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Playing both sides

Posted on Wed Oct 10, 2018 @ 10:56am by Civilian 'Key Holder' Dorian Gabriel & Civilian Dorian Torel

1,089 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Victory Conditions
Location: Promenade
Timeline: MD12

Walking the upper promenade Dorian found his target. He had is instructions and if successful it would lay the ground work for getting in good with Ibalin, something that was of interest to both their employers. His search didn't take long as he had limited his search to human establishment and that tact had paid off.

Approaching him straight on with respect, stopping at his table. "The food here any good?"

Gabriel was caught off-guard by the sudden interruption. Almost instinctively he reached for his weapon, but then he realized that he did not have it on him on account of the new tighter restrictions on the promenade. Obviously, the individual was not a direct threat, otherwise he would not have approached him directly.

He locked eyes with the individual and studied him carefully before responding. "Buy some and find out. . ." Gabriel said in a cold-detached tone, still trying to feel this person out.

Smirking at the challenge he pulled out the chair, "I think I will", he said taking a seat. Waving over a member of the wait staff, "Herb seasoned steak, medium rare, with loaded baked potato, country style green beans, a dinner roll and an ale." Looking across the table at his counterpart. "Can I get you anything?"

Gabriel always preferred to cut straight to the chase. "I'm not one for small talk. You obviously know who I am, but I have not clue who the hell you are. . .so get to the point." He said directly to the smiling individual. Gabriel hated not having complete information. He especially hated dealing with people who had more information than him.

The hardest thing for him to incorporate into himself had been patience, something it seemed this fellow needed. Leaning back as his ale was delivered and thanking the waitress before replying. "Down to business...very well. As you where present at the conversation between Mr. Raddon and Mr. Lasuma i won't bore you with the back story. Suffice it to say there has been a snag in the plan to get Ms. Ibalin dependent on Lasuma Enterprises for her supplys. It was thought that Mr. Raddon could use his influence in the Federation to create, issues, for her current suppliers. Leaving her only one place place to turn." No sooner had he finished than his food arrived
And the aromas were very enticing.

So that was his angle

"Snag? What kind of snag?" Gabriel asked. Sang was a very nebulous term that could range from simple paperwork to involvement of Federation Security. "Her facility is a hulking pile of twisted metal and cheap liquor. I'm not seeing why it is so difficult to get her to buy from you, especially since she's losing business everyday." He said as he caught the waitresses' attention and placed his order for her.

Taking a bite of his steak and savoring it audibly. " Very good... Well she is determined to get back on her feet but was very suspicious of his offer. Especially coming from a complete stranger and pretty irate as well. He plans to send her an 'apology' to smooth things over but if her suppliers were having say some transport licensing issues my employer could step in and fill that roll. Once that is all in place the level of control that had been discussed could begin to take place."

With another bite of streak on his fork he added. "One...associate to another, Is she alway that paranoid? From what I was told she seems about as stable as warp core breach."

"The woman is a psychopath who has more bodies than the local morgue. I don't think stable is an appropriate word when describing her demeanor." Gabriel said as he thought about how he wished he had been able to shut her down over the illegal prize-fighting operation she ran in the lower decks.

Gabriel nodded his head as he thought about the idea. "I think there has been an unfortunate string of misfortunes that have befallen certain merchant suppliers within this sector, recently." Dorian said. "It'd be a shame if something were to happen to one hold-up a particular shipment meant for her." He said.

"But. . ." he said as he looked around to see if anyone was listening too closely.

"What exactly will be our benefit in arranging this?" Gabriel asked intently. "Everybody wants things done Fast, Cheap, & Easy, but you can only have two." He said.

Washing down his latest bite with a swig of his ale Dorian wiped his mouth before replying. "Your boss wants thing cleaned up, Lasuma wants to make a profit. The sooner my employer as control over her supply chains the sooner he can pressure her to 'clean things up'. It's a win win. Besides didn't your boss offer to help leverage the situation? Granted he was probably referring to the PMA but leverage is leverage."

"We'll need some kind of show of faith, before we'll feel comfortable moving forward." Gabriel said. It was a polite way of saying that he did not completely trust the Bajoran or his flunkies.

"That's only fair...what do you think would be an appropriate 'show of faith'?"

"The name of her supplier and the intended route." Gabriel said. Undoubtedly, his boss had already done his homework and was well aware of which suppliers had agreements with Yolanthe. The information would save his people significant time and hassle.

He had no doubt they already had such information. If they knew about Ibalin's past surely they knew who her suppliers were. No matter, he had the information and would provide it. Stabbing his last bite of steak and mopping it through the red juices remaining on the plate before popping it in his mouth. "Done."

Gabriel reached into his pocket and retrieved a small isolinear optical chips and slid it across the table before standing up and preparing to leave. "Place the information on the device and leave it some place convenient and open inside your shop. I'll have someone retrieve it." Gabriel said.

Taking the chip and tugging it away, he picked up his ale.

As he began to leave he stopped and looked directly into the other man's eyes. "I don't expect to see you again." He said.

Not one to be intimidate by anyone he looked up and raise his glass with a gesture. "It's a small station."

Dorian Torel
Bodyguard/Henchman to Geral Lasuma

Dorian Gabriel
Chief Security Consultant, Raddon Corp.


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