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We have it under control

Posted on Wed Oct 3, 2018 @ 8:45am by Civilian Hydel Turvan

870 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Victory Conditions
Location: Warship Nuvor & DS5 Cardassian Barracks
Timeline: MD 13
Tags: Cardassian, 127th, embassy, Turvan

“Have you lost your mind!?” Ambassador Hydel Turvan nearly shouted to the gathered Officers. “How dare you tell me where I can and cannot go?” He asked angrily.

Gul Kalena Veshur, the recently installed Commander of the 127th Tactical Wing, continued to sit unphased by the Ambassador’s outburst. She was familiar with his personality and his flare for the theatrics.

“Ambassador Turvan, our government has suffered two consecutive attacks at the hands of these unknown terrorists.” The female Commander began. “It would be better for you to remain onboard and conduct your affairs from the fleet.” She said.

“I agree” Gul Meran said before the Ambassador had the chance to explode again.

“I have an obligation to serve the Empire! Not to run and hide like a Bajoran mole!” Turvan shouted.

“You are also the senior-most government official in this entire sector!” Gul Meran countered. The Garrison Commander was a firm believer in protocol and decorum, however, he would not bite his tongue or the sake of being polite.

“Our Embassy has been critically damaged. I'm sending this communique from the Garrison Barracks because our communication facility is not suitable to be occupied. We lost 27 citizens and Soldiers in that attack. We can not afford to give those cowards another opportunity.” Gul Meran stated.

Hydel’s anger was still noticeable, but he at least could see the rationale behind the two Senior Commanders’ decisions. He was most effective away from the ever-present scope of the cowards that had launched their campaign of terror against the Empire. For the time being, he would manage Cardassia’s response from here.

“Fine. . .” He conceded. “Since this will become my new central hub....where do we stand on who did this?” He asked as he returned to his seat next to Gul Valshur and focused once again on the projected image of Gul Meran.

"I believe Gul Kyren can address that issue." Gul Veshur said as she nodded towards the other Cardassian female who had been remarkable quiet throughout the back and forth.

"Thank you, Gul Veshur," She said as she stood to speak. "Our investigation has determined that the responsible parties have been able to smuggle contraband onto the station for some time. It would take months of planning and coordination to be able to move this much destruction properties into the vital locations without drawing the attention of any respectable gover---" The Cardassian OFficer was cut-off before she could finish her sentence.

"That's it? That's all you have to report is that someone smuggled explosives onto the station?!" Ambassador Hydel asked indignantly.

Gul Natomi Kyren waited patiently for the mini-rant to cease before she responded. "Ambassador, I am from the Cardassian Intelligence Bureau. I would not be standing here if I did not have relevant, if not extraordinary, information to report." She retorted. "I assure you, my time spent here is very precious." She said with an edge to her voice, indicating that she did not have the patience to argue with the Government official.

She turned back to her presentation and focused on a enhanced image. "My investigation has led me to conclude that the source of the explosion was a series of explosive devices made from Cabrodine and Infernite." Gul Kyren stated.

"But, Cabrodine has always been used as a low-grade explosive. You would need an entire shuttlecraft's worth of explosive to equal the devastation that we experienced." Gul Meran chimed in.

"You are correct, Detan." Gul Kyren said in a tone similar to a teacher acknowledging that a pupil had done their homework. "Such a compound does not create the explosive power you witnessed. However, Nitrilin that had been altered to appear to be Cabrodine would be sufficient." She said to the assembled Senior Officers.

"We determined that the Nitrilin was altered at the chemical level to appear to be Cabrodine, thus any initial investigation would lead to the wrong party being response." Gul Kyren said.

". . .because Nitrilin is so difficult to obtain and synthesize. . ." Ambassador Turvan said aloud as he began to put together the pieces. "Whomever did this has access to sophisticated technology to not only obtain the Nitrilin, but to smuggle it onto the station undetected." He added. "I'm assuming you are still investigating the actual parties that were able to pull this off?" Ambassador Turvan suggested.

"Exactly." The Intelligence Officer responded evenly.

"Good," Turvan sighed as he shifted his attention back towards Gul Valsur. "Now, dealing with external matters, what exactly is the status of the planet X'Cadia within the Typhon Expanse?" He asked with a hint of eagerness in his voice.

"Our negotiations with Vice Minister Arkul are going splendidly, we should begin phase 1 of our operation shortly." Gul Veshur said confidently without further elaboration. "He has informed us that his forces are already in place and are waiting for the proper moment." She added.

For the first time in the meeting, Ambassador Turvan had allowed a smile to come across his face. "That is like music to my ears." He said contently.

Hydel Turvan
Ambassador, Cardassian Empire

Denat Meran
Gul, Garrison Commander

Kalena Veshur
Gul, Commander of the 127th Tactical Wing

Natomi Kyren
Gul, Cardassian Intelligence Bureau


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