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Alcohol numbs the pain or breeds stupidity? Part 1

Posted on Sat Oct 13, 2018 @ 7:06pm by Commander Amia Telamon M.D. & Lieutenant Liam Reynolds
Edited on on Sun Oct 14, 2018 @ 3:11am

1,559 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Victory Conditions
Location: Liam's quarters/Bar to be decided
Timeline: MD10 2100


Liam still could not believe what had turned up. He glared at for about the hundredth time the cube. Identical to Amia's. It took him a long time to finally play it. Glaring he reasoning after about an hour was getting nothing anywhere. When he pressed the cube Cades familiar image popped up.

"Liam. If your watching this I'm dead. I took a black ops command. They said it was the only CO post I would ever get offered and to turn it down would have blackballed me from any other chances. I couldn't take the risk that everything I had worked for to date would come to nothing ....

"Thats a matter of opinon," Liam yelled at the hologram.

"I was meant to be gone five years but like I said if your watching this ...... well I messed up."

Liam angrily threw the nearest thing, a book. It passed right through "Cade" and landed in a loud thud at the opposite end of his coffee table. "You have NO idea how much," he hissed.

"You were always a good friend, to both me and Amia. I need to ask you to do what I can't now. Watch over Amia and my daughter. I don't want any harm to come to them. I want to rest in peace knowing they had a good life."

"You could have stuck around and had a good one with them you idiot," he said pointedly.

"I can't thank you enough for the years of parises squares and pep talks. I wish you could have been at the wedding. You should have been my best man,"

Liam blinked several times heavily.

"Keep them safe Liam," then in typical fashion at expressing an actual sentiment, Caden Aldrex disappeared.

He watched it several times, then paced awhile in his anger and astonishment at the appearance and contents of this cube. He decided it wasn't something he wanted to make Amia aware of. At present anyway. He didn't need her being more upset. But he had to get out of his quarters. Perhaps a drink. Where could he go?

He threw on a checked blue shirt and a pair of black jeans and headed to the Promenade.

Three house specials later the idea of a little flutter on a dabo table seemed a good one. Little was he to know.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Lenka was smiling. Lenka was always smiling. Lenka was paid to smile. It wasn't a demanding 'career', being a Dabo girl but it was fun. Most of the time, Lenka was happy to smile. She did have times when customers would take things too far and her Ferrengi 'employer' (if at such poor wages, that could be an apt description of what he was to her) was there to see things didn't get out of hand. It was in his interests that she shouldn't get manhandled or harmed as this meant she would not be available for her next shift or two while she got fixed up. It was also in his interests that she shouldn't be frightened off but that was as far as his interests went. If she earned him lots of latinum by attracting customers to the Dabo wheel when she was turning it, then so much the better. If she distracted enough customers into losing, that was the whole point and again, so much the better for that too. Both sides knew what they wanted from this arrangement and although the Ferrengi had the upper hand in most ways, the Dabo Girl could make a much better evening for herself if she could attract tips and drinks and any other gifts or benefits from customers.

This was how it worked. A customer who came in for a game of Dabo would very likely drink plentifully and be less that sharp on his or her decision making as the games and the evening progressed.

On this particular evening a particularly attractive customer came in and attracted a lot of interest from the bevy of Dabo girls on duty tonight. Lenka watched surreptitiously. This one was gorgeous! He had several 'house specials'.... not wise. Those were pretty potent. She watched him put his arms round two girls and allow himself to be persuaded towards her table. Time to see what both he and she might win tonight, she thought.

"Good evening Sir" Lenka purred. The other two girls already attached, one to each of his arms, giggled and flashed their barely covered breasts at him, one swinging the tassels on her costume to get his attention. Lenka simply looked up at him from under her dark lashes and her deep amber coloured eyes seemed to flash with interest. She asked him if he needed chips as she was sure it was his lucky night. She rolled the little roulette-type ball between lithe fingers that caressed it suggestively and smiled innocently at him.

The girls he had hanging off him were beautiful but the one now in front of him topped them both. Beautiful red gold hair. Very like Amia's he conceded. He knew he was being daft. Liam didn't go out and do things like this. He was acting like Jon. But right now forgetting what was back in his quarters was more preferable. "I'll take some chips please. Hopefully there's some luck heading my way. The rest of my day's been pretty dire."

He took the pile offered and handed a couple back to her. "Have a go yourself or cash it out later," he smiled. That's what you were meant to do with dabo girls wasn't it? He didn't have that much experience. The other ladies realising they had already been usurped by Lenka glared at her and left the table.

"What did I do?" Liam asked. He had already bought them a drink and surely you only tipped the games mistress??

Lenka just smiled and winked at him. "I think it might have been my fault, Sir. Can i make it up to you after my shift finishes?" she purred just as she saw the Ferrengi walking over their way. "And of course Sir can make any bet he desires." she said, louder so the Ferrengi could hear, pretending she had been just encouraging Liam to bet lots, all along.

Liam's eyes shot to the Ferengi and despite his fairly inebriated state he sensed her worry and nervousness in the direction of the Ferengi. She needed help. He leaned in close, smiling so not to concern the Ferengi. Nodding his head he pushed forward several chips and made a bet.

"That's 10 latinum slips on the black sir, thank you. Good luck!" Lenka went into her spiel and then spun the Dabo wheel. It gave Liam a bit of a win to keep him interested. That was the House play for the start of luring punters in. The Ferrengi would be watching to see she was sticking to the rules he had laid down.

"Are you the fine owner of this establishment?" Liam laid it on thick and complimented the Ferengi. "You have an excellent bar here. Lovely staff. You really have the lobes for business. Liam Reynolds," he held his hand out to shake the Ferengi's.

"Why thank you Mister Reynolds, I am the owner. Lorg." the Ferrengi replied, smiling warmly and displaying a whole mouthful of crooked and misaligned teeth. "I'm glad you like my modest little establishment." Clearly Lorg didn't actually think his bar was modest at all but he was fishing for more compliments and soaking up all he could milk.

Liam played along, "Modest. Not at all. I will have to mention this place to your peoples' Ambassador next time I see her. Perhaps she might accompany me next time I visit."

"Well I'm flattered that you have noticed Mister Reynolds. I hope you will enjoy visiting and partaking of our very special entertainments very often." Lorg flashed his crooked smile again and put his hand on Lenka's shoulder, producing a stiffening of her posture and a fixed aspect to her previously warm smile which suddenly became false and fixed.

The ferengi wasn't stupid at least . He understood that good publicity could be bought even if their ambassador was unconventionally a women. Liam's smile faded as he left them no doubt to count the increasing imaginary latium he was picturing in his greedy head. Of course he had no intention of bringing Qinee here.

"You're afraid of him," he stated watching her roll the balls in her fingers again. It was quite hypnotic, especially when his head was punch drunk. More so when she moved her hands up to the height of her breasts which in her beautiful outfit didn't need anymore framing. It however, didn't stop the inner counselor coming out to play though.

Lenka's frozen smile stayed in place as she denied the comment. "Of course I am not. Why would I be? He's my employer and deserves some respect that's all." she lied.

Another girl suddenly appeared and dropped another drink next too him before she could answer properly. In fact she clammed up seeing her coming. "Compliments of Lorg,"

"I guess I better drink that," Liam said softly. "Or he will be back and taking offence?"


Lieutenant Liam Reynolds
Chief Counselor

Lenka - Dabo Girl
NPC - Amia


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