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Security Briefing

Posted on Thu Aug 23, 2018 @ 8:16am by Lieutenant Annora Tessaro & Ensign Relyna Coleman

692 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Victory Conditions
Location: USS Ararat/DS5
Timeline: 1400 hrs/ MD 08

After ensuring the prisoners were secured, Annora made her way to the Ararat’s bridge. There she took the tactical station for the trip back to DS5. It was a quiet return, likely because everyone was still trying to process recent events. Like many crises, the fallout would touch every major department on the station. To what extent was not yet known, so for the present Annora would deal with the immediate security concerns and deal with anything more as they appeared.

As Deep Space Five came into view, she started making arrangements for the prisoners.
=/\= Lieutenant Tessaro to Security Control. =/\=

=/\= This is Ensign Coleman, go ahead Ma’am. =/\=

=/\= The Ararat is on final approach. We have multiple prisoners onboard. Ensure the brig is notified. We could also use some additional prisoner escorts. =/\=

There was a brief pause before Coleman responded to the request.
=/\= Understood Lieutenant, a team will meet you at the docking bay. =/\=

Once the ship docked and most the crew left, Annora motioned for the security team to come aboard. As they entered, she gave instructions to the Petty Officer leading the team.

“We have a large number of prisoners from the Skivari’s crew. Several of them will require medical care, the med staff will make that determination. Escort them to sickbay and remain there until they are cleared, then take them to the brig. I want them separated from the general population. Use holding cells on the back half of deck 578.”

The Petty Officer summarized the orders back to her.
“Escort the wounded to sickbay and then to deck 578 to join their fellow prisoners. Understood.”

As she herself was compelled to report to sickbay, Annora followed orders and made her way to deck 55. After a brief exam, she was given a clean bill of health and released. Trusting her subordinates to handle the prisoners, she headed to the security offices. Along the way, she noticed a higher than normal amount of security guards. Annora acknowledge their presence, but didn’t stop for any conversations.

Seeing her boss enter the security offices, Ensign Coleman rose from her chair.
“Afternoon Lieutenant.”

Motioning for Coleman to sit back down, Annora pulled up an adjacent chair.
“As you were Ensign. The station is still standing, that’s good. Why the increased security, is it because of the Skivari?”

The Bolian security guard reached for a data Padd as she responded.

“Yes, but not as you might expect. Approximately two hours ago, three people broke into the project office for the Skivari. The anti theft charges were triggered, incinerating all paper records in the room. We believe they were able to get a hold of the digital records. One of the three suspects is in custody, while the other two remain at large. The area around the office remains sealed off behind forcefields. Extra teams remain on the promenade and docking bay in hope to catch the other two. I suspect our extra prisoners are from the Skivari.”

“Correct Ensign. Especially as those on the first section put up an active resistance when boarded. Good work on handling the break in.”

Annora studied the information contained on the Padd.
“We’ll maintain the enhanced security measures for the time being. Perhaps the other two will still slip up. While we have no evidence of sympathizers on the station, I want extra security with the holding cells. Aside from a physical presence, I want to ensure that the turbolift doesn’t stop on that level without explicit permission from this office. If there are plans for a jailbreak, I want to make it as difficult as possible.”

Deck 578 was already a restricted area, but that alone wouldn’t anyone determined to gain entrance.
“Aye ma’am. Anything else?”

Hopefully this would be the end of excitement on the station for a while, but Annora knew better than that.

“ Let the senior security staff know, there will be a meeting at 1600 hrs. That will give me a few hours to try and formulate a game plan. Other than that, I’ll be in my office.”

With that, she left to go think things through.


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