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Posted on Sun Aug 26, 2018 @ 10:11am by Civilian Hydel Turvan & Lieutenant Liam Reynolds & Civilian Drusila Corval

1,498 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Victory Conditions
Location: Diplomatic deck outside the Cardassian Embassy
Timeline: MD10 - 2000


This was the second time this had happened and why did he always have to be on a chair when someone beamed him with no warning Liam thought as he was suddenly in a transporter beam and then falling on the floor, his chair no longer there to support him. "Get up," a familiar voice demanded. He didn't need to be an empath to know she was angry.

Liam was practically yanked to full attention, one arm giving him a full reminder of the strength of the Klingon species as he was then unceremoniously dragged ..... in the direction of the Cardassian embassy.

"Dru," he spluttered. "Whats going on. Why am I here?"

The tall Klingon ambassador responded by letting his arm free and slamming it unceremoniously against the door repeatedly. The abrupt arrival and persistent pounding of the Klingon immediately came to the attention of two Guards who were posted near the front entrance. Not wanting to take any chances, the Glinn signaled for Gul Meran to be called to the front of the Embassy while they initially responded.

Within several moments, Gul Meran appeared in the foyer, flanked by two more additional troops. He took several moments to examine the two individuals and spoke in a slow and deliberate tone.

"Explain yourself, Klingon, otherwise my men will take this as a hostile action and respond accordingly." Gul Meran said, his hand hovering close enough to his sidearm.

As two cardassians who should not be armed in the diplomatic deck appeared, no doubt "untrusting of Federation security" she bellowed. "Get your sniveling, condescending, laughable ambassador out here now,"

Gul Meran continued to evaluate the situation. Obviously the Klingon was not planning an invasion of Cardassian sovereign territory. However, it also was not certain whether he meant to do the Ambassador harm. The Garrison Commander decided to err on the side of caution.

"Su'van, activate the holo-emitter so that our His Excellency can be present to witness this." He said, not taking his eyes off the angry Klingon. It took several moments before the image of Ambassador Hydel Turvan shimmered into view. He looked at the two individuals behind him and furrowed his brow.

Liam was just as clueless. Turning to Turvan he merely said, "Ambassador, why am I here?"

"Now, this is odd. Normally the Federation is carrying the Klingons around like lost pets." He said sarcastically. "I must say this is quite the reversal in positions." He added.

"What is the meaning of this?" Drusilla demanded practically slapping an actual piece of paper with what looked suspciiously like a very familliar cardassian seal to Liam. Identical to Turvans families. Liam got closer reading what he could as the cardassian started on a response. It was a poem. A poem, his eyes opened wide. To send a Klingon female a poem meant only one thing. Asking permission to court them.

Liam groaned and thought to hell with it, he wasn't diplomatic officer any more. "Look I really don't need to be here for this "horribleness" so why am I here?" he demanded, "and you ambassador," he thrust a finger at the holographic coward, "you need to step out from behind your holographic shield and face the lady. And apologise to the universe for," his nose scrunched up as he read the awful poem, "crimes against the arts. This truely is terrible."

"Your here to tell me if he's truthful," Dru practically growled.

"I am not your personal lie detector," Liam stated louder than he normally would. More ambassadors and staff were pooling out to watch the spectacle.

Despite being a holographic projection, the look of disgust on Ambassador Turvan's face was clear. He gave a nod to Gul Meran who strode towards the two and ungraciously snatched the document from Liam's hands. The Garrison Commander held the note up for the Ambassador to study. Ambassador Turvan studied the document for several moments before erupting into a exaggerated and patronizing laugh.

"You think I would waste my valuable time and energy writing. . .this nonsensical garbage to her" He pointed, not even dignifying the Klingon with basic acknowledgement of her presence.

"This is a joke, isn't it? This is your Commander's way of getting back at me because I hurt her feelings earlier, isn't it?" He said. "She sends her pet and her. . .her. . ." Ambassador Turvan's brows furrowed in slight confusion. "I'm sorry, what exactly is your role on this installation again? It must not have been too important because it's completely slipped my mind." He said to Liam.

Before Liam could respond, Turvan waved a hand dismissively. "It doesn't matter. What does matter is that we should congratulate the Klingon on being able to read at an adult-level." He said as Gul Meran crumpled the letter and threw it at the Klingon's feet. "Are we done here?" He asked rhetorically.

Liam merely laughed. This was hardly Commander Soran's style.

"And we should congratulate you on being a coward," Dru informed him. "What sort of a Cardassian has to hide behind a holographic projector to face what he has implied is an illiterate Klingon? However I am relieved if it wasn't from you. It means I don't have to break your jaw and carry the shame of having the affections of a moronic ugly spoon head who is in fact a public coward. You couldn't of handled me anyway even if in some far off alternative universe circumstances were very different. There are rumours of your lack of stamina or sexual proweless. I'll stick to my pet," she shot Liam a very hungry and sultry look.

Liam found himself laughing further. Dru however continued and asked a very interesting question.

"I am sure theres little brain matter in that casing you call a head but can you possibly use what minute amount is available to narrow down the number of people you have pissed off that would play such a joke? And to what they can possibly attain from it?"

"In addition to not having any interest in spending a minute in the presence of your room-temperature IQ, I am conducting Cardassian business off-station. An obviously foreign concept to you and your pe---" Ambassador Turvan said, but stopped himself as his eyebrows raised in surprised.

"So that is why you've brought your Federation Handler here! You wish for him to defend your Honor and strike down your would-be suitor!" The Cardassian said with obvious amusement.

"I must say Mr. Reynolds, to go from that little Bajoran piece on the Promenade to a Klingon official, you certainly are making the rounds." He said boisterously as he shared a laugh with Gul Meran.

"Well, I can honestly say you have nothing to fear from me -- or pretty much anyone that walks upright and has opposable thumbs -- in terms of encroaching on your. . .claimed territory." He said while trying to stifle another laugh.

Liam stood up still grinning. "That was a long time ago Ambassador. And I won't lie it was one hell of a night. Shes right you couldn't handle her. And Dru don't …. "

He didn't get to finish his sentence as an explosion suddenly ripped through part of the diplomatic deck. He was knocked off his feet from the force coming from its direction. Panic suddenly descended, people running, screaming. As klaxons started going off several Klingons ran up to them.

"Ambassador, someone just blew up several embassies on the south end of the deck. We have to evacuate this floor."

A holographic Emblem of the likes Liam had never seen before suddenly as the smoke was thickly dispersing among the large deck appeared.

Dru coughed several times for a moment raised a fist up at the Cardassian holoprojection still in one piece although fires were breaking out getting closer,

"How convenient that you are off station doing "business". If I get wind you are responsible for this the House of Corval will not rest until you drown in your own blood."

"Dru," Liam said shakily getting to his feet, "Gul Meran forget the hostilities we need to evacuate now."

"Initiate Secure protocols delta-3! Recall all Embassy personnel. Notify the 127th that we are under attack and have possibly suffered casualties and to prepare to provide immediate assistance." Gul Meran immediately shouted to the Soldiers near him. With lightning precision they dispersed in their respective directions and carry out their tasks.

Gul Meran and Ambassador Turvan merely shared a look between each other and a simple nod as his image dissolved.

=/\= "This is Gul Meran to all Cardassian Soldiers, you are engage in Secure protocols, deadly force is authorized" He said as he turned to the two non-Cardassians before him.

"Get out and go tend to your burning Embassies." He simply said, not wishing to mince words.


Hydel Turvan
Cardassian Empire

Denat Meran
Gul, Garrison Commander
Cardassian Empire (NPC)

Lieutenant Liam Reynolds
Chief counselor

Ambassador "Dru" Corval
Klingon delegation npc Liam Reynolds


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