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Fancy Meeting You Here - Part 2

Posted on Mon Sep 17, 2018 @ 11:53am by Commander Caleb Ryan & Commander Amia Telamon M.D. & Lieutenant Liam Reynolds & Lieutenant Annora Tessaro

1,009 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Victory Conditions
Location: Promenade/The Cat and Custard Pot Pub
Timeline: MD09 1200

Previously on Fancy Meeting you here,

Liam could sense Ash had embellished a little in his explanation of Jameson, but he said nothing further. It was probably safer not to know. "How's your injury?" Liam asked.

"Yes, are you in need of any medical aid?" Amia added, the doctor in her always in place.

“Just the hands of a beautiful nurse. Or doctor,” Ash grinned. “It’s a little tender, and sensitive, but seems to be fine. I’ve been worse.” Ash tried not to dwell on that, on his experiences at the hands of the Romulan Enrily Graeca or the Salonian Thall Bos. “As long as I don’t do anything too strenuous, I should be fine.”

And Now the Continuation

"Do you need to do anything strenuous?" Liam asked. He was surprised at himself. He was annoyed at Ash’s flirting with Amia. "And you could be out of luck. The beautiful doc, she's on mat leave now." He winked at Amia, then wondered why he felt the need to do that. This was Ash. It's what he did. He would flirt with anything. Male, female, a Klingon dressed up as a Ferengi. Wait, did he do that once? He looked pensive suddenly, trying to recall.

Ash chuckled. “Well, there is that hot security officer I met when you came aboard the Svikari,” Ash said. “I hope Lieutenant Tessaro could help with my...physical therapy.” Ash smiled and sipped his beer.

Ash looked over at Amia. “You must be bored out of your mind,” he commented. “Let me know if you ever need some company, or even just someone to rub your feet.” He gave her a smile.

Amia rolled her eyes, but she did smile back and clearly wasn't offended. "I have Liam to entertain me and rub anything I'm worried about," she retorted in fun, smirking back at Ash and then winking at Liam. She wasn't sure why she had done that, but it just seemed in keeping with the mood and atmosphere that a handsome flirt like Ash created with his smooth banter and chat up flattery.

Liam surprisingly felt a flutter of excitement at Amia's response even though she was joking. He was starting to get a worrying idea what was going on and considering she was a widow -- and to his best friend nonetheless -- he decided to push it far, far away for the meantime. He could not deal with that at present. Or allow himself to consider the idea of rubbing any part of Amia. So he changed the subject.

"Lieutenant Tessaro, I know her. She's smart and a damn good officer. Be respectful there, Ash, and under no circumstances, any migraines," he warned.

“Of course,” Ash promised. “Always.” Besides, he was still nursing a headache from his little stunt with Jameson anyway. He wasn’t going to be pulling that off again any time soon. “It’s good to see you both again. I’m glad you’ve settled in and seem to be doing well.” He smiled and sipped his beer. “Speaking of Lieutenant Tessaro…” Ash looked up to see Security approaching the table.

It was almost as if the man wanted to be caught, as he kept Ensign Jameson’s combadge. There was a chance he'd pawned if off on some unsuspecting victim, but all the same it was prudent to track down. Bringing PO Hermus with her, Annora headed to the Promenade.

Surprisingly, Nick was sitting at a table with Dr. Telamon and Lieutenant Reynolds. None seemed to be in distress, and by all means this was a cordial meeting.

"Curiouser and curiouser," Annora said more to herself than her companion.

Her left hand rested on the phaser holstered on her side, but Annora kept it there for the time being. "Doctor, Lieutenant."

She greeted the others present before addressing her target. "Please come with us, Ensign, you have not been released on your own recognizance."

Nick Bolero looked up at the lovely security officer with a brilliant smile. “Ah, Lieutenant Tessaro!” he said in amusement. “Jameson woke up sooner than I anticipated. I trust his headache isn’t too bad. Sorry for the trouble.”

Nick tossed back the last of his beer and looked at Liam and Amia. “Nice meeting you. Hope to catch up again once we get all this sorted.”

Nick slid out of the booth and extended his hands for the junior security officer to clamp on the manacles.”I do like a woman in charge.”

Liam nodded at Annora, wondering if she would be asking them what was going on at some point. He grinned inwardly at Ash's last statement before leaning over and whispering to Amia, "Do you think he would still be saying that if he gets thrown in front of Soran?"

Amia smiled ruefully. "I don't, actually," she agreed, shaking her head softly in agreement with Liam's astute guess. "I have to feel sorry for him, rogue or not," she whispered back.

Leaving Hermus to deal with Ash, Annora made an inquiry of the others present. "Have either of you met Ensign Bolero before today?"

Liam shook his head. He didn't like having to lie to her, but Ash was clearly under cover. Well, actually, he didn't have to lie, he just chose his words very carefully to explain the situation away. Well, hopefully Annora would buy it.

"I have never met Ensign Bolero, no, but he ran into us and wanted to buy me a drink for patching him up back in the war games. I thought it rude to refuse. I wasn't expecting to see you have to come in and shackle him, Lieutenant."

The answer made sense, so Annora didn't give it further thought. "Sounds good. Thanks for keeping him occupied."


Cdr. Amia Telamon, M.D.
On Maternity Leave

Ltjg. Annora Tessaro
Acting Chief Security Officer

Lt. Liam Reynolds
Chief Counselor

Ens. Nick Bolero/Lt. Cdr. Ash Danrisa
Svikari Security officer/Starfleet Intelligence undercover
NPC Caleb Ryan


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