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Business and the law - II

Posted on Sat Feb 7, 2015 @ 12:14am by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin

1,186 words; about a 6 minute read

Location: Box of Delights



She lead him back of house to her office, a luxuriously furnished black and white confection that had been carefully designed to not clash with her ever changing colours. There was thick black carpeting, even thicker white rugs. There was a sofa and chaise longue in a rococco style that looked like they would provide the closest thing to a hug you could get from an inanimate object. The drinks cabinet was carved from a black wood, in an intricate overdecorated style. The desk was conjured from wrought iron, and topped with glass.

Behind it was the only source of colour. Assorted weaponry was mounted to the wall. Mostly there were knives, coshes, knuckled dusters, vicious looking throwing spikes and claw tipped gloves but also a bat'leth and what looked like a breen neaural truncheon. There was also about half a dozen energy weapons, personal phasers and disrupters. And finally, in glorious incongruity to the rest of the collection, was a pair of gold lame underpants.

"Quite the office" Steiner said as he looked over the armaments display, a number of which were certainly illegal in private ownership. He decided it would be churlish to issue an on the spot citation to the woman who had just saved him from a beating. He glanced at the underpants, was going to ask about them, then decided he probably didn't want to know.

Instead he settled for finding out who the woman was. She'd said "my office" and this didn't look like the work place of a mere hostess. The owner perhaps?
"So, now you know who I am" he asked "And you are?"

"I'm Yolanthe. This is my bar." She looked at the jumble of ice and towel he was holding to his face.

"Give that here," she took it without waiting, opened it, rearranged the ice, refolded it with a practiced hand, and put it against the beginnings of the bruise forming on his cheek.
"Hold." she put his hand over the icepack. Then she pointed to one of the luxuriously upholstered chairs. "Sit."

Steiner let go as the ice-pack was taken away, then took it back again. Yeah, that was better He gave her a quizzical look when she threw the commands at him. Clearly used to giving order's too Then smiled "Alright" he said wryly "Your office, your rules" and took the offered seat.

"Since you had to ask, I'm guessing you're new. So new you haven't had a chance to chat with Trellis or that worm Dorian Gabriel. So I'm going to get my side in first." She poured a whiskey from the drinks cabinet, and held it out to him.

"I had nothing to do with Klia's death. If any being chooses to negotiate financial recompense for affection with my dabo boys or the dancers, that's their private business. My tables are not rigged, and I absolutely do not have anything to do with the Syndicate. But my drinks are all real, and if people can't hold their booze, that's their problem. I do not run a hive of scum and villainy. Are we clear?"

Steiner took the glass and listened, appearing to check out the drink his mind logged every word she said. He gave the whiskey a sniff. Single malt, expensive and certainly not replicated.

He fished a single ice cube out of the compress, dropped it in the glass and gave it a gentle swirl, not wanting to drown the scotch. He took a sip, Damn, that was good snuff! "You're right about the drinks" he nodded "And I hear what you say. I'll factor that in to the responses from Trellis and Gabriel" Just as soon as he found out who Trellis and Dorian Gabriel were!

"Obviously whenever there's a death we conduct a thorough investigation." Which I'll start as soon as I find out about the Klia who died

"And I'm sure we'll be talking, in more "official capacity", at some point." He replied "As for what goes on in your bar, as long as you're "not" running a clip joint then we shouldn't have a problem"

He wasn't sure on her Syndicate involvement denial. Booze, gambling and prostitution were right down their alley. And from the look of the place, she was turning enough profit to come to their notice, even if she was just being leaned on for a little protection money. Steiner figured she was a local power-player but the Syndicate was hard to beat as an independent. Still, she seemed friendly enough and would know a lot of what went on under the sensors aboard DS5. He decided he was going to get better acquainted with this woman, a good source was always valuable.

"Clip joint?!" Yolanthe turned bright yellow for a moment. The nerve of the man. "I offer only the genuine article. I don't water anything, which is why more often than not the Federation types have to be carried out rather than walk out. I use the replicator for glass ware, furniture and such. Even my holo-programs are top of the line."

"So, where does this good stuff come from?" He asked, holding up his glass

"That, Marshal, is Glen Lairg burnt oak matured 15 year old single malt scotch whiskey, from Earth. I have a good supplier who gets me a cask now and again. I keep it for the connoisseurs. If you want some, I do make private arrangements for bulk sales."

"This will do for now" he smiled, noting her color changes. Well you certainly could tell her mood He finished the scotch and set the glass down on a side table, being sure to set it on a coaster. He stood up. "I appreciate the assistance earlier." he said

"We'll talk some more on the Kila matter after I'm settled in. probably in my office. I'm sure it won't be quite as grand as yours, but I make a mean ractajino" he finished with a smile and held out his hand "Good to meet you, Yolanthe"

Yolanthe had turned pale lemon at the mention of investigating Klia's death, but shook the proffered hand firmly. "I'm the biggest venue on the staiton, marshal, my place attracts proportionately more trouble." She didn't let go of his hand "But all my patrons come here because they can have an evening of indulgence without harassment. I'd hate for that change."

Steiner noted the extended hand-holding she's a cool one and played it cool right back "I'm sure the Federation Marshal's Service never engages in the harassment of legitimate free enterprise. We always show the utmost respect and courtesy to those members of the business community who support our work" keeping hold of Yolanthe's hand now

Cocky little boy. "Then I look forward to seeing you again, in a purely off duty capacity," She extracted her hand as graciously as she could. "Let me show you out."

Steiner grinned as she retrieved her hand "Sure, but just so you know, a policeman is never off duty..."


CDM Wulfgang Steiner
FMS DS5 Precinct

Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, the Box of Delights


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