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Time Flies

Posted on Sat Feb 7, 2015 @ 10:33pm by

385 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Eye of the Beholder
Location: Promenade
Timeline: MD02 15:00 - 16:00


Peridot also cast an eye over her shoulder as she stepped down the wooden stairs. Her life felt so dull as her first foot fell back on the floor of DS5.


"Damn, damn, damn!" Peridot muttered under her breath as she hurried along the crowded promenade doing her best to avoid colliding with people who seemed to have their heads in the stars. "How the hell is it 15:00 already?"

No wonder the Captain sounded peeved ... but somehow Peridot still hadn't managed to have lunch.

Her mind turned to the little bakery located down one of the 'alleyways' that gave this area of the Promenafe its character. Maybe she had a way to improve the Captain's mood.

Peridot turned back and found her way to The Bembleman's Bakery, the same place she came to buy the pastries for the Captain's breakfast.

The owner - Peridot assumed the woman, no, the Lady, there was something about her pooise that defied the simple description of 'woman' - was the owner didn't look like a baker, whatever a baker was supposed to look like.

"Miss Quirm," the Lady said as she entered, "What can I do for you?"

How does she remember everyone's name Peridot wondered - though it was quiet now there were hundreds through the doors every day - somehow the Lady knew every one of her customers by sight.

"Oh, er ... Do you have some small cakes please. I'm sorry I'm in a terrible hurry."

The Lady inclined her head then turned. In what was a matter of seconds she placed a box on the counter and lifted it to show Peridot the selection of cakes within, "I will place them on your account," the Lady said, "I wouldn't want to keep the Captain waiting any longer. Would you?"

"Er, no. I ... Thank you, I'll be in to collect the usual breakfast order tomorrow." She completely forgot to ask how the Lady knew that the Captain was waiting.

Peridot took the box and with a smile returned to the promenade.

She glanced at her chronometer - "I must be going mad," she said aloud ... or this thing is kaput!

How the hell was it 16:00?


Chief Peridot Quirm
Captain's Yeoman


One of the Fae

NPCs by Louise


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