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Necessary Preperations

Posted on Sun Oct 7, 2018 @ 6:53am by Civilian Hydel Turvan

581 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Victory Conditions
Location: Xi'Cadian Homeworld
Timeline: MD 15 - 1030
Tags: Cardassia, Xi'Cadia, 127 Tactical Wing

Gul Natomi Kyren stood facing out the large window and took in the remarkable site before her. The Cardassian Intelligence Officer had not really had an opportunity to take in the beauty of the planet prior to her meeting today. The city in which the meeting was taking place was located at the foot of a massive waterfall. The city designers hand built the largest structures in the city to face the breath-taking view. Natomi could understand why. It made it a lot easier to work when you had such a captivating view before you.

She shifted her attention way from the beautiful landscape back towards the mission that was at hand. AT the end of the conference table sat Vice Prime Minister Hureth Arkul. He was surrounded by several aides and advisers as they went over the details of a particular operation.

"The Suvella peninsula is going to be vital to our plans." Minister Arkul said as he pointed to the area on the projector. "We need to ensure that our Security Forces will be able to move and secure those facilities at the right time." Minister Arkul said calmly.

"Sir, we can have High Commander Winjut assume responsibility for the Western District." The aide responded.

"Can we trust him with our cause?" Minister Arkul asked. He was aware of HC Winjut; however, he had not spoken with the man. He needed to know that the High Commanders understood his vision and were willing to put their people before themselves.

"Yes sir, I can personally vouch for him myself." The aide said confidently.

"Good. . .good, I can always count on you." Minister Arkul smiled as he shifted his gaze towards the female Cardassian. "But what about our new friends from beyond the Expanse? Can we count on you?" The Vice Prime Minister said to the Intelligence Officer.

"We have provided you with every form of assistance that you have asked for." Gul Kyren said casually. "The Cardassian Empire stands by its words, and most importantly it stands by its allies." She said looking him directly in the eye. The Cardassian could tell that the Xi'Cadian leader was attempting to put on a strong performance for the sake of his subordinates. However, she was willing to allow the questioning of her capabilities by the Xi'Cadian for the time being.

"If your forces are as reliable as you believe them to be, then it will be no problem for us to provide the necessary support to complete the mission." She said to the gathered group.

"But the true question is whether you, Minister Arkul, are ready for the change that is about to engulf your entire Homeworld?" She asked, narrowing the issue down to the most important point.

"Of course I am, I have been ready since the day I was born." Minister Arkul said confidently. "This world belongs to Xi'Cadians not to those that wish to rape and pillage it of value." He said in a more tense tone. "I will give my life to protect my people, even from those who claim to be one of us." He said.

Gul Kyren nodded in acceptance.

"Minister Arkul, sir! We've just received word that Prime Minister Krulan and Defense Minister Vestrum have departed from the conference." a young aide reported from the back of the room near a console.

Vice Minister Arkul nodded slowly as he internalized the announcement. "Very well, then it's time to begin." He ordered.


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