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A Hunting We Will Go ... Part I

Posted on Sat Feb 7, 2015 @ 10:09pm by

413 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Eye of the Beholder
Location: Out and about
Timeline: MD02 09:25


A wicked little smile crossed Eviess' lips as she turned her back and left the classroom. She would show them! She would show them all!


This time Eviess had a plan. She wasn't going to get stuck waiting for someone to go to the right floor. She'd rooted through mummy's things and found a recording device. Each time Ekenda the Nanny took she and Argelian out Eviess recorded her voice.

With a bit of forethought the girl had pestered Ekenda into taking them to the places she needed to go. There was one more thing she had to do though.

Eviess slipped from the Education Centre and found the nearest turbolift. Eviess held her breath as she pressed the device in the palm of her hand and Ekenda's voice said, "Deck 24."

Would it work?

"Yes!" Eveiss almost jumped as the doors closed and the lift began to move. She didn't need school, she didn't need the Rainbow Princess. She was going to prove herself the greatest fairy hunter ever.

As the lifted hurtled towards Deck 24 Eviess ran through her plan. Mummy would be at work, Argelian was still at school, and Ekenda would be having breakfast some place on the promenade - she'd not be back in the apartment until 10.

Eviess had enough time to 'borrow' the other thing from mummy's collection - she'd think how to put it back later on.


[t'Vaurek Quarters, Deck 24]

The apartment was eerily silent. Eviess' footsteps on the plush carpet echoed and crunched to her ears - mummy was going to kill her if she found out.

The girl approached a low cabinet and looked through the protective clear top. There were two ancient swords, a number of medals and other bits of memorabilia, but she wasn't interested in that.

She lifted the top and reached for the humblest item, a small dagger coloured a dull blackish red. Mummy said it was made from a star that fell from the sky and was filled with the power to repell evil. Eviess wasn't sure she believed that, but she read that iron would protect her from fairies and this was the only iron she knew of.

Her small hand closed around the handle, cold to her touch. She bit her lip, half expecting someone to walk through the door and scold her.

Slowly she drew the knife from the cabinet and lowered the lid.


Eviess tucked the knife under her tunic and ran.

TBC ...


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