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Time's Up

Posted on Mon Sep 17, 2018 @ 5:06am by Lieutenant Annora Tessaro & Captain Maritza Soran

1,609 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Victory Conditions
Location: DS5- Docking Ring
Timeline: MD08 1350


Dev pulled the hood on his jacket up, edging through the crowd trying to look nonchalant. The Main Docking Ring was crowded . The attack on the Cardassians had put everyone on alert. Hopefully he could get on a ship and be gone before anyone thought of locking down the civilian transports, too busy watching the horrors going on in the space marked off for the wargame.

He let other jostle him as he got in a queue for the Earth ferry. The exit strategy was blown and he was cut off from the others. They'd take their prepared exfiltration ship. They couldn't wait. He'd have to make his own way off the station.

The queue moved forward again, closer to the pair of mustard trimmed security officers who seemed annoyingly interested in the queue. He kept his head down, Don't panic. You're a professional

Shortly after the break in had been detected, security had locked down the docking ring. The present ships had all been searched and cleared for departures, but the culprits were still at large. That, coupled with the attack by the Skivari meant the tighter security measures remained.

Almost two hours into the ordeal, the security team had their routine down to a science. Most passengers received just a cursory tricorder scan, while every few were pulled aside for extra scrutiny.

Bratac motioned for the line to move forward, while splitting his attention between the tricorder and the creeping line.

Dev was only a few people away now. He was trying not to shuffle from one foot to another. Just don't make eye contact.

Almost at the front of the cue another man was feeling nervous. Col needed off this station, there was too much going down. Too much involvement of people he'd rather avoid. There were rumors that the syndicate was on its way, if not already here, and he definitely wanted gone before that. Trouble was he also had some black marks. Petty theft. A couple of drunken assaults. He should of gone weeks ago, after that blasted planet turned up. He just had to smooth talk these security types, hope his fake id holds up. Only a few moments now

In front of Col was a Ferengi who was quite perturbed at having to stand in line just to get on a shuttle of the station.
"I have an important package destined for Jeclapus. I must get off this station now! Will five slips of latinum be enough to speed things up?"

Carter glared at the merchant as she scanned his ID.
"Are you attempting to bribe a Starfleet Officer Mr Tomag?"

"Nnn. No ma'am. Not at all." He stammered.

"Good, because that would delay you even further. Now we just need to scan your bag and you'll be on your way."
Carter was tempted to take her time with the scan, but decided against it. She didn't feel like dealing with an irate Ferengi.

"Everything checks out. You're free to go, thank you for visiting DS5, have a safe trip."

After exchanging a look with Bratac, Carter motioned for the next person to step forward. "ID please."

Col held out his id. The scanner beeped a rejected noise.

Bratac scanned the ID again with the same result. Fake IDs weren't uncommon, but with the recent break in and attack they were being more cautious. "I'm sorry sir, your ID isn't working. Mind telling us your purpose for being on this station?"

Further down the line Dev heard the exchange and winced. Would his fake ID hold up? He started to shift uncertainly, nerves twanging.

"I live here," mumbled Col. "Going to visit family."

"I see." Stated the burly Klingon. "Mind stating your full name and location of residence. Should be able to find you in the database."

Col hesitated a moment, and then ran for it. He spun on one foot and started to dash back along the line. As he passed Dev, he pulled on the man's arm, pulling him into the path of the pursuing security officers.

"We have a runner!" Shouted Carter, as she joined her partner in pursuing the man. A few of the officers in reserve moved up to secure the head of the line while others joined in the chase.

As they moved down the line, Bratac darted around Dev and continued after Col. As she moved past Col, Carter reached out to help the man back on his feet. As she did so, her empathic senses told her this man was highly nervous. Even without that sense, something about him seemed off. Keeping one hand on her phaser, she pulled out her tricorder.

It didn't take long to pick up trace amounts of explosive residue. That most likely placed him at the scene of the break in a few hours earlier. Drawing her weapon, she grabbed Dev by the arm. "Come with me sir, we have some questions for you."

For a moment the world went still. The he exploded into action, snapping his own hand down on the security officers arm, breaking her grip, then punched her in the gut, sending her phaser clattering to the floor.

Dev turned and ran.

Having joined in the chase, Papeghin initially ignored the interaction between Carter and Dev. She seemed to have everything under control. The sound of a clattering phaser and the additional runner quickly gained his attention. His initial concern was for his fellow security officer who motioned for him to continue on.

Moving into a full on sprint, the Denobulan closed in on the man. As he got closer, Papeghin dropped into a crouch. As his shoulder made contact with Dev's upper thigh, Papeghin straightened out a little as he wrapped his arms around the suspect's legs, bringing his hands together just above the left knee.

As the momentum carried them to the ground, he made sure to land on top of Dev. Only when Lecesse and Jenkins arrived, rifles at the ready, did Papeghin get up. As he hauled Dev to his feet, he saw Carter briskly walking over.

"Nice tackle. Let's get some cuffs on him, and into a holding cell."

"This is a mistake," Dev protested. "I haven't done anything wrong."

"Save it for the trial."

As they hauled Dev off, Carter headed for the security annex to give her statement.

A rising panic filled Dev. if he was caught he would be cut off, if he was lucky. If not, the boss could decide to tie up lose ends fairly decisively. He burst into action, elbowing Paphegin in the stomach , despite his cuffed hands, and then breaking loose. He made a lunge for the crowd waiting in line, slipping his hands over the head of a young Trill woman, choking her against the cuffs, holding her like a shield. "Weapons down or I snap her neck!"

What he hoped to accomplish was unclear. There were two security guards in close proximity, rifles at the ready, and several other armed guards nearby.

Having moved out to provide support when Col took off, Chief Petersen quickly took stock of the situation. Bratac had just reported the successful apprehension of the first suspect which meant those that went to assist would be returning. He just needed to buy a short amount of time before their arrival.

"You heard the man, back off."

As the teams complied, he turned his attention to Dev. "Killing her won't help your case at all." while waiting for a response, he discreetly gave commands to Criteser. "Have the returning teams hold position around the corner."

Dev began to back towards the docking gate again, trying to keep all the security teams in sight, the frightened girl forced to move with him or strangle. "I mean it!" He shouted out. "I'm going to get on that ship, and I'll kill her if you try to stop me!"

At this point all bets were off, they would have to act fast or risk a more dangerous situation. Thankfully the suspect was moving backwards while keeping the young Trill hostage which meant his focus was likely split. Petersen tried to keep the man talking and his attention on him and not the others. "There are several ships out there, you need to be more specific."

"Don't mess me around. Im getting on that ship there!" he jerked his head at the original docking port he was heading for. He jerked his hands and his hostage made a masty gagging sounds.

Taking his eyes of Dev for just a moment, Petersen locked eyes with Mitchel just long enough to give a slight nod. In one fluid motion the security guard un-holstered his phaser and fired upon Dev. As soon as the beam hit its target, several guards rushed forward and prevented the now unconscious man from further injuring his hostage. Once the two were separated, two members of the security team ensured Dev was better secured in preparation for a beam out.

"Are you OK ma'am?" Asked Petersen of the now freed hostage.

She nodded, rubbing at her bruised neck. Then she turned and kicked the unconscious Dev in the stones.

Petersen overlooked the kick.
"Glad to hear it. We'll need a statement from you, then you're free to go. If need be we can hold the ship you were heading to."

As the guards beamed out with their prisoner, the remaining team members tried to restore some semblance of order. "All right show's over! Let's keep things moving. Ship captain's don't like to be kept waiting."


Dev & Col
NPC by notty

Security Team
NPC Annora Tessaro


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