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Alcohol numbs the pain or breeds stupidity? Part 2

Posted on Sat Oct 13, 2018 @ 7:06pm by Commander Amia Telamon M.D. & Lieutenant Liam Reynolds
Edited on on Sun Oct 14, 2018 @ 3:21am

2,642 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: Victory Conditions
Location: Liam's quarters/Bar to be decided
Timeline: MD10- 11 overnight

Previously on Alcohol numbs the pain or breeds stupidity

"You're afraid of him," he stated watching her roll the balls in her fingers again. It was quite hypnotic, especially when his head was punch drunk. More so when she moved her hands up to the height of her breasts which in her beautiful outfit didn't need anymore framing. It however, didn't stop the inner counselor coming out to play though.

Lenka's frozen smile stayed in place as she denied the comment. "Of course I am not. Why would I be? He's my employer and deserves some respect that's all." she lied.

Another girl suddenly appeared and dropped another drink next too him before she could answer properly. In fact she clammed up seeing her coming. "Compliments of Lorg,"

And now the conclusion


"I guess I better drink that," Liam said softly. "Or he will be back and taking offence?"

"He does that quite a lot, so yes, you should." Lenka agreed quietly and began another round of Dabo, distracting Liam and the other customers who had begun to arrive and show interest.

Liam spent the next couple of hours making small talk with the rest of the gamblers and losing a small fortune. He started to force down another drink Lorg felt the need to send over. "Too rich for me," he told the dabo girl. It dawned on him, he didn't even know her name. "I think I will go find a quiet booth to finish this." He wondered if she actually intended to come see him after "her shift" or if that was a line all the guys got fed.

Lenka watched him go with regret. She hardly knew him but after spending one evening with him she was sad to lose his company. She finished off her shift without showing any changes in her behaviour though because she knew better than to let the Ferrengi see her preference for Liam. After the games were closed and the punters were being helped to leave, Lenka closed off her table, handed over the 'profits' to Lorg and fetched her wrap ready to leave too.

She found Liam stumbling along the Promenade after hurrying after him, hoping he wouldn't get too far ahead of her on his way 'home'. "Hey handsome!" she whispered in his ear as she slipped an arm around him and helped him keep walking. "So, I made you a promise, if you're not too drunk to remember? Shall I just drop you home or do you remember our discussion at all?" she said softly, checking to see if he was really too out of his head or if he was just a bit tipsy. "By the way, which way are your quarters anyway?" she chuckled, catching him and righting him as he appeared to stumble again.

Liam nodded. His head was very hazy but he remembered that promise. "I remember but .......

Something was holding him. She was incredibly beautiful and he was single again but there was a tiny little voice in the back of his mind trying to get bigger and scream having her come to his quarters was not a good idea. She wasn't taking any prisoners though and suddenly he found himself staring deep into beautiful big green eyes. They reminded him so much of someone else.

"Whats the deal with the Ferengi?" he asked again tearing his eyes away and noticing something, "Cause he's following us and looks pissed. And he's brought muscle,"

Lenka's eyes widened and she looked back in a panic. "Oh NO!" she gasped and gripped Liam's arm.

"Whats wrong?" Liam asked. The panic emanating off her, he wasn't able to mentally defend much against it due to his inebriated state.

Lenka's eyes were wide with fear and she kept tugging at Liam's sleeve urgently. "He'll be really mad." she hissed, trying to drag Liam now, frantic to get around the next bend and try to disappear into an alley or somewhere they could hide before the group caught up.

"Look, look ....." Liam stepped round the girl and infront of her. "Its my fault not hers."

"You've got your hands on my property" he growled. "I hope you're not thinking you can cheat me? I don't like people trying to rob me when we've just had such a nicssssssssssssse evening." his face twisted and he hissed as he did whatever Ferrengi do when they want to grit their teeth but physically can't.

"I thought I paid her direct," Liam persisted. It earned him the large nauscian deciding to start punching him.

"Nooooooo!!!" Lenka wailed and tried to beat her fists on the huge, concrete arms of the Nausicaan in a vain attempt to distract him and stop him.

"No?" Lorg questioned. "You have a contract with me you whore" he spat. "Bring her to me." he commanded and the Nausicaan stopped pounding Liam, picked up Lenka by her hair and lifted her squealing into the air, planting her at Lorg's feet.

"Are you trying to rob me too?" the Ferrengi asked nastily and in a manner that seemed more threatening that questioning.

"No Lorg, honestly. He's too drunk to be a punter tonight. I was just going to let him sleep it off. You've taken a fortune from him tonight, I thought it would be okay to just let him sleep. Perhaps he'll come back tomorrow and then you can maybe have your fee then?" she tried to reason with Lorg.

Liam controlled his face. The Ferengi hadn't really won much off him at all. He was smart enough to know when to bow out and he was pretty much even stevens. She was lying. His face throbbed and he knew this was likely a bad idea but he kicked the ankles of the Nausicaan forcing him to let go of the girl in his sudden confusion. Naturally the alien went for him again but this time Liam was ready with some Klingon martial art moves he had learnt long ago. It was like a drunken dream of his time living with Klingons. Suddenly he had a sort of clarity he could use at this moment.

"I'm a senior member of the command staff on this station," he panted forcing all his weight on the big alien pushing him into the wall ..... So if you want me to forget your thug here messing up my face for a simple misunderstanding ...." the idiot alien tried to break free from his grasp so Liam remembering where Dru told him was the equivalent of kicking a Nausicaan in the balls inflicted that shot .... " The nausian made a noise all men who had been seriously kicked in the love spuds knew and commiserated with, he then faced the Ferengi as his "thug" pretty much slid down the wall, "And not make it so starfleet are all over you and your exemperly record on employee relations....." He kicked the Nausian again as he made a move to get up, "then I suggest you go get that contract and either rip it up if she wants out for employee abuse or make some amendments to ensure far better treatment as she was about to make you a lot of money but now you made my face bleed. That's bad for business."

Naturally he couldn't hold the Nausian down much longer. He heard the crack of a broken bone before he actually felt much pain. As the big alien drew his fist back once more suddenly one of the other "goons" thrust a PADD in the Ferengi's face. "Boss boss he's telling the truth. He is command staff. We don't want to be under Starfleet's radar."

Lorg paled and began to mutter about misunderstandings and a night of Dabo on the House to compensate Liam for his bruises today. He began to brush some imaginary fluff off Liam's shoulders and cursing at his two goons, seemingly blaming them for everything, he set of back to his premises at a quick pace.

Liam suddenly sagged against the wall.

Lenka gave a little gasp and rushed to support Liam and get him upright so that she could get him to somewhere safe where she could help him.

As she helped him back to his quarters, Liam pressed on the fact she needed to get out of there. He didn't really take in a lot of what she told him. His head was swimming. Liam practically collapsed on his sofa as they got to his quarters. "I need my personal physician."

=^=Reynolds to .... Amia .... no Telamon ... Amia Telamon .... Amia I really need your help =^=

=^= Telamon here. Medical help Lee? You sound dreadful. Where are you? =^= Amia replied, very worried.

Liam tried to focus on the dabo girl. He grabbed a PADD and set up a credit transfer. More than the rate the Ferengi was expecting. "Quit, get him out of your life and go sort yourself out. I have a ...... sister. Half sister ...... step sister ....... " He rolled off confused. He couldn't quite get her name right now. "Tee ..... Tae ..... well she has a perfume place. I could have a word."

"You're a really nice man. Someone should have snapped you up by now. Yes please, I'm sure if she's even half as nice as you, I'd love working for her... if that's okay?" Lenka said, a smile alighting on her face at the prospect of a decent employer and a much more respectable job. She also had some budding idea about how to fill the gap in Liam clearly needing a good woman to take care of him.

It earned him a kiss. A rather big one he wasn't expecting and right now his face really didn't want. "Go. Be .. fine. I'll ... be fine. My doc's coming to save me," he said simply. "She does that you know."

Amia appeared at the door, her flame coloured hair loose around her in dishevelment as she was in bed, asleep when he had called. "You didn't answer my questions about whether this was a medical emergency or where you were. I had to get the computer to locate you and clearly you weren't an actually the medical emergency." she said as she dropped her medkit, pulled out a med-scan and shot one and only one glance at the woman who was just leaving.

It might have been only one glance but it was like a searing arrow through her heart. That kiss she had just seen ending as she got to the door caused feelings inside Amia that she didn't understand..... well, she did understand the feelings but not why she was having them. Liam was her best friend .... she shouldn't be jealous of him having what was presumably a lover.

The medscan told her he was actually quite badly hurt. "What happened to you?" she asked him, her annoyance dissolving into concern now. She assess his blood alcohol level to see if it was safe to give him a pain killer and waited for him to tell her what had gone on. The dabo girl stood back watching on.

Liam blinked several times looking up at Amia. "There was a Nausicaan and a Ferengi. Tried to help," he muttered. As she reached forward with some sort of implement her hair fell down around him. Liam found himself touching a strand gently between his finger tips. "You always come patch me back together again don't you? No matter what they do to me, I can always rely on you."

"Of course! You're my best friend. What would become of me if I didn't have you!" she answered lightly, still concentrating on fixing him up.

He felt a hiss and light pressure on his neck and the next thing he knew he was getting rather sleepy. Was he dreaming he wondered. "But I don't want to be your best friend."

Amia was shocked to hear him say that but it was too late to ask why not. She was hurt. ~Why did he say that? She thought he had already been her best friend for as long as she could think.... well, aside from Cade......yes well, everyone was a bit blind sometimes..... but not with Liam.... she hadn't thought she'd been blind with him.... but if he didn't want to be her friend any more.... was it something she had wait... she had seen him kissing that Dabo girl. So that was it... but that was romance surely.. people could have friends as well as lovers without there being any problem .... so why was he suddenly rejecting herself? Did the Dabo girl tell him he couldn't have female friends? but then that didn't sound like Liam to accept being told who he could be friends with?~

Realising she was staring at an unconscious man, frozen in a haze of hurting, Amia noticed a tear roll down her cheek. She needed to beam them to sickbay, so put through the order ordering the dabo girl to come too. Once in sickbay, she left Liam to a colleague and hurried to the medicine store and pretended to busy herself there, until she got hold of herself.

"What a bitch!" she fumed, once the first wave of sadness began to pass and anger replaced it. She decided to go along to Bay 12 and see that woman who was also being checked over. She would find out what was going on. She set off, sniffing slightly as she marched through Sickbay like a dark cloud descending. Some of the juniors looks slightly alarmed and found something important to do across in another bay. Amia didn't notice until she came to the bay that Lenka was in. She had been fixed up and was almost ready to leave. She did look lovely. In fact she was a very beautiful woman. A wave of jealousy washed over Amia who was horrified with herself for two reasons.

Firstly feeling like that was something that she couldn't like at all and it made her feel horrible and snarky in a way she had never wanted to be and secondly because it confused her totally. Why would she feel such a fierce wave of such an odd emotion over Liam. It wasn't as if she wanted him herself...well, not in THAT way..... of course!!! well, it wasn't that he wasn't attractive.... well, he was bloody gorgeous actually.... but he was her friend... her best....His words came back round and hit her like a physical blow. He didn't WANT to be her best friend. He had said so himself.

Standing there as Lenka looked up and saw her staring, Amia began to feel the way she had when she had got the message that Cade wasn't coming home. She turned and fled to her quarters, picked up her sleeping baby from her cot, much to the startlement of the Holo-nanny who looked after her while Amia was duty and sat rocking her, trying to understand what had just happened. She explained briefly to the Holo-Nanny, Claire who had become a friend since she had come into the little family but with those treacherous tears still welling up and threatening to start again, Amia wasn't really able to explain much in any coherent form. Claire made tea and was very sympathetic and after a while Amia was able to talk a bit more clearly and pour out what was troubling her.

By the time Amia returned to Sickbay, her ACMO had fixed up Liam and sent him back to his quarters to rest. Amia finished her shift and went to bed where she could mull over everything all over again.


Lieutenant Liam Reynolds
Chief Counselor

Lenka - Dabo Girl
NPC - Amia

Lorg - Ferrengi Bar Owner
NPC Amia

Cmdr Amia Telamon


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