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Reopening the Precinct

Posted on Sat Feb 7, 2015 @ 12:16am by

965 words; about a 5 minute read

Location: FMS Precinct


After leaving The Box Of Delights Steiner made his way back to his hotel room. Going into the bathroom cleaned up his split lip. Damn that little Ferengi had hit hard! Finishing up he went back out, activated the room's terminal and made a call to his boss.

Landon answered "Wulfgang, how's the investigation going?" then he caught sight of Steiner's face "Uh-oh, what happened?"

"Had a run in with some Ferengi..." Steiner explained the altercation in the bar. "So basically my cover is gone. The whole bar heard them identify me, so I'm not going to get anywhere as Crewman Stone anymore. However, I do have a lead! I think I spotted a Shuttle making an un-checked delivery in one of the docking hangers. It's a start at least, and I can run it down "officially" now"

Lanson nodded "Damn shame about getting recognized, but can't be helped. I'm just glad it wasn't worse! Alright, go reopen the Precinct. Ive already dispatched you a team and a Runabout, the FMSS Van Buren Hendrix They should get there later today."

"Who did you send me?"

"Deputy Tu-Selok, she's new just graduated"

"Not sure this a post for newbies..."

"Trust me, she's smart even for a Vulcan! Top marks in her classes, highly recommended by the Instructors"

"Alright, we'll give her a shot. Who else?"

"I got you Sven-Erik Aksdal" Lanson said with a smile

"Sven-Erik? That's great" Steiner knew Aksdal, he was a huge Norwegian. Had been a small arms and unarmed-combat instructor at the Marshal's academy and was a solid, reliable Deputy.

"I got you a technician as well, Tevlet he's Andorain. He can run the office and handle any technical needs. You sure you only want three people Wulfgang? DS5 is a big place. I can get you another twenty Marshal's inside a week if you want?"

"No, the four of us will be fine. I want to try and keep things low key"

"Sez the Chief Deputy who just got involved in a barroom brawl!" Lanson smiled. "Alright, I'll get on to DS5 and let the command team know you're taking up post. Give me a update in a day or so. Now then, how do I pronounce the name of the Romulan Commander again - Ees-Sharr Tee-Vor-eek?""

They finished their conversation and Steiner packed up his bag and checked out of the hotel.

[FMS Precinct]

Steiner found his way to Deck 162, stepping of the turbo lift he walked down the corridor until he came to a door marked with the Marshal's Service emblem. He tapped in the standard FMS entry code and the door slid open. "Computer, lights!" he called and entered the lobby area.

The room brightened and he looked around. There was a reception desk, a small waiting area, with a couple of couches and a door leading back to an administrative area. He tossed his bag onto a couch and went into the back. On one side was a series of offices, a door marked "Armory and Equipment" another marked "Evidence Room" and a third marked "Communications and Technical".

On the other side was a conference room, a bathroom, and a small kitchen. He wandered in there, started the replicator and ordered Rackajino, Hot, Black, Sweet

He took a swig of the Klingon coffee then winced when the hot cup came into contact with his bruised lip and nearly spilled the mug all over himself. Awww damnit!

Gingerly sipping the brew, he continued his tour, going through a heavy door marked "Detention Cells". This also required a security code to enter. There were four holding cells, an interview room and, through another coded door, a small transporter pad.

This enabled the transport of prisoners directly to, or from, a Marshal's Service prisoner transport vessel or let Steiner and his team move around the station. There was also a double set of reinforced doors leading through a sally-port back to the corridor outside.

Back in the admin area he opened the coded door marked "Armory and Equipment". It held a couple of empty weapons racks and some shelving. The "Evidence Room" contained a series of high security containment lockers, each with sophisticated locking systems requiring multiple codes and a retina scan to open.

Finally the "Communications and Technical" room held an encrypted communications panel with a rack of secure commbadges; a cupboard held a number of standard surveillance devices. there was also a technician's workbench and small engineering replicator for repair or production of other technical equipment.

He tapped some commands into the replicator and a few moments later it had produced him a fresh Marshal's uniform and a badge. He changed and tossed his civilian clothes into the disposal unit.

Then Steiner started up the comms panel, took a commbadge, activated it and stuck it on his tunic. Tapping it he said =^= Steiner, DS5, to FMSS Van Buren Hendrix What's your ETA?" =^=

A few moments later there was a response =^= Cheif Steiner, this is FMSS Van Buren Hendrix, Deputy Tu-Selok. We should be arriving at Deep Space Five in four hours, eleven minutes, thirty seven seconds =^= The voice was female and Vulcan.

=^= Steiner copies. I'll meet you in the hanger. =^=

=^=Understood, Tu-Selok, Out! =^=

Steiner went back out to get his bag from the lobby couch and then selected one of the offices to make his own. The first one was slightly larger, had a desk, with a couple of chairs before it, a shelving unit, a display screen on the wall and a couch, chair and coffee table. This would do.

He set the bag down, put his coffee on the desk and sat at the desk. Leaning back he wondered what kind of challenges this new assignment would bring.


CDM Wulfgang Steiner
FMS DS5 Precinct


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