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Awkward Morning

Posted on Thu Oct 11, 2018 @ 1:25am by Commander Caleb Ryan & Civilian Teena Otrei & Civilian Aleczandra Naqiis-Ryan & Civilian Opal Oliver (Deceased) Dr
Edited on on Thu Oct 11, 2018 @ 1:41am

2,874 words; about a 14 minute read

Mission: Victory Conditions
Location: Caleb's quarters
Timeline: MD 11 - 0700

Opal opened her eyes, just a little, fluttering without proper awareness yet. She quickly became aware that she was literally wrapped around Caleb Ryan's strong, warm, sexy body and immediately she began to warm up for herself.

There was a light cover over them, at an angle but still covering most of their lower bodies. She wanted to snuggle up to the hunk beside her for the rest of the whole day, although that wasn't going to happen. It was enough for now that she could enjoy the little while left until he woke and she would have to leave, or so she assumed. She wondered if his daughter was likely be up for breakfast. That would be awkward.

Caleb slept quietly, his breathing steady, his arm lightly around Opal possessively. Normally they used her place when they slept together, trying to be respectful of Aleczandra. But Zandra had been out with Teena last night, and things had just kind of...happened, and they hadn’t thought about it before falling into bed together.

In the other bedroom, Aleczandra curled around Teena’s naked form, holding the Betazoid close. Her father had a date with that doctor bitch, so wasn’t going to be home, so Zandra had invited Teena to stay the night. And they’d had plenty of fun.

"Mmmmm," Teena smiled, waking up to her girlfriend snuggling her. "Hi."

“Hey,” Aleczandra said, slipping hand lightly over Teena’s breast. “Want a little morning sex?”

As tempting as it was to take up that offer right now, her body wasn't going to let her enjoy it at present.

"Hold that thought. I really need to hydrate. Whatever we drank last night, my head’s banging. Let me grab something from the replicator and then," she said giving her a sultry look, getting out of bed naked, "I'm all yours baby!

“Do you need anything?" she asked, almost at the door of Zandra’s bedroom.

“Just you,” Zandra said, shaking out her rainbow hair as she sat up and stretched her own naked body.

It was dark, but Teena knew she could make out the replicators lights so she didn't bother asking the computer to put the kitchen’s on. Unfortunately she didn't know someone else was in there until skin collided with skin. Teena screamed. Not just out loud, but projected it to anyone close.

Caleb had been heading to the kitchen to get Opal and himself some water when he ran into someone in the kitchen, who gave a loud scream.

“Sonuva…!” Caleb exclaimed, grasping out to keep the girl from falling over after he’d bumped into her. “That you, Zandy-bear?” Oh, crap. His daughter was up and Opal as still in his bedroom!

Hearing the scream, Aleczandra rushed out, grabbing a robe and wrapping it lightly around her. “Lights!” she called. “Teena, are you--”

Zandra pulled up short seeing her naked girlfriend in the arms of her father, who only wore a pair of shorts. She felt a surge of jealousy from her mother, but pushed it aside.

“Zandy? Teena!” Caleb exclaimed, looking down at the naked teen he held. He quickly released her like she was hot plasma and backed away. “What are you girls doin’ here?” He averted his eyes, unsure where to look. His daughter wasn’t all that dressed, either.

Opal, hearing the scream, internally as well as through her ears, leaped up and ran to help whoever it was that was so alarmed. She knew Teena and had felt some of her emotional output before and she knew the girls weren't supposed to be here, according to Caleb, but they must be, and it seemed unfair to let Caleb face the music alone. She moved to the bedroom door and peered out, seeing Caleb in his shorts, looking very uncomfortable, Teena in her birthday suit, and Zandy, just ahead of Opal, having just arrived giving off some very confusing reactions that Opal couldn't fathom. The doctor paused.

She wasn't sure if just wading in and interfering would be a clever plan at all and all her instincts said no, it wouldn't be! However, clearly things weren't going well and Teena had always been kind and helpful to Opal, so, turning round, she picked up a cover from the bed behind her and moved gently towards Teena, holding it out with a sympathetic smile so that the teen might take it and cover her blushes.

Teena was grateful for the offer of the bedcover for two reasons. One, whether he realised it or was just on male autopilot from seeing her sans clothes, Caleb was processing in an inappropriate manner that she did not want to encourage further. Two, it was rather cold. If they were all going to have a big awkward alien conversation now for her being there when Zandy had thought her dad out for the evening or they were going to be lectured for "their" activities, she would rather be warm.

"Thank you, Dr. Opal," she said, formally bowing. It didn't require it in their respective positions in Betazoid society, but she felt the current alien situation they suddenly found themselves in deserved some decorum and a nod to the woman for having the wise sense not to go off on one adding the situation up incorrectly.

Caleb averted his eyes as Teena covered up, trying to look anywhere but at the naked teen. Opal was a fine place to be looking. At least she was dressed in one of his shirts. That didn’t cover much. Damn.

Aleczandra walked over and slipped her arms protectively -- possessively -- around Teena. “What’s she doing here?” she asked, looking to Opal.

“Ah could ask ya the same thing,” Caleb replied. It was better now that Teena was covered up. “Ah didn’t know she was over.”

“Well, I didn’t either,” Zandra said defiantly.

“Watch yer tone, Aleczandra Diawdra,” Caleb warned.

"Mr. Ryan," Teena asked softly. "Please could I have a glass of water before you start shouting?"

Opal winced. Caleb hadn't started shouting, he had just warned, she thought, but then she considered it from Teena's point of view, and a distraction would be a very good way to defuse this before it did result in any shouting! So, on thinking it over for a few seconds, Opal finally came off the "defend Caleb instantly and loyally" horse and eased back into a "clever girl Teena, nice work" stance inside her own mind.

"If you're getting water, please may I join you and have some too? Or would anyone like me to make some tea or get some coffee from the replicator?" Opal added, backing Teena up and moving into the living area with the intention of making good on her offer if anyone accepted a hot drink instead.

Teena took it as Opal saying that there was permission seen as though Caleb was yet to string a sentence together. Technically she had the lady of the house Zandy’s permission previously anyway. She walked out of Zandy’s embrace, leaving her girlfriend and her father staring daggers at each other, ordered two glasses of water, and followed Opal to the lounge quickly. She handed the water to the other woman, took the seat next to her, and remembered she was part her biology. Taking a sip of water, she telepathically communicated her concerns that the rest of this conversation may not be pretty and she was sorry that events had conspired in this negative manner. After all, it wasn't just her morning ruined, was it?

Caleb sighed and rubbed his face. “No replicated coffee. There’s a real coffee maker,” he said. “And a kettle. Computer, lights,” Caleb intoned, and they were all suddenly blinking as the lights came back on. “Zandy, Teena, please go put somethin’ on. Ah ain’t havin’ this conversation with ya’ll nearly naked.”

“Zandra,” Aleczandra countered. “And pot, meet kettle.” She eyed her father up and down. Her yummy, delicious father.

Shut up, Mom! Aleczandra thought to her mother.

“Touché,” Caleb replied. “Why doesn’t everyone take a minute.” With that, he brushed past Aleczandra and back to his room.

Aleczandra sighed, pushing away the feelings her mother was feeling as her father brushed past her. She gave Teena an apologetic look before heading to her own room.

That left Opal and Teena in the living room. " the coffee? Can I make you one, Teena? I seem to have lost the rest of my customers."

"Yes, please. I'll just have to leave for a minute and get dressed though. Mr. Ryan insisted." She smiled, getting up and following Zandy. She knew Liam would be telling her not to antagonise both his friend and the XO of the station.

Opal was left alone. She brewed the coffee and put cream in it but didn't add any sweetner. She was trying to give that one particular evil up. She took her mug to the sofa and sat down, but then decided to move to one of the armchairs instead. She was just re-sitting herself when she was clumsy and spilled her coffee on the sofa cushions. She swore softly and rushed to the kitchen for some wipes and, leaving what was left of the coffee in its mug on the side, she began to try to mop up the offending brown stain.

He won't be mad, Teena projected to the doctor, returning in a black strappy top, short cardigan, and jeans dragging Zandy in tow. He’s more mad at us than a brown stain. Well, actually, mortified and mad.

Zandy had pulled on a midriff cut off top that draped off one shoulder and a pair of shorts. “I’m so sorry, Teena,” she told her girlfriend. She tossed a bit of a glare at Opal though.

Caleb returned much more put together as well in jeans and a black t-shirt that stretched over his muscled frame.

Mika thought he looked extremely scrumptious. Damn it, Mom! Zandy thought, shivering at the bit of desire flowing through her body. She took Teena’s hand possessively.

Caleb poured several cups of coffee and brought one for everyone. “Sit,” he ordered the others, taking a seat with Opal. “We need ta talk about...this,” he said, gesturing around at them. “Us.”

Zandy tossed back her rainbow hair and crossed her arms, though she leaned into Teena.

Teena wondered how this was going to pan out and how strange it was that a male was allowed to lay down the law. She took her coffee, sipped it, and waited, eyes on Caleb.

Caleb leaned forward, staring at his hands, avoiding eye contact. “We need ta talk this out, Zandy-bear--” Caleb looked up to see Aleczandra scowling at him. “Zandra,” he corrected. “Yer mah little girl, an’ always will be. But...yer growin’ up now, an’ Ah need ta start treatin’ ya’ll like an adult. An’ Ah’m tryin’. But ya need ta give me the same grace.” He looked over at Opal. “Ah like Opal, an’ want ta see more of her. Ah want ya ta be alright with that, like Ah’m tryin’ ta be alright with you an’, girls,” he said, looking to Teena. “An’...the things...ya do…”

Aleczandra squirmed a bit. The sex talk was awkward enough the first time around with her mother. Now she had to have it with her father, too, when her mother inside her still wanted to jump his bones?

“But what about Mom?” Aleczandra said defiantly, Mika strongly influencing her. “She loves you, Dad!”

Caleb blinked a bit at the odd present tense, but passed it off as a slip. “Ah’ll always love yer mother, Zandra,” he said. “She was the love of mah life. Ah wooed an’ won her twice. But she’s gone now, an’ Ah’m here, an’ Ah’m alone. Ah think Ah might be ready ta not be alone anymore.”

Aleczandra frowned, Mika fuming inside of her.

Opal felt her insides freeze over. So, the combination of daughter and symbiont had managed to make him say he would always love his wife. A wife that was part of that symbiont, at least in its memories and consciousness presumably. Perhaps that was why the teen referred to her mother as if she was still alive. Perhaps she was... inside her daughter. How awful a thought was that? And Caleb, her dream man, the centre of her heart, the light of her dull, grey little life, was never going to be free of either the symbiont's influence over his daughter or the love he admitted he still felt for the woman he… she mind quoted him word for word, “Wooed and won twice". And he mightbe ready to not be alone any more. Not be in love again, not be moving on from the 'twice' woman, but just ready to not be alone. That wasn't actually the most enthusiastic defence of their relationship.

Opal's heart and head swam, both confused, both hurting. She quietly stood up.

"I... I'm needed for my shift. It starts soon, and I need to get my uniform from my quarters and stuff. I'm sorry to leave right in the middle of a heart to heart, but I... I'm sorry. I must go. Thank you, Caleb, for letting me stay. Thank you girls, too.” She didn't justify that with a declaration of what for because she couldn't think of one thing to thank Zandra for and it would be too awkward to single Teena out, so she went into the bedroom to dress and pick up her things.

"Please don't let me stop your conversation, I can see myself out," she said as she left the room. There was no malice, emotion, or giveaway expressions on her face or in her voice. She was numb, and the doctor's self defence mask was welded to her face in the form of a smile that might have fooled many of her patients.

It didn't, however, fool Teena. Teena laid her head back on the couch and closed her eyes for a brief moment. As the confusion emanating from the other two got more intense, and the silence perplexing, she stated what they were both now wondering and what she now was taking as confirmation of Opal working out things when she had held her perfume making afternoon.

"She knows or she suspects," she said simply. Watching both of them pale as the impact of her words perminated their brains.

"Mr. Ryan, you need to go after her. Now. Do damage control, or you’re going to lose her, and now Zandy's secret is in danger." She stood up, deciding she was fed up of all this situation. It wasn't getting any better. And now Caleb Ryan knew she knew, going by his emotional reaction, that wasn't a further conversation she was willing to participate in right now.

"Zandy, I love you, I mean really, really love you, but you need to speak to someone, because this," she swished her arms around in the room, trying to press the craziness and mega-ness of this situation, "is one hell of a big mess, and I'm fed up of playing second fiddle and having to see someone I love this much have to handle it. So please get help."

She headed for the door, pausing only to fire a final shot, "And the rest of you hosts in there. You all need to start letting her and him," she pointed at Zandy and Caleb respectively, "live their own lives now. You all had your time."

"I can't deal with this right now," she hissed. It was unladylike. Very unladylike for someone in her position, but she had put up with so much now, and having to endure her girlfriend feeling jealous over someone not her once more and see it also tearing apart another woman and Zandy was just too much. She stormed out.

Zandy and Caleb stared after both women as they left.

“What the heck just happened?” Caleb muttered. “Zandy-bear, how does Teena know--”

“Because I told her, Dad!” Zandy snapped. “She already figured it out basically, anyway.” Zandy tapped her temple with a finger. “Telepath, Dad! Do the math! Opal’s probably the same way.”

“Damn it,” Caleb muttered, hanging his head.

“I can’t take this anymore!” Aleczandra stood up. “I love you, Dad!”

“Ah know, Zandy-bear. Ah love you, too--”

“No!” she shouted. “Shut the fuck up and listen! I love you like mom loved you!” She threw one of the couch pillows at him. “And it’s seriously fucking me up! Mom is seriously fucing me up!”

With that, Aleczandra stormed off to her room, slamming the door controls hard enough to make the panel pop off.

Caleb stared after his teenage daughter in shock. “Oh, fuck…” he murmured, burying his face in his hands.


Cdr. Caleb Ryan
Executive Officer

Aleczandra Ryan
NPC Caleb Ryan

Dr Opal Oliver
Civilian Doctor

Teena Otrei
NPC Liam Reynolds


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