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FMS team arrives - continued

Posted on Sat Feb 7, 2015 @ 12:20am by Captain Isha t'Vaurek

1,681 words; about a 8 minute read

Location: FMS Precinct & COs Ready room


[FMS Precinct]

Steiner went to his office accessed his system and found the communications link to the Station Commander's administrative yeoman.

When the channel opened he introduced himself "Chief Deputy Marshal Steiner, I've just been assigned here and I like to meet with Commander Isha t'Vaurek at her convenience"

"Let me check her calendar for you." A moment later the yeoman replied, "Commander has a slot at 14:30 today, Marshall Steiner, and one at 15:45. If neither of those are convenient I can look at tomorrow?" she offered.

"Fourteen thirty works for me" Steiner confirmed "I'll see her then"

[Station Commander's Office]

Five minutes before the appointment Steiner presented himself to the Yeoman's desk, took a seat in the lobby and waited.

Precisely thirty seconds before 14:30 the yeoman came into the lobby. "Marshall Steiner, Commander t'Vaurek will see you now. If you'd follow me."

Steiner got up and followed the Yeoman. He wasn't sure what to expect from a Romulan, he'd had only limited contact with them in the past and knew them more by their reputation than through personal contact. This one had been appointed by Starfleet though, so clearly somebody, somewhere, in the 'Fleet's Brass had approved her.

Generally the Marshal's Service and Starfleet got along well, Steiner was used to working with Security Officers and Intelligence Officers and had collaborated on numerous joint-missions in his career, along with his own previous "Fleet service in Security. There was an occasional squabble over jurisdiction between Federation prosecutions and Starfleet JAG, but nothing major and he was hoping to establish a solid working relationship with the Commander and her subordinates on Deep Space Five.

He followed the Yeoman into a large and well appointed office, a Starbase has the space for grand command suites. The Commander was waiting for him.

Now composed after her earlier confrontation with the Cardassian Isha raised her head as the door opened. In human terms she appeared in her mid to late thirties and with her dark hair now cropped into a bob level with her chin she might have been Vulcan ... if it wasn't for the smile.

Isha rose, and with a nod to the yoeman said, "Thank you," in flawless unaccented Federation Standard.

"Marshal Steiner, welcome," she continued, "some refreshment?"

"Thank you Commander" Steiner returned the smile "Raktajino, extra strong" He realized as soon as he'd spoken that his usual beverage of choice was a Klingon drink, he wondered how a Romulan might take the request and if he'd just pissed off the most powerful person on the station.

As the drinks were brought Isha said, "I've never understood the appeal, but each to their own. I never could get Da'Nal to explain it to me either. Were you hoping to test my reaction, Marshal Steiner?"

Steiner gave a self depreciating grin "Not intentionally Commander, although perhaps your forbearance" A cool one he thought and clearly the diplomat "Some of us need the extra mental kick"

If Isha took any further mental kicks this day she'd likely need brain surgery.

"I was puzzled when I read the request for your office to be established, but then Security have been stretched recently, so perhaps extra hands on the promenade would not be out of place," beneath her polite words Isha wondered what the event that triggered the decision had been.

Steiner took as seat, sipped his coffee and started to explain, there really wasn't anyway to put this politely, the Commander needed to know what was going on in her new command. He ran down his investigation into a sector wide smuggling ring and the evidence he had so far gathered, that Deep Space 5 was being used to transition contraband goods.

The initial investigation had produced enough material to warrant reopening the Precinct with the small team he had brought in. "We're not here to needlessly snoop around, tread on toes or disrupt Starfleet's operation of this station. We're just here to uphold Federation law and prevent crimes. I sincerely hope we can cooperate fully with your personnel"

"There is another matter, potentially more serious than the movement of illegal goods." Steiner continued "Have you uncovered anything that might suggest the defense platform malfunctions were a deliberate act, or the result of some kind of sabotage or tempering with the defensive systems programming? I have reason to believe that might be the case..."

Isha listened patiently. It did not come as a surprise to her that criminal activity was now endemic on the station - so far from the centre of the Federation, and with a smaller staff than ideal station security had allowed things to get out of hand.

She supped her tea, and when the Marshal had finished speaking she lowered her glass and addressed his first point of concern. "We have had a recent change at the head of Security, our new chief is keen, though untried in such an environment. It is my firm wish that you receive the co-operation you desire, and vice versa."

She then considered his other question, "As yet the investigations are inconclusive. If you have reasonable grounds that there was deliberate foul play we can factor that into the review of events - that knowledge may point to something we might otherwise overlook.

"At the moment l have nothing solid that l can use in a case but if it could raised as a possibility with the engineering investigation team l would appreciate it and be happy to assist as needed."

"There is one other thing you should be aware of. Since his dismissal the former Chief of Security Dorian Gabriel has taken up permanent residence as part of the civilian community. He has unfortunately chosen to associate with some questionable people, and though he has been the centre of much unrest there is insufficient evidence to expell him from Deep SPace Five. I am sure your paths will cross in due course. I felt it important that you are aware of his former role."

"Thank you, might l ask the reason for his dismissal?"

"Several years ago Gabriel's fiance was found murdered whilst working in a joint Romulan/Federation research facility. Gabriel confronted her colleague who he thought guilty of the murder. Shortly afterwards the doctor and his Nausicaan assistant were found slain. Gabriel was arrested but later released due to lack of evidene. I was responsible for convening a retrial several years later when new evidence was found. I was Ambassador to this station at the time.

"He was found not guilty of murder, but through his behaviour he was found guilty of Conduct Unbecoming of an Officer. He was stripped of rank and expelled from Starfleet. That was over four years ago. I do not doubt Gabriel's animosity towards me, I can even understand it, however his attitude to those who are not human did nothing to aid his cause."

"Were the murders ever solved, or does he remain the prime suspect?" Steiner asked, while he thought that one over So there's a possible killer at large, who probably knows every security and tactical system on the station... No wonder he's making new friends

"They were never solved. One conspiracy theorist will claim it was the work of the Tal'Shiar, another something that Starfleet Intelligence required necessary ... and those are the less outlandish theories. I approached the case with the evidence presented to me, I do not have a personal opinion or interest in the matter - had he been extradited and tried in a Rihannsu court, there would have been sufficient evidence for his execution. He was not, the trial here on DS5 was a compromise, I must stand by its verdict. As to the truth?" she shrugged, in truth Isha did not know he answer.

Steiner nodded,it wouldn't be the first time some half baked theories arose around an unsolved crime. "And his replacement?" He asked.

"The new Security Chief has given me a good first impression. He replaces Lieutenant Trellis who has been in temporary charge since Gabriel was dismissed. I'm afraid that in these remote parts we don't immediately receive the support we require. Trellis has done his best, I'm sure," she said, leaving it in the air that 'best' had not proven good enough.

Steiner caught the intonation in that last remark A former chief who was dismissed and possibly involved in murder; and a replacement who hadn't quiet made the grade. It seemed the criminal fraternity had taken advantage of the situation. The new guy certainly had a major task in front of him "Well your new Chief will get my precinct's full support Commander" he assured t'Vaurek.

"In the meantime, I will be continuing with my investigation into the contraband cargo and I'd like to have a member of the team look over the investigation into the weapons platform incident if you approve? And who should they liaise with?"

Isha dipped her head, she understood it to be an approval in the context, "Ensign Harris is the new Security Chief, as to the platform incident, well, contact Commander Wyman he is heading up the investigation as I understand.".

"Thank you Commander" Steiner said sincerely. She could have claimed "fleet privilege on the weapon's platforms investigation., they were after all Starfleet systems. However, if the incident was a terrorist attack that would involve the whole Federation.

"Again with your approval, I would like to establish a regular meeting schedule with you and your senior staff to keep each other updated on investigations and so forth?"

"I'm sure we can fit something into the schedule," Isha said, "Was there anything further?"

"I think that covers thing for me" Steiner replied "Is there anything you need from me?"

"That's all for now. Welcome aboard"

Thank you Commander" Steiner replied. 'I'll arrangemeetings with Ensign Harris and Commander Wyman. Good day to you"

A few minutes later Steiner was on his way back to the precinct. That seemed to go well he thought Romulans in Starfleet, maybe it could work....


CDM Wolfgang Steiner
FMS DS5 Precinct

Isha t'Vaurek
Commanding Officer


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