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Merchants Marshals & Security - 1

Posted on Tue Feb 10, 2015 @ 1:18am by Captain Isha t'Vaurek & Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Civilian Wayne Bradshaw III & Civilian Melvyn Raddon

1,073 words; about a 5 minute read

Location: Square Mile


[Promenade Conference Lounge]

David had arrived early to the meeting he wanted to make a good impression. He knew how important the business owners would be to the station. He took a seat nd waited for everyone to arrive.

Wayne Walked in and looked around the room casually for a second. Seeing that he was one of the first ones to arrive he moved to take a seat at the table, his two guards staying a few feet behind him and always alert. In all honesty he hated having the guards around they made him feel like an old man but his sons had all insisted on it and rather then fight them all he had agreed. That was not to say he made it easy for them.

Squink glared at the others with a shifty sideaways gaze before taking a seat and sitting down. Arms firmly folded the Ferengi's feet didn't actually reach the floor, he had better things to do than attend meetings but there was no way he would miss out on a potential opportunity by missing it.

Eris Tah, secretary of the Promenade Merchants Association arrived, dressed in bright clinical white. The temperature in the room seemed to noticeably drop, but a lot of the people there seemed to be relieved that she was there, an iron shield to hide behind.

Hot on her heels came Edward Stapleton, representing the Box of Delights as its owner was likely still in bed. He looked every inch the businessman in a muted suit of dark grey, nodding professionally to Tah, greeting and smiling at others. He settled in a seat next to Squink, and said good morning to the little ferengi.

"Good morning everyone, thank you for coming" Steiner kicked off the meeting "If you like to help yourself to breakfast and find a seat we'll make a start"

Melvyn Raddon took a seat at the side of the conference table with his vessel's Captain, Dante Hanks flanking him. He had advised his Security Officers to wait outside, but at a close enough distance. Mr. Raddon did not expect there to be a problem, so he did not see the need to for the dog and pony show during the meeting.

Once everyone had sat down Steiner continued "I'm Chief Deputy Wolfgang Steiner of the Federation Marshal's Service. I have been assigned here to reopen the Marshal's precinct. This is Ensign David Harris, the station's new Security Chief" he gestured to Harris who was sitting next to him.

David stood up looked around t everyone while saying "Hi, Ensign David Harris and I look forward to working with everyone." He then took a seat.

"As business owners on the promenade we'd like to speak with you all about improving law enforcement and security and to listen to any concerns you may have for us" Steiner continued

"Really after all this time you finally want to get the civilians involved now I have heard everything." Said Wayne with a slight hint of disgust in his voice. It was not well known but his own men had been helping to keep an eye on things while starfleet got itself straightened out and he really did not have a high opinion of fleet sec or the marshals office at the moment.

"While my colleague might be brash in the manner of voicing his opinion, he does have a valid point." Mr. Raddon stated from his position at the table. "It has become much difficult to efficiently operate a business when my customers must worry about their safety." The Owner of the 'Dilithium Chamber' stated.

"How can you even begin to 'secure' this station when you can't even deal with the virus that is going around." Raddon added.

"Your Command staff may be slow to publicly acknowledge it, but we all can see that an epidemic is sweeping across this station!" Raddon responded.

"And given that security has been full of people with known prejudices, why should we even attempt to help you?" Edward added mildly.

"Well, firstly securing the station is the task of Starfleet and Ensign Harris's tactical division." Steiner replied evenly "Likewise the ramifications of the current epidemic will be handled by Starfleet medical. As for the past, neither Ensign Harris or I can change that, we can however, strive to improve promenade security from this point forward."

"More importantly, your security hasn't proven capable of preventing nor solving murders that have taken place." He stated. "While my establishment has been able to guarantee the safety of its customers unlike other entertainment venues," Mr. Raddon stated, taking a slight swipe at his competitor.

"It is still bad for business when murders happen in such a caviler fashion within the boundaries of this station." He concluded.

"Marshall if our don't mind I would like to address the forum" said Harris "As you can all see I am a new face to this station. I have now taken complete control of my security department which has let you and the station down. My department has fallen way below what is expected and it stops now. Security Officers are now as we speak being station at docking bays and the security entry points onto the promenade. The weapon scanners will be online soon and no weapons will be allowed on the promenade. As for my department's prejudice and racism shown to you that also stops, if you have any complaints you come to me, I have established an internal affairs department who will investigate such complaints. I cannot and will not promise you a completely safe station but by working together we can make it as safe as possible."

"No offense ensign but I think I speak for several people here when I say we will wait and see if you can deliver on what you have said here. everyone here knows My company operates a sizable PMC unit and I am sure that they have all seen my men standing around at different areas of the Promenade. While they do not carry weapons they are still armed." Said Wayne bluntly "If you can show me you have your house in order and can take care of the people on this station I will be more then happy to pull my men away until then thou they will stay. And I should warn you I have a VERY high expectation." He added flatly.

TBC ...


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