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Tenancy Agreement

Posted on Sat Nov 24, 2018 @ 2:36pm by Qinee & Captain Maritza Soran

1,484 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Observation Lounge Deck 22
Timeline: Just before new mission


Qinee swept into the observation lounge in all her blindingly gaudy glory, the garish colors of her dress swirling around her small, buxom form. She had the usual gaudy jewelry accentuating her attire, flaunting her wealth.

“Good morning, Commander,” the Ferengi greeted. She motioned her assistant -- another female had replaced the murdered Nazl, apparently -- and ordered some slime tea and puree of beetle with some rye crackers. “Would you care for anything, Commander?”

"Thank you, no." Maritza was fine as she was, and quite sure she wouldn't be able to keep anything down as Qinee brought her assorted slimes and mushes to the table. "Thank you for coming, Ambassador. I won't waste time. I want to talk to you about the colonisation of Pangaea."

Qinee’s beady black eyes lit up with interest. “Yes, I had heard good news from my counterpart on Earth,” she said, sipping her slime tea. “Let me assure you, the Ferengi Alliance is eager to begin exploiting the resources on Pangea. In partnership with the Federation, of course,” she said deferentially.

Maritza took a deep breath and reminded herself that Ferengi frame of reference was naturally regressive. "There will be no exploiting, Ambassador. The parameters of the settlement are clearly scientific research and exploration. This is a transdimensional planet. We don't know yet how materials gathered there will interact with those of our own universe. So activities are limited purely to research at this time."

Qinee scowled. “That severely limits the profitability of the enterprise,” she pointed out. “It will be a complete latinum sink. We need to make sure there is adequate return on investment.” She put her tea down and bit into a cracker with beetle puree. She added a touch of hot sauce, a Hew-mahn food she found she enjoyed.

Maritza new this might be an issue and had looked up some arguments from ancient economic theory that she thought might help. "Ambassador, please remember that this is just the beginning. I understand that repeat customers are more profitable than new ones. You are far less likely to have repeat customers if your goods unexpectedly explode, or poison their owners, or randomly disintegrate. We're offering you a chance to get in on the ground floor, but with that opportunity there must be a necessary level of caution to ensure there is even the chance of future profit."

“Yes, yes, I understand that,” Qinee said. “Are you at least allowing prospecting scans? We will want development rights to anything we discover on Pangea.”

"Prospecting scans are fine, but development is subject to approval."

Qinee scowled, studying Soran. “This is decidedly less than I had hoped for, Commander,” she said coolly.

Soran was not going to be moved. This wasn’t a negotiation. "Ambassador, I appreciate your...enthusiasm, but there are two considerations. One is that Pangaea is entirely unprecedented. This is a planet from another reality. We don't know what we will find, or how it will react to us once we disturb it. I don't believe the fae intended any harm, but that doesn't mean there isn't any. So we will be cautious.”

“Why would they give it to us if they didn’t intend us to use it?” Qinee asked. “But fine. How long do you intend for this...limitation to remain in place?” she asked. “I have investors nipping at my lobes for a shot at Pangea.” She smiled. “You could be a wealthy woman, Commander,” she intimated.

"I'm sure they did intend us to use it. But that doesn't mean they know or understand what is safe for us. Hence, caution." She fixed the Ambassador with a look. "Material wealth is a bit of a redundant offer in Federation society, Ambassador. You know that."

Qinee smirked. “You would be surprised, Commander,” she said. “Avarice and envy are powerful motivators. Even your ancient religious texts recognize this. And great men and women of history aren’t made by caution. It is the risk takers, the thrill seekers. Hoo-mans like your James Kirk and Amelia Earhardt. Would you rather not be remembered as a bold pioneer than a desk-riding padd pusher?”

"Those bold pioneers you mention weren't in it for the money either," Soran pointed out. "As for the limitations, I take that decision based solely on the recommendations from our Chief Science Officer. If Dr. Wells thinks your proposals are safe to develop, and as long as your development proposals are fair and reasonable, and you don't embark on some manic land grab, then I don't see why the limitations will stay in place for long."

Qinee considered that for a moment and then nodded. “Fair enough,” she said. “I will pass that along. The Ferengi will play nice,” she said, giving Maritza a snaggle-toothed grin. “I doubt it will be us you need to worry about anyway. Keep your eyes on the Cardassians and Romulans,” she warned.

"I need a dozen eyes for that," Maritza said. "Next issue. No speakeasies, bars, saloons. If people need R&R they come back here. Again, once everything is established and stable we can revisit, but for now, no...carousing."

Qinee raised an eyebrow. “You seriously expect settlers to not enjoy themselves? To arrange an hour long shuttle transport up to the station just to have a drink and wind down after a long day of work?” she asked Maritza. “If you do that, someone is just going to set up a back alley still, and frankly I doubt even your Starfleet Security would turn them in for that. Not to mention how are you going to provide services for VIPs that might be visiting the colony? Even Starfleet lets its people off the leash when they are off duty,” she pointed out.

Maritza's jaw set. "Let me be clear, Ambassador. No one going down in the next few weeks will be settlers. This is a research and discovery phase, and I do not want anyone who cannot follow some basic rules down there. This will be our first long, hard look at a planet from a different dimension. We won't be getting comfortable before we've even checked the furniture for lice."

Qinee waved Maritza off with a flip of her delicate hand. “Details,” she said. “The fact remains, no one can remain on duty forever. They will need an outlet. You can provide one that you can control, or they will make one. Or someone more enterprising will create one,” she hinted. “All prohibition does is drive the trade underground where you cannot control it -- or profit from it.”

"I don't see that we need one when DS5 is a short shuttle ride away," Soran replied. "I'm sure people can cope."

Qinee shook her head. “You really know people, Commander,” she said sarcastically. “Any other unreasonable rules and regulations we should lay down? Does everyone need to wear purple socks on Thursdays?”

"Caution rarely gets people killed," Sorsn said, her voice tight. "I am responsible for every life in that colony, Ambassador. If you want to be one of them, those are the rules."

Qinee waved it off. “Fine, fine,” she said. “You do know that morale is just as important, don’t you?” she pointed out. “It is supposed to be a colony, not a science station. Some of them will have families they bring with them.”

"Eventually, yes. But again, numbers are limited for the first few weeks whilst we ensure there are no issues." Soran was needing patience to stay calm. How did you make a Ferengi understand that caution was needed? "There won't be any profit if we rush in, miss something important, and the place turns out to be a death trap."

Qinee laughed and put her hand on Soran’s arm. “Honey, I already went through a portal to an alien world and was nearly shot. That ship has sailed. Rule of Acquisition number sixty-two: The riskier the road, the greater the profit.”

"Even so. I have responsibilities to ensure the safety of everyone. I'm not going to throw caution to the wind for your profit margin. Baby Steps, Ambassador. Slowly, surely, steadily."

“Fair enough, Commander,” Qinee allowed, knowing when a negotiation was going nowhere and when to allow some time to pass. “Just don’t let people chafe too long under the yoke. There is such a thing as too careful, and you may miss an opportunity.”

Qinee stood and gave Maritza a respectful little bow.

"I'll take a life preserved over an opportunity missed, thank you, Ambassador. But I hope with successful completion of early explorations there will be room to renegotiate these rules."

“As do I. Thank you for listening to my concerns, Commander.” Qinee gave a smile, but inwardly rolled her eyes. You can’t hand-hold the universe.


Commander Maritza Soran
Commanding Officer

Ferengi Ambassador
NPC Caleb Ryan


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