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Fatal Consequences

Posted on Thu Aug 9, 2018 @ 11:42am by Civilian Hydel Turvan
Edited on on Thu Aug 9, 2018 @ 11:00pm

834 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Victory Conditions
Location: Cardassian Embassy
Timeline: MD09 - 0230

". . .you were not taking decisive ac..." Gul Druman Nivall began to say, but was cut-off before he could finish his sentence.

"You were reckless and that is to say nothing of your unrepentant arrogance" Ambassador Hydel Turvan said angrily as he stood from his chair and pointed at the Cardassian Commander. "You ignorantly took vital military resources and used them for your own stupid and selfish reasons." Turvan said as he walked around the desk.

"Who the hell are you to talk down to me about military decisions!?!" Gul Nivall said in response. "You are a paper-pushing bureaucrat that has allowed the Federation to walk all over us both on this station and on that planet!" He spat back.

"Who am I?" Turvan asked rhetorically. He took two more steps and stood face-to-face with the Gul.

Across the room, Gul Denat Meran stood by, prepared to jump in between the two if necessary. However, he knew that the Ambassador was able to fully capable of defending himself. However, Gul Meran knew that his position as Garrison Commander required defending the Ambassador from any and all attackers.

"I did what needed to be done to protect Cardassia! Whether it be in the past, its present, and its future!" Gul Nivall shouted back as he pointed a finger in Ambassador's direction.

"Protect!?! You and Legate Umar's plan could have destabilized Cardassian and allowed the Founders to have become more power than they already were!" Ambassador Turvan roared. "You executed an unauthorized mission and lied to my face about its true origins." He added. "Nothing you or that bastard Legate Umar did anything that was for any other interest but your own." Turvan said bitterly.

"Who am I" Turvan asked rhetorically again. "I. . .am the only reason that you are still alive right now." Ambassador Turvan said through clenched teeth. He was restraining himself from strangling the other Cardassian for fear that he would not be able to control himself.

"The same way you were able to keep the Beldon and Viksan alive?" Gul Nivall shot back. "The blood of those crews are on your hands because you spent so much time and energy coddling the Federation and allowing their dangerous fanatics to grow into the diseased terrorists they are now." Gul Nivall said spitefully.

"Your ignorance cost the lives of those Cardassian Soldiers that went down to the surface of that planet thinking that they were escorting a child back home. IN fact, we don't even know if the child was able to return home was killed in the cross-fire!" Turvan shot back.

"Oh save me the dramatics, Hydel. Those Soldiers knew what they were going down to that planet for and they knew exactly what the risks were." Gul Nivall said proudly. "You see, Hydel. . ." Gul Nivall said as the Ambassador turned his back to him and walked back towards his desk.

"All Soldiers under my command understand that their fate belongs to Cardassia. They are prepared to carry out any and all orders given to them for that specific reason." Gul Nivall said confidently to the now silent Ambassador.

". . .I see." Ambassador Turvan said in an uncharacteristically quite and level voice.

"Yo--you see? You see what, Hydel." Gul Nivall asked, not certain at all what the politician was talking about.

"I see. . .what needs to be done." Ambassador Turvan said as he turned back around and faced the Commander. Nivall's admission confirmed that he was the source of the scheme. He was the cause for the lack of Good Order and Discipline that every military unit needed to remain lethal and effective.

He had to be removed.

"Gul Druman Nivall, you have been re-called to Cardassian Prime. Upon your arrival, you will stand-to and cooperate fully with the investigation into your actions here, on Pangaea, and during your aborted mission into the past." He said with stone cold dictation.

Before the Commander had a chance to respond, Turvan shoved a Cardassian padd directly into the man's chest. "The Orders were signed before you stepped foot into my office. Save your energy and your speeches for your debriefing before the Council." Ambassador Turvan said as he turned his back on the Commander. Debriefings. . .that was the polite euphemism for when you were being questioned intensely by your own side.

"You are dismissed." Turvan said, his voice filled with obvious contempt.

Gul Nivall paused for several moments to read the padd. The gravity of the situation became obvious to him as he comprehended the words before him. He did not give any witty reply or snappy comeback. He had received his orders. He turned on his heels and walked directly out of the door.

Perhaps never to return.

Hydel Turvan
Cardassian Empire

Druman Nivall
127th Tactical Wing

Gul Denat Meran
Garrison Commander


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