to take seriously complaints from other business owners who feel that a competitor's personal thugs are damaging their commercial ventures. I can think of several statutes to do with unfair business practices and the impediment of lawful commerce that would be applicable in such cases.

And of course, while such complaints are being investigated I'm sure that we would need to thoroughly establish the legitimacy of all trading licenses, commercial operation permits; compliance with health and safety regulations; all customs payments; the validity of import and export licenses and carry out a full audit of accounting procedures and tax payments, of the business concerned. Along with ensuring that the full terms of the lease for the premises on the promenade, as granted by the Station owners, Stafleet, are being fully adhered to... '

Steiner shrugged "Such investigations can take a long time to complete and it is, of course, usual that all trading activity undertaken by the operation under investigation, be suspended during that period.

Now, I'm sure that such measures will not be necessary and that together we can reach a consensus for creating a promenade security group responsible to all members of the Promenade Merchants Association, rather than just one or two"

Steiner had kept his tone reasonable and friendly throughout, but within it was a hard edge of sincerity that left little doubt he was not a man to make empty threats.

Wayne knew that such investigations had ruined more then one business even if that business came out clean and was totally absolved of any wrong doing the damage was done clients would go elseware for their needs and new clients would be wary of the business. Privately he knew what was at stake and what all this could and would mean.

He had of course checked up on the marshal and found out that the man was considered a problem solver in the service not someone to be messed with and definitely not someone to cross.

"Marshal while I can not speak for the others and would be hard pressed to say this publicly as my company has a very hands off policy when it comes to dealing with the fleet however in the interest of Promenade safety and security I would be willing to loan you say 30 men to help at least establish a security presence and to help keep the peace as it were." Said Wayne thoughtfully. That the terms of the loan would be worked privately was of course left unsaid but understood by all the people in the room.

"Thank you Mister Bradshaw" Steiner said "There's a start, but we'll need more people"

"Security shemurity," Squink said irritation in his tone, "I might run the best Gourmet Intergalactic Foodcart in the universe, but a position on the main promenade is poison these days. That's why I moved to a different level. Oh sure, if I'd wanted to get blown up three times I'd have stayed, but the customers don't. What are you all going to do to restore confidence? Stating numbers and facts at this time doesn't work - the people need to know that when they've paid their latinum they'll get home with all their limbs. THAT is the problem!"

Steiner nodded "That's a very legitimate concern Mister... er... Chef Squink. I can't promise that this is all going to happen over night, because it won't. But, as he has said, Ensign Harris will have the security checkpoints open in a day or two. That will prevent a lot of problems even coming on to the promenade. Once we have that in place we can deal with issues in the public areas.

Until we can get a team of constables in place the Marshal's Service and Security will begin regular patrols and we'll respond to incidents as needed.

We can establish a zero-tolerance policy for anti-social behavior on the promenade. We will need your help with that, as business owners and essentially residents here, you need to tell us when things are starting to go wrong. You see suspicious characters, people behaving badly or committing criminal acts then tell us! Call it in to me and I'll get a team here to deal with it. Help us to help you!"

"As for the past crimes and murders. I've only been here a couple of days, but if there are outstanding cold cases then I give you my assurance that they will be reviewed as soon as possible and if I can reopen investigations then I will"

Steiner looked over to Harris for his comments

"I agree with the Marshall, any crime committed on board this space station will be investigated, both historical and crimes that will occur in the future. The Marshall and I will work hard to make this station safe and to bring offenders to justice."

Edward leaned forward. "Whilst its good to see that you are taking these concerns seriously, don't you think a zero tolerance policy is a little over the top. Obviously people come to the promenade to relax, have a good time. Drink a little, party." he shrugged. "So occasionally people will be loud. Occasionally they'll water the plants on the way tot he turbolift. Afterall, we don't want to swap a mercenary goon squad for a storm of jackboots."

"Maybe that's what the new Commander wants," Squink insinuated, "why does she need Romulans marching around an posturing when you lot can do it for her?"

Steiner smiled "Please be assured we're not here to spoil anyone's fun. We not worried about people having a good time. I'm not going to arrest people for being a bit loud. The zero tolerance will be for criminal behavior that effects the safety and security of other patrons, employees and business owners. I hope that's clear"

Dante, having sat and listened to those without a badge talk and prognosticate for the lion's share of the meeting. "Well, I hope I'm clear on this:. . ." He began. "My crew and I will certainly respect any laws or protocols set forth by the Federation or whatever Government controls this station, but if so much as one of his goons put their hands on my crew or staff," Captain Hanks said, pointing to the elder Bradshaw.

"I'm PROMISE YOU, neither Fleet Security nor the Marshals will make it down to the promenade fast enough to stop me from throwing one of those bastards over a rail or through a table." the civilian captain said to the uniformed officers present.

Wayne bristled at the gall of what the man was saying and noticed out of the corner of his eye that his own guards had already unbuttoned their coats and were starting to rise from their seats. a small motion of his hand saw his men stand down thou they did not look happy. "Captain Hanks I hope for all our sakes that you were merely making conversation as what you said could easily be construded as a threat against my company." Said Wayne calmly he watched the captain closely and was also watching what the chief and marshal were doing

David could sense that the tension was getting high and this could easily get out of hand, he was also getting annoyed, by the bad manners of the some of the merchants. David wanted to be, in fact he was a kind caring and considerate officer, but he also needed to be firm when needed. "This is the perfect place for us to discuss all the problems we have and to give our opinion in an open forum. I will however not tolerate threats either direct or indirect. The Marshall has kindly arranged this forum as we want to ensure that we get it right and with the consent of the community. But I am sure that the Marshall would agree with me, we could do this on our own without these discussions, I hope that we do not have to go down that road." David glared at the trouble makers and could feel the adrenaline pumping through his body.

Steiner maintained his calm and responded "I think we've already made clear that goon squads will not be tolerated on the promenade. Neither will physical assaults, by anyone else. The law will be applied, fairly and equally, if you commit a criminal act, you will face the consequences for that.

Now I iuderstand there is some mistrust and suspicion here, which is why we need an independent team of constables, answerable to the Merchants Association as a whole, not to individual business owners."

He turned to Tah "So, will the Association fund this initiate and help us recruit suitable constables?"

Tah frowned. "Recruitment is of course something we can help with, but the policing of the promenade has never been within our purview. I'm afraid if you are to police these decks adequately you will have to contribute as well."

Steiner nodded "We will provide training and management. I will speak with Station Command about additional funding as well.

Now, here is a something practical we start to use immediately"

Steiner lifted a box onto the table and opened it "I have some commbadges for everyone. These will enable you to contact the Marshals Service and Security. "

Steiner had arranged for his Technician, Tevlet, to replicate the devices. The box contained a variety of commbadges, many of them had been designed to look like pieces of simple jewelry, buttons, toggles, logo-pins, badges or just plain ordinary civilian style comm pins.

They had been limited to a separate channel that would not interfere with regular station communications.

"As well as contacting us these will enable you to speak with each other. So if you spot some suspicious characters in one of your businesses you can tell others to be on the look out for them. Likewise if you ask some obnoxious drunks to leave your bar, you can let the others know not to serve them.

"Security down here is all of your responsibility, I know you are business owners and some of you are competing for the same customers, but working together and making the promenade a safer place will increase profits for everyone. "

Wayne liked what was being said here and if they could get a regular force in here it would mean less work for him. "I for one will welcome this change if it means that we can take a more active role in our own protection then we can perhaps turn what is right now a bad situation into something to be proud of." said Wayne calmly he was already making plans for where he could send the men this change would free up that would actually make him money instead of costing him.

"Call it whatever you want. . ." Captain Hanks said gruffly as he took his seat and looked around the room at the gathered business owners. He wanted to make sure it was understood that his people were not be harassed by the assembled goon-squad on the station.

Edward scooped out a handful of the communicators for The Box of Delights. The tension between Raddon's man, and Bradshaw's suited gorilla's was palpable. But he was perversely enjoying it. It made a refreshing change not to be the ones accused of kicking off things on the Promenade for once. "Well Marshall, Ensign. I wish you the best of luck with your good intentions." He stood, and re buttoned his suit jacket. "And there'll always be a warm welcome for you at the Box when you need refreshment." He nodded to the rest of the room, and headed for the door.

"Yes, the Box of Delights, the place where everyone is DYING to get into. . .now if they can just figure out a way to keep them alive once inside." Melvyn Raddon spoke to Captain Hanks, just loud enough for Edward to hear as he walked by as well as anyone else near him.

Edward stopped and turned to Raddon with a smile. "If jealous snarking is all you've got Melvyn, its no wonder we're still the place everyone wants to be. Better to risk a stabbing than be at the Dilithium Chamber and guarentee being bored to death. Good day." And he strode through the door without looking back.

Steiner shook his head, he wasn't sure who was going to be the bigger problem, unruly customers on the promenade or competing business owners with scores to settle. Either way he was sure his detention cells were going to be receiving guests in the near future.

Wayne picked up the comm unit for his offices and rose from his seat. "Gentlemen while this conversation has been enlightening and informative I am afraid I must get back to the business of running my business." Said Wayne calmly as he to made ready to leave. "Oh one more thing ensign, marshal if you ever find that you need help regardless of the situation please feel free to call on me regardless of the time After all we all have a vested interest in keeping this station safe." He added as he turned his back to the table and headed for the door his gaurds falling in slightly behind him.

Squink muttered something under his breath and shook his head before hopping of his chair, "all good for business," he said audibly before skulking away.

"Gentlemen" Melvyn Raddon stated as he stood from his seat. "I have enjoyed the 'enlightening' gathering. If you or your crew members wish to relax with a much more. . .civilized crowd, please do not hesitate to visit the Dilithium Chamber, an environment suitable for more. . .human tastes" He added as he turned and proceeded to walk out of the room followed by Captain Hanks.

Steiner gave Harris a nod, not the meeting had not gone quiet as well as it could have, but then it wasnt bad either and at least he hadnt had to arrest anybody... yet!

CD W Steiner
FMS DS5 Precinct

Ens D Harris


Ferengi Fusion Chef by Louise

Edward Stapleton
Assistant Manager, The Box of Delights, by Notty

Eris Tah
Secretary of the Promenade Merchants Association, by Notty

Melvyn Raddon
CEO, Raddon Corps
Owner, Dilithium Chamber, by Thom

Dante Hanks
Captain, The Matthias, by Thom


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