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Posted on Tue Aug 14, 2018 @ 8:25am by Civilian Melvyn Raddon & Civilian Hydel Turvan

1,068 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Victory Conditions
Location: Federation News Network
Timeline: MD 09

"Good evening, I am Eche Fuliar, correspondent for the Federation News Network here on Deep Space 5. Tonight we discuss the fallout after yesterday's surprise and deadly attack by the USS Svikiri. Early estimates put the death toll at almost 1500 Starfleet and Cardassian lives lost in the horrific attack." The woman said as the camera zoomed in on her.

"Joining me today is one of the local Human business and community leaders onboard the station, Melvyn Raddon." She said as his image was placed along side of her. "Melvyn Raddon is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of the Raddon Corporation, a conglomerate with a focus on Dilithium refinement and extraction throughout the Federation." She explained.

"But for more on the growing hot-bed of emotion, let's go live to Melvyn Raddon." She said as the holographic projection of Mr. Raddon appeared beside her. "Welcome back to the show, Melvyn." she said.

Melvyn smiled graciously. "Please, m'dear, thank you for having me, it's always a pleasure to be in such good company." He said.

"Melvyn, what has the reaction been among the civilian population to this. . .this. . .catastrophe for lack of a better word?" Eche asked.

"It's. . .it is quite devastating to be honest." Melvyn said. "For generations Starfleet has prided itself on being the exploration and self-defense arm of the Federation. For this attack to take place, without any provocation or threats, it is just simply mind-boggling." He said incredulously.

"Melvyn, early reports are indicating that there was a broadcast from Captain of the USS Svirkiri stated that he was affiliated with the Free Earth Movement. Let's play a clip from his last transmission.

"I am Hayashi Tetsuro, formerly of Starfleet, but now I represent the forces of the Free Earth movement. No longer will Humans bow to the Federation, or tolerate those races who endanger them. Cardassian vessels, you have one minute to turn tail and run back to Cardassia, or I will destroy the rest of you." The projection of the former Starfleet Captain faded out.

"Shortly after that transmission his vessel opened fired on the Cardassian Union Vessel Vikshar, killing all-hands onboard." Eche said as the camera returned to her.

"Melvyn, What do you say to those that believe this Free Earth Movement is somehow affiliated with the Raddon Corporation and its various political machinations? It is no secret that your organization has sponsored many anti-alien/pro-Human events on this station in the past several years." She said. "There are also rumors that one of the crewmembers of the Svikiri visited your establishment prior to the ship's departure." She said more pointeldy.

Melvyn laughed aloud before taking a pause to respond. "M'dear, you should know by now that I am not one to dabble in rumors or half-truths. As one of the largest employers on this station, the Raddon Corporation is dedicated to encouraging leadership, not division." He said with that same affable smile. He had become an expert in dodging inconvenient questions that he did not wish to answer.

"To be honest, I wish that I had the chance to speak with Captain Tetsuro prior to this unfortunate incident. Perhaps I would have been able to convince him to voice his frustration in other ways instead of in a manner that would cost so many Human souls." He said, his face becoming long with apparent grief.

"Human. . .and Cardassian souls, don't you mean Melvyn?" Eche said quickly, pointing out his omission of the other lives lost in the incident.

"Errh...uh....yes, I'm sure they'll be mourned to." Melvyn said dismissively.

Eche allowed the silence to hang in the air for a moment before shifting gears. "Well thank you for being on our show, Melvyn. I look forward to speaking with you again."

"Thank you, Eche, take care." Melvyn said as his image faded and the camera returned to Eche's face.

"Next we hear from the Cardassian Government and how they are responding to this deadly attack. Of the nearly 1500 people killed, 927 belonged to the Cardassian Union." She said. "Joining us today is Cardassian Union Ambassador, Hydel Turvan." She said as the projection of Turvan from the Cardassian Embassy came into view.

"Ambassador, thank you for coming onto our show." She said. "Let's get right to it, how has Cardassia chosen to respond?" She asked.

"Well, Ms. Fuliar, my government is still dealing with brutally painful reality of the situation." Ambassador Turvan said in a very serious tone. "We have established a support fund for the family members of those 927 Cardassian Patroits who lost their lives defending the Empire." He said solemnly. "There is no reason their family should have to bear this great tragedy by themselves." He added.

"Ambassador, the Cardassian Union has always been known for putting up a strong front, not appearing to look weak. So far there have been no declarations of reprisal from Cardassia Prime." She asked.

"Ms. Fuliar, unfortunately, this is not the first time that Cardassia has had to endure unchecked terrorism at the hands of Federation citizens." He said. "Thousands of Cardassian citizens were butchered by Maquis terrorists for years while the Federation dithered on how to respond." He said slowly. "However, we as a people have made the determination to continue to seek out peace with the Federation and other governments, even as elements within their own military seek out nothing but unrelenting war." The Cardassian said in his most sympathetic tone.

"We are dedicated to seeking common ground with the Federation and maintaining peaceful relations; however. . ." He said as his voice strained with emotion. "We cannot do it alone, we cannot do this without the Federation taking the necessary steps of punishing those who wish to destroy all that has been built in the name of peace since the end of the Dominion War." He said with apparent emotion.

"Only time will tell, Ambassador, only time will tell." She said as she transition to the close of her segment. "Join us next time as we speak with the survivors of the USS McBride and learn how they are coping with the fallout. I'm Eche Fuljar, and this is the Federation News Network." She concluded.

Melvyn Raddon
CEO, Founder
Raddon Corporation

Hydel Turvan
Cardassian Empire

Eche Fuljar
DS5 Correspondent


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