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Treatment, Part 1

Posted on Sun Feb 8, 2015 @ 12:18am by Lieutenant Saria Rex

769 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Things Past
Location: Trillius Prime

(backstory: )

"Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seatbelts and fold your tables. We will reach the spaceport of Leran Manev in ETA fifteen minutes. We will pass through the atmosphere in five minutes. If you suffer from anxiety during re-entries, we recommend you to start Program 14 on your PADD and relax."

Saria, just awoken from her sleep, yawned and stretched her arms, then pulling her ponytail over her shoulder. The peeked through the window of the shuttleliner and was instantly met with a glare from the sun of the Trill system: Nessa. Below was the blue atmosphere of Trillius Prime, the Trill homeworld, and the moon Nobe in the distance.

"Lieutenant Rex...?"

Saria felt a hand being laid upon her shoulder, and looked with a rather sleepy glance to her left. A Trill stewardess stood next to her and smiled.

"Do you need anything before we land, Lieutenant? Like a quick drink or perhaps some snacks?" The stewardess asked.

Saria thought about if it was wise to consume something before they'd be on the surface anyway. But her rather hungry stomach already ruled in favor. "Do you have like... uhm... those roasted Icor nuts?"

"We do indeed. Which flavor would you like? Salted, sweet, Auved sauce, or Baki flakes?"

"Salted... salted are fine." Saria nodded smilingly. The stewardess returned the smile and reached for the snack pouch around her waist. She found the packet of salted Icor nuts in a matter of seconds. She doublechecked the package, and gave it to Saria.

"Here you go, Lieutenant." She said.

"Thank you." Saria replied as she tore the packet open and began scanning the inside with her fingers.

"...I must say..." The stewardess added. "...that it's not everyday you get to meet a host carrying a twelve-century old symbiont."

Saria looked up. "You havent before?"

"Well, not a twelvehundred-year old one, but I did once speak to the Ozon symbiont when it was over ninehundred years old." The stewardess responded.

"Well, now you have." Saria commented. "I also met Ozon about... fifty years ago, when it was joined with Dr. Nohar Ozon. We met on a science fair in the Institute of Applied Sciences in Leran Manev."

The stewardess nodded in response. "Well, I'll have to go prepare myself for the re-entry now. It was nice meeting you, Lieutenant. Take care."



The shuttleliner came down on the landing pad with a soft thump, followed by shutting off the engines.
"Ladies and gentlemen, we have successfully landed at Leran Manev Spaceport, Pad 42a. We hope you will have a pleasant stay at Trill. When you leave, please do not forget to take your luggage and any other personal items with you."

Saria unlocked her seatbelt, and stood up to stretch her legs first. She eventually gathered her PADD from the arm of her seat, and then opened the luggage compartment above her. She waited till some of the passengers behind her had passed, and then tugged her bag by it's strap out of the compartment. She just caught it in her arms and directly placed it on her former seat, slipping the PADD in one of the pockets.

When she had checked for her luggage, she slung the bag over her shoulder and made her way for the exit. A steward passed, wishing her goodbye, and at the exit of the shuttleliner, she was eventually wished a pleasant stay by two other stewards. She nodded, stepping out of the shuttleliner and entering the jetway connecting to the main terminal. The inside of the jetway had holoscreens that welcomed the passenger on Trillius Prime in Trill language. As she walked along, pictures of different locations, such a the Caves of Mak'ala and the Tenaran Ice Cliffs, were shown.

Saria eventually reached the end of the jetway, which ended in the arrival hall in the main terminal. Several people were standing at the end of the hall to look for their friends or family members that just arrived. After she passed the "checking-out"-sensor, she headed for the crowd in the back of she hall. She spotted a gray-haired male Trill, standing with a young blonde Trill woman behind the low fence that kept them from entering the hall themselves. The two noticed Saria and began immediately to wave.

Saria waved back and tried to reach them as soon as possible. She zig-zagged through the gates and eventually met with them, embracing the two at once.

"Father, sister, it is good to see you again!"

-To be continued-


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