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FMS Team arrives

Posted on Sat Feb 7, 2015 @ 12:18am by

1,290 words; about a 6 minute read

Location: FMS Precinct


[Hanger Deck 474]

Steiner found his way to the docking levels a few minutes before the scheduled arrival time of his new team, the deck's control area had a display screen listing the docking bays for incoming ships. The FMSS Van Buren Hendrix was posted for bay 474-12 and he wandered down there to wait.

A few moments later a klaxon went off and Steiner watched through a window as the landing strobes in the bay began flashing and the outer door began to open. Waiting beyond was a Danube Class Runabout, painted in Marshal Service gray. Once the door was full retracted the Runabout entered the bay and landed.

Steiner waited the two minutes for the door to close and the atmosphere to recycle, then cracked the door and walked into the bay. The Van Buren Hendrix's hatch swung open, six feet four inches, three hundred and twenty pounds of human male stepped through the doorway. His uniform barely concealed the massive phyeche, and with the crew cut blonde hair and crystal blue eyes, Senior Deputy Marshal Sven-Erik Aksdal was every inch the Norwegian Viking.

"Sven-Erik!" Steiner called out "They throw you out of the Academy for unnecessary roughness or what?!"

"Wulfgang!" The big man smiled and came over to Steiner, clapped him on the shoulder and gave him a bone crushing handshake "Hey c'mon, you know it's five years as an instructor, then you rotate back out! Anyway, Lanson said you'd get into trouble on your own and sent me to keep an eye on you!"

"Glad to have you!" Steiner said sincerely "How are the other two?"

"Tu-Selok's was in the last squad I taught. Her father is a Judge on Vulcan, she's very good on legislation and statutes, she got honors in most of her classes. Her squad just graduated, this is her first precinct"

"Hmmm... I told Lanson I wasn't sure this was a good spot for a new Marshal." Steienr replied

Aksdal nodded "Understood, she's new and green but she's smart, very smart and learns fast. Not much of a personality, like most Vulcans but I trust her"

"Ok, your word's good with me. How about the tech?"

"Tevlet, Andorian, fifteen year vet. I've not worked with him but I know a couple of people who have and they say he knows his stuff. " Aksdal explained "Spent most of the flight over here with his nose buried in some technical journals. He should work out"

"Good, so what else you been up too? How are the kids?" Steiner asked. Akdal had two grown children, he had raised them pretty much himself after his wife, a Starfleet pilot, died in the Dominium War.

As the pair spoke together the other two members of the new team exited the Runabout and joined them.

"Chief Steiner" Aksdal made the introductions "This is Deputy Marshal Tu-Selok, investigator and Deputy Marshal Tevlet, technical specialist"

Steiner held out his hand in turn and greeted them. Tu-Selok was a female Vulcan, she looked about nineteen which probably meant she was closer to thirty five. Short, slim, typical bob-cut dark hair, a serious expression but alert eyes that showed intelligence and curiosity.

"Good morning sir, I am pleased to meet you, sir" Tu-Selok came to attention and held out a PADD, "Sir, I thought you might like to see copies of my Academy transcripts and-"

Steiner held up his hand "Stand easy and quit with the Sir's too, this isn't the Acdemy, Chief or just Steiner will do."

"Sir, I am sorry Si-" Tu-Selok started again, then corrected herself "Chief Steiner, I apologise, I-"

"It's okay" Steiner said with a smile "Just relax, we're not formal out here"

'Yes Sir!... I mean Chief! Sir!" She opened her mouth to say more then Steiner wasn't sure but there might have been a brief flash of embarrassment before the Vulcan composed herself and closed her mouth, settling instead for a brief nod before she looked away and stared at the far wall of the hanger.

Steiner turned to the blue skinned technical specialist "Deputy Tevlet, welcome"

"Chief" The Andorain replied "I've taken the liberty of bringing our precinct supply order. It was scheduled for delivery next week, I had it loaded aboard and brought it now."

"Yeah." Aksdal chipped in "He damn near filled the Runabout. I've been sitting on a cargo case for the entire flight!"

"Good work. We'll go back to the precinct and beam it all down there" Steiner nodded, pleased with the technician's forsight.

"I need to bring a couple of the cases with me Chief" Tevlet said "I don't like to transport my specialized equipement, it throws off the calibration you know"

"Ah right, okay, we can take those with us then" Steiner agreed

[FMS Precinct]

Twenty minutes later and the four of them had finally lugged nine heavy cases of Tevlet's equipment into the Precinct.

"I thought he said a couple of cases" Steiner said wrly, tossing his jacket onto one of the cases and fanning himself with his hand. "Alright, let's get the rest beamed down here and stowed away What did you bring for the Armoury Sven-Erik?"

Aksdal smiled "The usual SWAT stuff, plus a couple of new toys we've been testing at the Academy that you're gonna like!"

"Such as?"

"Transport rounds! It's a low velocity ballistic pellet linked to a transporter tracker. You fire it at somebody, when the pellet impacts it sticks in the clothing or skin and initiates a preset transport program. You beam the bad guy directly to a holding cell! No more problems trying to get a transporter lock or focus in on a fast moving perp. It won't overcome a transport inhibiter but, if it's not removed, the moment the bad guy leaves the inhibited area it will activate!"

"Nice!" Steiner smiled

"Stun-Cuffs. A set of handcuffs with a built in stun setting. You carry the initiator and can operate it by remote or on a proximity setting. So if the prisoner you're escorting tries to run, once they get more than, say, ten feet from you, the stun kicks in. Or, they try and attack you and get within one foot of you, it kicks in then too. Guaranteed to drop a pissed off Klingon in two seconds flat. Comes with extensions for species with multiple limbs or appendages, too. Just have to remember "

Steiner nodded "Sound useful". Lets get the stuff down here and squared away"

Once they had unloaded the rest of the cargo from the Runabout they began work. Tevlet was happily setting up the technician's room and tinkering with his equipment. Aksdal was in the armory checking their weapons, body armor, helmets, shields and other tactical gear. Tu-Selok had volunteered to update the Precinct's computer, linking it into the main Marshal's Service database to upload the latest reports, warrants and briefings. Steiner went to his office and transferred his investigation notes from his time on the Hentar into his system, opening up files and case numbers for the various parts of the smuggling ring he had seen so far..

An hour or so later and the other three had finished, so Steiner came out to the briefing area and went over his investigation, detailing the evidence he had found so far and what areas the team would focus on next. He had just about finished when a call came in from Lanson.

"So everyone is there and settled in?" The Sector Chief Deputy confirmed "Good, well Wulfgang, I let Commander t'Vaurek know we were reopening the Precinct. She seemed pleased at the idea and want's to meet you. Make an appointment and go see her"

[To Be Continued...]

CDM Wulgang Steiner
FMS DS5 Precinct


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