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All Alone Blues

Posted on Mon Nov 26, 2018 @ 9:11am by Commander Caleb Ryan & Civilian Aleczandra Naqiis-Ryan

922 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Ryan Quarters/Aleczandra’s room
Timeline: MD01 0700

Caleb knocked on his daughter’s door. “Zandy? Are ya up?” he said. “Ya need ta get ready for school. Ya haven’t been in two weeks.”

Aleczandra ignored her father’s voice threw the door and pulled the covers up over her head, curling up in the dark.

Caleb sighed and tapped the door controls, heading into the darkened room. “Computer, lights,” he said.

Zandy groaned as the lights came up.

Caleb sat on the edge of the bed and rubbed the lump beneath the covers. “Ah know it hurts, Teena leavin’, but ya need ta get over it. It’s been two weeks.”

There was a sniffle and a grunted, “Go’way.”

“Ah cain’t, Zandy-bear. Ah’m worried about ya. Why don’t Ah make an appointment with Liam--” Caleb stopped and cursed himself. Liam had left with Teena, making sure his stepsister got home for the wedding his mother had arranged for her. “Talk ta someone about it.”

“Don’t wanna,” Zandy muttered.

Caleb pulled down the covers, and Zandy squealed and squirmed like a vampire in sunlight. Her rainbow hair was fading back to the blonde roots as she hadn’t kept up with her colorization routine. Her eyes had dark bags and were red and puffy. Damn, Teena had really ripped her heart out.

“Ah know ya don’t wanna listen ta an old man like yer dad, but trust me. Ah know a thing or two about this. Ya think Ah wasn’t heartbroken when yer mama dumped me ta get joined?”

Zandy just rolled over, putting her back to him.

“At least...take a shower,” Caleb said. “You’ll feel better.” He stood up. “Try an’ catch up on yer homework an’ we’ll go ridin’ when Ah get back from work.”

“Computer, turn the fucking lights off,” Zandy growled after her father had left. “Play the song again.”

A sad, heart wrenching Steampunk Zombies ballad about broken hearts started playing, and Zandy curled around herself again. Her eyes heated and stung, but she didn’t have anymore tears.

Gods, you’re such a fucking baby, Juheni said. Snap the fuck out of it! She was just some bitch. A good fuck. You really thought it meant something?

Quiet, Juheni, Mika intervened, and a mother’s love suffused Zandy. Your father has a point, though. It has been entirely too long, Zandy. You need to start living again.

“I don’t wanna,” Zandy muttered. “Teena dumped me because I’m a fucking mess. Because of all of you! No wonder she’d rather go marry some hot Betazoid guy she’s never met!”

It’s the way Betazoids are, Kinony said.

Let’s just do small steps, Mika said. Let’s just get out of bed for something besides the call of nature. Eat some breakfast. Take a shower.

Zandy grumbled. But her stomach was betraying her, also growling. And she did need to pee.

“Fucking body.” Zandy tossed off the covers and trudged to the bathroom. The lights came up as she entered and she blinked and hissed. Then she stared at herself in the mirror.

“God, I look awful!” she wailed, seeing the tangled vole-nest of her blonde-rainbow hair, the black bags under her eyes, the dirty white wife beater and boxers. “Ugh. What did Teena ever see in me anyway?”

A beautiful, intelligent young woman, Mika said.

Zandy went to the toilet. “One who wants to jump her father,” she muttered at her mom.

At least now Mika had the sense to be embarrassed. I am sorry.

Zandy didn’t say anything. She just finished up and washed up, splashing her face and running her hands through the tangle of her hair. She glanced over at the pile of padds that was her homework for the last two weeks. “How long do you think that will take?”

Not long for you, Kinony said. You are ahead of your class.

Aleczandra shook her head. She grabbed the stack and headed out to the kitchen, dropping the padds onto the counter. She replicated a large bowl of some super sugary cereal and a massive spoon and plopped down on a stool. She stared at the first padd as she shoveled cereal into her mouth.

“What’s that smell?” she asked.

That’s you, Juheni said. If you don’t get off your ass and get out of this apartment, I’m going to take over and make you.

“You can’t do that!” Zandy said with a scowl.

Juheni just chuckled evilly.

Aleczandra shifted uncomfortably. He couldn’t, could he?

Go out. Do something fun. Go for a ride, Kinony said. Samara Sunset always makes you feel better.

“Samara isn’t real,” Zandy said listlessly.

Neither was Teena’s love for you, Juheni needled.

Zandy choked on a sob.

Shut up, Juheni! Mika shouted.

Zandy winced.

There are plenty of other lovers out there for you, Zandy. You will move on, Kinony said.

“Maybe…” Zandy looked at her bowl of cereal, still half full. She shoved it all back in the replicator. “God, I smell. And I do miss Samara,” she admitted, heading to her room. Maybe a ride wouldn’t be so bad.


Aleczandra Ryan
Starfleet dependent
NPC Caleb Ryan

Cdr. Caleb Ryan
Executive Officer


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