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Fatal Consequences (Part II)

Posted on Sat Aug 11, 2018 @ 6:24am by Civilian Hydel Turvan

1,465 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Victory Conditions
Location: Cardassian Embassy
Timeline: MD09 - 0730

Gul Denat Meran and Ambassador Hydel Turvan sat and were going over the operations reports for the embassy complex. Ordinarily, Gul Meran as Garrison Commander would have tasked the responsibility down to a lower-level officer. However, the recent catastrophe involving the rogue Starfleet vessel and thrown everything into disarray. Gul Meran wanted to ensure that the Embassy was properly fortified and prepared for any subsequent attacks from this new menace.

Ambassador Turvan shared Gul Meran's concern, but he was also focused on Cardassian interests on the station as a whole. There was no telling if the cowards who called themselves "Free Earth" were insane enough to attack the Embassy itself. However, there were countless Cardassian civilians throughout the station that were vulnerable to this terrorist group with access to sophisticated and deadly technology.

"I have put in the requests to have the barracks updated." Gul Meran said from his seat across from Turvan's desk. "With these new additions, we will be able to increase our capacity by 20% and maintain Quick Reaction Unit on 26-hours surveillance." He said. "They could deploy to any portion of the station and respond as needed to put down any threat." He added.

"Good. . .good. . .we must remain vigilant. I doubt we will receive much push-back from Cardassia Prime regarding funds and manpower." The Ambassador said as he scrolled through the list before him.

"Sir, I've been able to handle the coordination and the execution of strategy regarding forces onboard the station. However, we still have the issue of the 127th Tactical Wing." Gul Meran said. He was a fully-capable leader, however, he was not arrogant enough to believe that he could oversee the combined forces of the station garrison as well as a Tactical Wing that had not only suffered an embarrassing surprise attack, but also had lost their Commanding Gul.

"Your timing has always been remarkable Denat." Ambassador Turvan said just as his comm unit chirped.

*/\*"Ambassador Turvan, Gul Velshur has arrived." His assistant Seldon said.

*/\*"Send her directly to my chambers." Turvan responded as he put his padd down and turned to face the door.

Within several moments Gul Kalena Veshur entered the Ambassador's chambers. She entered the room and immediately came to attention as was customary when greeting a senior member of the Cardassian government.

"Your Excellency, Gul Veshur reporting as requested." She said firmly, but not aggressively. She had risen through the ranks of the Sixth Order by recognizing her strengths and not attempting to be more masculine than her male counterparts. She was patient and had a keen attention for detail. Throughout her career she was placed in charge of complex or technical missions that needed more than just a blunt-force response. She preferred to be behind the scenes as opposed to leading the charge from the front. She did not need personal glory, to her all that mattered was returning the glory of Cardassia.

"Thank you for taking time away from the Traxell to appear before me." Ambassador Turvan said as he gestured towards a chair. "I trust that you are already familiar with Gul Meran, Garrison Commander for the Embassy." he said, uncertain of her level of interaction with his senior assistant.

"Yes, Your Excellency, I am familiar with Gul Meran's recent return to Deep Space Five." She said as cast a brief glance towards the Gul and then returned it to Turvan. Her response left open the question of just how much she was aware of Gul Meran's prior incarceration at the hands of former-Ambassador Therak Getal. If she was aware, then she choose not to make it known nor her opinion on the matter.

"How goes your investigation into the attack on the Beldon and the Viksan?" Turvan asked, choosing to move the conversation along. "It is my understanding that the Svikiri's weapon left very little in the way of survivors or wreckage." He said.

"That is correct," Gul Veshur replied. "The device appears to function similar to a generator of a black hole." She said, briefly pausing to take in the realization of what she was about to describe. "Each attack launched by the device creates an event horizon that generates a gravity well so strong that not even light can escape it. The weapon is designed to build on the one before and destabilizes the space around the target." She said, stopping herself before getting too deep into the technical aspects and losing her audience.

"The first strike against the Beldon generated more energy to distribute against the Viksan. Undoubtedly, if the Starfleet vessel was left unchallenged, it would have continued to increase its displacement field and possibily take out the entire Kel'elk." She said.

Turvan nodded as he took in what she had explained to him. He shared a glance with Gul Meran. Meran was aware that Cardassia had never faced such a sophisticated and damaging weapon. The fact that the Federation had designed and implemented it caused both anger and admiration in the Cardassian.

"My team and I will need to continue our investigation before we can have a thorough understanding of just how the device operates and what possible defenses we may raise against it." She said matter-of-factly. Her vessel was never meant to take command, it was simply there to provide logistical support, never direct engagement. She was more of a scientist-soldier compared to her other colleagues. Her actions were done out of reaction to an immediate threat, not because of some tactical plan.

"Well, you will have to delegate that tasks to a capable subordinate." Turvan said in reply as he slid a padd across his desk towards the female Cardassian.

"I'm sorry, Your Excellency?" She said, taken aback. "I was under the impression that my findings were accurate. . .did you have a problem with something that I had done?" She asked, still caught off-guard.

Ambassador Turvan smiled at the sight of her confusion. It brought him no uncertain amount of amusement to see when he had completely surprised a person. He enjoyed possessing such knowledge over others.

"No, in fact, quite the opposite." He said to her as he leaned forward on his desk. "As you are aware, Gul Nivall has been recalled to Cardassia Prime. What his future will be is unknown and quite frankly, not my concern." Turvan explained. "As it stands, he and his entire command-staff have been removed from active duty, leaving the 127th Tactical Wing without any firm leadership." He said as both he and Gul Meran stood.

"Gul Kelena Veshur, as a direct result of your bravery and decisive action, thousands of Cardassia lives were saved and total mission failure was avoided." Turvan announced. "You are hereby to report to the Warship Nuvor and assume command of its crew and the entire 127th Tactical Wing." He said to the still bewildered Cardassian leader.

. . .she was shocked into silence.

"B-b-ut Your Excellency, I--I have primarily served in support and sustainment capacity. I have not lead any ground units into battle. The 127th is much much more different than my vessel the Traxell. Gul Nival--" She said, but was cut off.

"Gul Nivall was a cancer to this entire detachment. A cancer that was spreading to every single Soldier that followed his orders." Turvan said through clenched teeth. "As the senior government official on this installation, I have been granted the authority to assign the most deserving officer to assume control of the 127th and I have made my decision." He said with finality.

Gul Vashur nodded slowly as she began to fully comprehend what was being said. She slowly rose from her seat and looked at the two other Cardassians.

"Very well, Your Excellency, I shall began preparations to transfer my command without any further delay. Thank you for this opportunity." She said appreciatively.

"You have quite a road ahead of you Gul Vashur, I expect results." He said as he grasped her hand and shook it earnestly.

She returned the gesture and shook the hand of Gul Meran as she came to attention and was eventually dismissed. As she exited the chambers, Gul Meran waited until the doors fully closed before he addressed the man across from him.

"Do you believe that she is ready?" He asked.

"Ready?" Turvan said sighed. "Denat, Fate rarely call upon us at a moment of our choosing." He said as he sat in his chair and brought up the schematic of the 127th Wing.

"I suppose she has no choice but to get ready." Gul Meran said as he faced the display.

Hydel Turvan
Cardassian Empire

Denat Meran
Garrisson Commander

Kelana Veshur
newly-appointed Commander, 127th Tactical Wing
Cardassian Empire


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